Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1623

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1 576 INDEX. _ Page. _ _ Page. A1*my—Contmued. I Arsenals and Armor1es—Contmued. promotions. etc.-—Continued. propéiation for \Vatervliet, West Troy, retirement of officers physically defi- . Y .. . . 395, 975 · cient . ..,. 562 for repairs, etc ... 395, 975 discharge with one year’s pay if fail- for manufacture, etc. , of arms at armorure other than physical ... 562 ies ... 156, 779 examination of officers appointed for new shops, etc. , Springfield, Mass. .. 157 from_civil life, volunteers, etc . 562 Arseniate of Aniline, reorganization of Signal Corps ... 653 on free list .. 603 restoration to, on retired list, of Tenedor Arsenic, Ten Eyck, authorized . 500 on free list .. 603 retired officers not to receiwglpensions 371 sulphide of 603 summary courtfor trial of isted men. . 648 Art Educational Stops, goxntposition .. . m on free list .. 603 oc et Art Squa es, sentence to be approved by commander. 648 duty 01: woolen, etc . 598 trials by one officer 648 Art, Works of, specific penalties for minor offenses 648 on free list, by American artists . 611 accnxdupnay have court-martial on de- 648 Arte,,,,," Ways fo,. Imgatwn Hwposes, . Q report of atsés biieaf Q] ff I I I I I I I Q ZZ III I 648 d°'“°"`i'}§§,§,*,§*f§°*;§,‘§‘§}“R,€§{,y€*§}§,f‘f,‘Qj,§‘,$,{€ £hgiri1f<>i*1¢¤<r¤ may arrest d¤¤¤r¢<=r¤ -- 648 report . . .Z 42 e 0 service during war compu as · · . _ doubneums my mmm; enlisted men. 504 mt §§’,,;’,,f,‘§"f,{,f‘;'Q,,f,}‘,§§,1"’°11S’ G" 42 trialsfor desertions in time of peace notto Arm K." N Y d N J '``'`'°`` be brought after two years; proviso. 54 uc) 11 601; f ‘ an ‘ " t f hmm 429 Armyand Naivy Hospital, Ho Springs, Ark. Agggfesprm or lmpmvqmeu ° r' Army G$;cFa(;,;0§,£_l duty on unmanufactured, not enumerated 613 ==·¤·r¤·r·,,¤··,,;*·>¤*··r¤·¤¤M¤¤rr*¤r¤¤¤¤¤*¤r 3.‘1“£2t"2f.T$.?;$§‘2si‘°§i$.§‘1h‘;'3°£2‘€?¤t;;.;¢ °“‘ 5“”’ --·-····--··-·-··-------— 317 ’ rated .. ’ . 613 formmhmery ' ’ '’'`'°’'`‘’ 817 s1m11ar'to two or more enumerated . . . 613 for wash room, etc 317 if . tor méchiinssy for projectiles, ew .. . S1; *1*,;,* m°gb¥:*;•gi3f duty ¤p1>11<=¤b1¢· 618 or office ding . . ················· for railroad siding, em . ms f°’°'g“- "““?‘“Y °*°·» F° ha" ‘ for en e, etc ..., . ... 318 °9u°u'-Y °f (mgm m"k°d m Eng' ' mn ma mm Il hsh .. .. . 613 for lgftglnch :,3::: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i _ _ U _ 318 to prevent conception, prohibfm. lathe and Pune,. ___________________ 769 _ it . .. .. _ .. 614 fo,. buildings __________________________ 769 reimported to pay mternal-revenue tar. . 616 for machinery. tools, etc . . . . . . 769 · lf mmfé? b°”"°d W”€h°“S°» *°P%Y*m‘ 616 for shrmkagctpit, etc ...,...,., · 769 f must uw; ‘ { ‘ ‘ ‘€ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ = ‘ ‘ ‘ 603 for cars, etc., or shifting, etc .. · 769 °'{ r°° ’ cm 3* or Yung rr t°‘°m°g‘ for ipcmsing wml shipment memes, 769 Artwlvr of 1?<»w¢·w Gmvtk rw-· mmmi to if or American ummm. ais ¤¤ frreh 1¤¤¤gdr¤¤¤·¤¤d fmm abroad rm- 603 Army Officers scc Otllcers, Army). c ang .. Arnold, 'Willk L., not to ap ly if drawback has been ald€H¤l€D0y & tion for judgment _ lowes. 1 . _ ,. 60 3 againsfct of Columbia _,,,___ 514 renmported tobacco to pay mtemal tax. . . 603 Arnold, Constable, and Company, Article: of War, _ _ _ deiicnencyj appippnation for judgment limit of time for trial of deserters m time against trict of Columbia ... 870 of peace . . ... 54 Avéragc, . not to until expiration of enlist- 54 u on. ,... m n ... -. . . . . Arreara of Taxes, D. C'., 589 limit of discretionary punishment ·for appropriation for advertising 1063 court·martial convictions may be sn o estate for 24 prescribed by President ... 491 ratqof mterest if paid before July 1, 1990, 102 Arhfficia Flowers, etc., _ forge extended to Qctober 31, 1890 ,,,,, 686 duty ou. 600 drmmrpggep gxétfersst Ealpaid by June 80, Amjpciag gpm, go pgabied ,30;,;;,,,,, · A t , pe ty ...,,.. 1079 j appropriation for. .: ..,... 402, 979 ’0'n°“’h3°°n§t l deficiency appropriation for . 38, 873 Ar 8 and - .~ .: . 603 Aploflgpiilstsued every three years 1103 . . 7 , ¤¤£)rlj>g;=a¤¤¤ 3;. Rock Island, H1 .. $2 a on me ua .. 004 f¤r<>f!i•r=ers’qi1arters:;;;;i;;Z;;:Z22:. ,779 du Oghmmumcuugof 001 for AuB'¤¤]¥¤»G¤· ··-···. . .. 395,974 ontgee list, immauufactured .. . 604 for Benec1a, Cal .,. 395 Asbury, JE C., £0l’ lgpukfordt Pa. . . . 895, 974 may build hotel, Fortress Monroe, Va 213 or ranagolm, Ind. .. . .. 974 Aches, `

  • 0* $**1;*13* wk Drvvmz ground .. 395, 974 on free list ... 604

for Iagertown, Ham., testing ma- W5 Amide, N U., . ... . ... 395, ‘ · 5 5 · · - mam, etc .. 3051 °‘°£ ?£.‘-i'£?.,‘"2.‘..‘ff‘..‘T’T?‘T*Ti’f’. am y