Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1560

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CONVENTION-GREAT BRITAIN. JULY 12, 1889. 15].] Done at the city of Washington this 25th day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun red and ninety, and of [SEAL.] the Indeppndence of the United States the one hundred and fourteent . _ Bam. Hsnmsorz By the President: Jams G. Bums, Secretary of State. APPENDIX. [For convenient reference article X of the Treaty of August 9, 1842, is herewith reprinted.] Tnmnrv ro Smrrnn Ami Dmmm Bouunnzms; Fon run Fmn. SUPPRESSION OP THE AFRICAN SLAVE TRADE ; AND FOR THE GIVING UP OF CBIKINALS FUGITIVE FBOH JUSTICE. Ooncluded at Washivigton, August 9, 1842 ; Ratofcahions exchanged at London, October 13, 184.2 ; Proclaimed November 10, 1842. o • s • • s ·r ARTICLE X. I Itisngreedth•ttheUnited8tntesandHa·Bri·I;anni Majestyshall tual uidtious by them, or their Ministers, odlcers, or adthonties, ym1ii1ade, §iver tcgustiee, all personswho, being chargedwiththecrimeot murder,cr nssaultgthintent to commit murder, or pir¤e§nor•rsn¤, or robbery, erfmgliyu ortheutteranceofforgsd ,committedwithejurisdictionoteither, seek an asy1um,or shall the territories of theother: Provided, thatthisshallonlybedoneuponsuchevidencect criminality as, according to the laws of the place where the fugitive or person sochnrged, dull be‘foun , would justify his aplrehension and commitment for trial, if the crime or ofence had there been committed : And the respective judges and other magistrates of the two Governments,shall have power, Qunsdiction, and authority, upon complaint made under oath, to issue a wgrrantltorbethe apprleheiésion otottgie ugitive ez, person so si-ged,thath ma. be oresuc or ermagstra ,respectizlely, to the and thm the leavlidence of mmndhdtyggrhay be heard and considered; and if, on such hearing, the evidence be deemed sufficient to sustain the charge it shsllbethedutyot the examining judgeormagistrate, tocertify thesame to the r executive authority, that a warrant may issue for the sunenderof such Rig-itive,-—'l’be expense of such apprehension and delivery shall be home and detrayed by the party who makes the requisition, and receives the fugitive. Anncm XI.

  • * * The tenth article shall continue in force until one or the other of the

parties shall signify its wish to terminate it, and no longer.