Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/939

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894 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 405. 1889. dred and eighty-eight acres, and the latter company so_much_ of the seventy five acres, on the east side of the Missouri River, likewise embraced in said agreements, as the Secretary of the Interior shall decide to have been agreed upon and paid for by said railroad, and to be reasonabl necessary upon each side of said river for approaches to the bridge oty each of said companies to be constructed across the river, for r1ght of way, side-track, depot and station privileges, machine—shop, freight house, round-house, and yard facilities, and no mms more: Provided? That the said railway companies shall have made mtl;°’c'$",$,'{I§,lL{_'°il` the payments according to the terms of said agreements for each mile of right of way and each acre of land for railway purposes, which said com anies take and use under the provisions of this act, and shall satisip the Secretary of the Interior to that effect: Pro- ·r¤ be mea rm- mu- vided {urrther, That no part of the lands herein authorized to be taken "`“’ *"“`*’°’“’“ °“"’· shall e sold or conve ed except by way of sale of, or mortgage of the railway itself. Nbr shall any of said lands be used directly or indirect] for town site purposes, it being the intention hereof that said lanch shall be held for general railway uses and purposes only, including stock yards, warehouses, elevators, terminal and other facilities of and for said railways: but nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent any such railroad 'company from building upon such lands houses for the accommodation or residence of their employees, or leasing grounds contiguous to its tracks for warehouse or elevator purposes connected with said railways: Payments _ And pravidedffurther, That said payments shall be made and- said conditions per ormed within six month after this act shall take efuwmmmwmme fect: Andlprofvided further, That said railway companies and each of

  • " ’“”° "“°“°“ them sha , withinnine months after this act takes eifect, definitely

locate their respective lines of road including all station grounds and terminals across and upon the lands of said reservation designated in said ments, and shall also, within the said period of nine months, dle with the Secretary of the Interior a map of such definite location, specifying clear y the line of road the several station grounds and the amount of land required for railway urposes, as erein specified, of the said se arate sections of land and) said tracts of one hundred and eighty-eight acres and seventy five acres, and the Secretary of the Interior shall, within three months after the filin of such map, designate the plarticular portions of said sections and of said tracts of land which the said rai way companies respectively may take and hold under the provisions of this act for railway urcousuyucmm and poses. And the said railway companies, and each of them, sdall, "°"'*°“*“°“ °‘ ’°““· within three years after this act takes effect, construct, complete, and put in operation their said lines of road; and in case the said lines of road are notdefinitely located and maps of location filed within the periods herembefore provided, or in case the said lines of road are not constructed, completed, and put in o eration within the time herein provided, then, and in either case, the lands granted for right of way, station grounds, or other railway purposes, as in this act proreueaem. vided,sha1l,without any further act or ceremony,be declared by roclamation of the President forfeited, and shall, without enty or iliirther action on the part of the United States, revert to the United States and be subject to entry under the other provisions of this act; and whenever such forfeiture occurs the Secretary of the Interior shall ascertain the fact and give due notice thereof to the local land officers, and thereupon the lands so forfeited shall be open to homestead entry under the provisions of this act. mma em Sino. 17. That it_ is hereby enacted that the seventh article of the V°*· *¤» IL W- said treaty of Adpril twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, securing to said Indians the benefits of education, subject to such modincations as Congress shall deem most effective to secure to said Indians equivalent benents of such education, shall continue in force for twenty years from and after the time this act shall take effect;