Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1630

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mnmx. 1583 _ Page. - ` Bloomington, Ill., _ _ _ Board of Ordnance and Fortmcation-Con- has construction of public building at, author— tinued. med. . Z ... . ... 707 contracts maybe awarded to two or more agpropriation for .. . .. 949 persons if prices are nearly the Blue ook (Ojhcial Register),same ; tests, etc .. . . . 319 appropriation for preparing, etc ,. 941yment for 319 Blue Vztnol, limit of expenditures ... 319 duty on 567 guns, etc., to be of American manufac- Bluehzll, Me., ture . 319 appro riation for survey of . 460 0D0—fo\11'th of the guns ma beoonstructed Bzees, Igussian, Chinese, etc., on Pacific coast . . .. 319 uty on 569 mentstobemadefromex1sting`a ro- Bluf Oreck, Miss., my riations ... . ... . . 319 appro riation for improvement of ... 443 annual, report as to experiments, cost, etc., Blum, george, to be made .. . ... 320 [pension . . . . 1266 additional civilian member to be ap- B y, Adeline (widow), pointed . . . . ... . . . . 769 lpension ... . ... 1821 amount for breeclvloming guns increased 770 B ythe, James. limit for expenses of tests increased . 770 honorable discharge 1441 less number of guns may be contracted Board ofE:va·miner.s·, SteamEngi1u:ers, D. C'., for . . .. , . 770 appropriation for compensation ; .. 290, 1085 all material to be of American manufac- Board of Ordnance and Fbrhf/ioution, ture . 770 appropriation for constructing gun and Board of Visitors, mortar batteries .. . .. 316 appropriation for expenses Naval Acadfor land, em., for batteries 316 amy 202, 811 condemnation proceedings ... . . . 316 Military Academy .. . 167, 820 limitation . . 316 Boardman, William H, for manufacture of steel seaooastguns.316, 768 payment of French spoliation claim to for Held and siege cannon . . . .818, 788 administrator of . 903,905 contracts from private parties invited. 317 Boardman, Gorham and Homer, for seaooast mortars .. . ... 317 payment of French spoliatiou claim to constructed ou Pacific coast .317. administrator of assignee of ... 898 for sights, etc . . .317, 768 Boards, for metallic carriages, field guns . 317, 768 duty on sawed ... · .. 582 for altering carriages . ... 317, 768 on planed, etc 582 for carriagesfor mortars . 317,768 increased, from oountryimposing exfor carriages for siege rifles ... 768 port duty . ... 582 for carriages for si? howitzers. L . 768 Boat Him, Consulates, A for machines, etc., atertown Arsenal, appropriation for . 281, 1061 Mass ... . . 788 Bookings, for tools, etc., Frankford Arsenal, Pa. . 768 duty ou . .. 598 for inspecting implements, gauges, etc. 768 Bocke, Mary E. (widow), for powder for tests t 317. 768 { pension restored .. .. , . . 1240 for projectiles ... . . . .317,768 n Baeuf River, La., for steel shell ... : . 768 appropriation for improvement of ... 444 for steel plates for experiments . . . . 768oonstruction of two bridges acrossauthon for armor plates for tests 317, 768 z ized . . . .. 422 for steel armor ierciug projectiles 768 I Boggs, Henrietta E. (widow), for testing steel £reech· oading mortars. 768 * pension increased ... 125.5 for expenses, etc., `proving ground, 4 [ Boggs, William Jl., Sand Hook, N. 768pension increased . .. 1407 for steel {hr coast defense guns; adver- { Bugle, William G.. V tisement . 769 I payment of judgment of ttourtof tllaims in 537 for carriages for seacoast guns.1 . , 709 § Bogota. for disappearing gun carriages 769 1 appropriation for secretary of legatimi for army un factory .. . 317. 769 E and consurgenem1 . 273. 1054 materié purchased to be of American Q Boyne Chitto. La.. manufacture .. . . . . .318. 769 ‘ appr¢;priation for improvement of .A. 444 board on facilities for furnishi steel p Bogue halia. La.. castings, etc., to be appoint;} . 318 appropriation for improvement of . . 444 appropriation for expenses . . . . 318 Boiler Tubes. etc.. for purchasing articles from abroad for duty on 578 experiments, etc . . . . 318 V Boilers. Inspectors of. for expenses 318 V office of. changed from Galena to Dufor experiments of pneumatic gun-canbuque .. . . 292 riages. segmental guns, and high G Boise C'ily.`Idaho, explosives .. . . ... 318 ; appropriation for salaries. assay office at . 218. 928 for test, etc,. recoil—operated infantry V for expenses . .. . ... .2-1-8, 928 small ami .. . . 318 ; deficiency appropriation for supplies . 508 light rapid fire. etc.. Held gun ... 318 Q penitentiary granted to the State 216 for retiring seacoast defense carriage. . 318 Boleryocls. Rebecca (mother). for counterpoise battery .. 319 pension .. . 1164 proposals for breech-loading steel guns i Bolivia. to be invited .. . .. 319 ‘ appropriation for minister to .. 272. 1053