Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1564

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CONVENTION—MEXICO—BOUNDARY. MARCH 1, 1889. ].5l5 in either of those rivers such as que sean de las prohibidas por el are prohibited by Article III of articulo III de la Convencion de v¤i24,p. 1012. the convention of November 12, doce de Noviembre de mil ocho- ’ 1884, or by Article VH of the cientos ochenta y cuatro, 6 por el treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo of articulo VII del tratado de Gua- Februaig 2, 1848, they shall so dalupe Hidalgo de dos de Febrero notify their respective Commis- de mil ochocientos cuarenta y sioners, in order that the latter ocho, lo notincara al Comisionado may at once submit the matter respectivo, para que este someta, to the International Boundary desde luego, el punto a la Comi- Commission, and that said Com- sion Internacional de Limites, m1ssion maylproceed, in accord- y esta proceda, conforme a las ance with the lprovisions of the prescripciones del articulo preceforegoing artic e, to examine the ente, a examinar el caso, y decase, and that it may decide cida si la obra es de las permiwhether the work is among the tidas 6 de las prohibidas por number of those which are per- las estipulaciones de aquellos tramitted, or of those which are pro- tados. hibited by the stipulations of those treaties. The Commission may provi- La Comision podra suspender, , sional1y suspend the construction provisionalmente, la . construe-1 of the works in question pending ci6n de las obras en cuestion, the investigation of the matter, mientras se examina el asunto, y and if it shall fail to agree on this si no se pusiere de acuerdo sobre point, the works shall be sus- este punto, se suspenderén las pended, at the instance of one of obras ai. peticion do uno de los dos the two Governments. Gobiemos. ‘ - Anrionn VI. Anricnno VI. In either of these •ases, the En cualquiera de estos casos, Examination by Commission shall make a per- la Comision hara un examen °°""'““*°"‘ sonal examination of the matter personal del asunto que motivare which occasions the change, the el—cambio, cuestion 6 queja, y uestion or the complaint, and dara su fallo respecto del mismo; ghall give its decision in regard para lo cual observara los requisito the same, in doing which it tos que establezca un re lamento shall compl with the re uire- formadglpor la misma Comisién ments established by a boidy of yaprob opor los dos Gobiernos. regulations to be prepared by the said Commission and approved by both Governments. Anrrorn VII. Anricuro VII. The International Boundary La Comision Internacional de Gommissionmsend Commission shall have power to Limites tendra facultad de pe- '°" *’°*’°”· °"°· call for a rs and information, dir documentos é informes, y and it dhalllj be the duty of the las autoridades de cada uno de authorities of each of the two los dos paises tendran el deber countries to send it anly papers de enviarle cualesquiera docuthat it may call for, re ating to mentos que ella les pida, refeany boundary question in which rentes a cualquiera cuestion de it may have jurisdiction in pur- limites en que tenga jurisdiccion suance of this convention. conforme a esta Convencion. l The said Commission shall La misma Comision tendra rnmgmmmony. have power to summon any wit- facultad de citar a los testigos nesses whose testimony it maly cuyas declaraciones crea convethink proper to take, and it shall niente tomar, y las personas be the duty of all persons thus citadas tendran el deber de comsummoned to appear before the parecer ante la misma y de dar