Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1128

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FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 546. 1891. 1075 Fon Rnronmronms AND Parsons. m§;,§{*,_’m°'°"°° ml _ SUPPORT OF CONVICTS: For support, maintenance and transporta- dSc·§>1><>r¤,•¤¢c-,¤f¤¤¤— tion of convicts transferred from the District of Columbia, to be ` expended under the direction of the Attorney—General, twenty-one thousand dollars. TRANSPORTATION or Pnurmzs Arm Pnrsommsz For transpor- mf_;;;·;_Pggc¤“¤ 0* tation of paulpers and conveying prisoners to the Workhouse, our ' thousand dollars. ' Fon Wxsmnorou Asvnumz For one intendant, one thousand two wuhinztnnsqnm. hundred dollars; one matron, six hundred dollars; one visiting phy- s1c1an, one thousand and eighty dollars; one resident Hphysician, four hundred and eighty dollars; one clerk, six hundred dollars; one baker, four hundred and twenty dollars; one overseer, nine hundred dollarslive overseers, at six hundred dollars each; one engineer, six hundred dollars; one assistant engineer, three hundred an fifty dollars; one second assistant engineer, three hundred dollars; live watchmen, at three hundred an sixty-five dollars each; one blacksmith, three hundred dollars; one hostler and ambulance driver, two hundred and forty dollars; one female kelgper at workhouse, three hundred dollars; one female keeper at wor ouse, one hundred and eighty dollars; three cooks at one hundred and twenty dollars each; two cooks at sixty dollars each; one trained nurse, four hundred and twenty dollars; live nurses at sixty dollars each; one tailor, three hundred dollars; in all, thirteen thousand eight hundred and seventiy five dollars. For contingent expenses, including improvements an repairs, pro- o¤¤u¤ge¤¤¤p visions, fuel, forage, lumber, shoes, clothing, dry-goods, ardware, medicines, repairs to tools, cars, tracks, steam heating and cooking apparatus, pamtiug, and other necessary items and services, fifty thousand dollars. For building and fittinghaddition to female workhouse, five thou- mm ·¤¤¤¤¤¤•• sand dollars, to ether wit the sum of twenty thousand dollars, ap- ' propriated by the District of Columbia appropriation act, approved Am, p. sos. A st six, eighteen hundred and ninety, for raising magazine butildling two stories and fitting it for female workhouse, whic sum _ _ is hereb reappropriated and made available for the object herein ,,.*,Yj,'},§’,{"°""‘“°“· provided, for. _ _ For inelosing portion of reservation number thirteen, transferred m{¤¤¤·¤ s¤>·¤¤d ¤i¢¤- to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia by act of August ` sixth, eighteen hundred and ninety for burial ground, five hum red ma. and Efty dollars. For furniture for hospital and dining room, eight hundred dollars. Furnicmeew. d Igor completing dining-room for new operating ward, five hundred 0 ars. ' Fon Rmronm SoHo0L; For one superintendent, one thousand five asm-m semi. hundred dollars; assistant superintendent, nine hundred dollars; teachers and assistant teachers, three thousand five hundred dollars; matron of school, six hundred dollars; three matrons of families, at one hundred and eighty dollars each; three foremen of work shops, at six hundred and sixty dollars each; farmer, four hundred and eighty dollars; engineer, three hundred and ninety-six dollars; one assistant engineer, three hundred dollars; baker, cook, shoemaker, and tailor, at three hundred dollars each; one laundress, one hundred and eighty dollars; two dining-room servants, seamstress, and chambermaid, at one hundred and forty-four dollars each; florist, three hundred and sixty dollars; watchmen, not exceeding Eve in number, one thousand one hundred and fortdy dollars; secretary and treasurer of board of trustees, six hundred ollars; in all, fourteen thousand two hundred and iiftfy two dollars. _ _ For support o inmates, including groceries, flour, feed, meats, dry Suppmormmsnes oods, leather and shoes, gas, fuel, hardware, tableware, furniture, farm implements and see , harness and repairs to same, fertilizers,