Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1669

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1 622 innmx. .P . .@0’IlI Salts, Page Evening Star Newspaper Compang, D._C., age duty on .. . .. 568 deficiency appropriation for a vertising Equipage, Camp and Garrison, Army, tax list: .. 512 ap,p,1,;>priation for. . . . ... 154, 777 for advertising ... 513, 869 ' it for military prison ... 155 Everts, George, deficiency appropriation for . 877 pension . ._ . . . . . 1328 Equipment of Vessels, Navy, Ewald, Mary (widow), appropriation for . . 192, 802 pension ... o . 1277 new ships, etc . 815 Ewing, Charles, Equipments, Infantry, Cavalry, and Artil· pension . 1459 lery, Army, Ewing, Elmore E., appropriation for . ...1. 156, 778 pension increased ... 1237 Erasers, " wing," Revenue Steamer, duty on . . . . 579 appropriation for rebuilding . 958 Ergat, Eunng, Virginia L. LL (widow), Ecu fas list .. . ... 605 ·i,é,· ,,,6,,,, -···· - · · - 1244 glgbmpéauau for im rovement of had-, or_ 430 appropriationfor fees and expenses 188 , 1082 Erskine, Julia A_ (,mgdg»w), examinations . 188, 1082 pension ..,.. 1145 d¤’¤i¢i<==¤¤y ¤ppr<>pri¤¢i<>¤ for fees and ex- E8camb[:a_Rq:vgr,_['la_,andAla_, PCH8GB.--.. . .. a propfriation for improvement of .. . . 442 E“ha”9€ (8% LOSS by Exchange}- Eaiaa, ary Mofgan (,,,0;;,,,,.), Eavcrescences, Vegetable, pension _________________________________ 1386 duty on _ 568 Essex River, Mass., on free hst, crude .. 605 appropriation for survey of .. 459 E“°“t"’€ D8P“"l’!W”t8» _ Etc mag, _ to provide oxlnbifs for W0rld’s Columbian duty on .. . ... . 599 EXPOBWOH ······-·--·----· - ·_ -·--- 64 on free list, for the Government . 604 board to P!'°P”€; °t°·» to b€_°¥'8¤·mZ€d · 64 published 20 yea,-B_ __,_________________ 604 chief clerks authorized to administer oaths for societies, etc .. .. .. 608 Qi °lH°° to aPP°¤¤t0€$· free ---··--- 371 E[hn0]0gy’ NOq•th American, vacancies m head of, may be temporarily ,1,,3,,[g,)foPl'l817i01I for continuing researches.383, 963 E,,,,,,,,,,,,,:;u§,d“;§T 30 dB·yB .. 733 Y nsesf duty; on onipinn-io. . . sas ¤1>1>1;<;£,¤g;¤<>¤s for --·-- , ··-------·-··--- 234, 915 m ric . . ... 568 , €m·‘”°”· _

1f,ty:—1,,o and all mnt ... sos “Pil’0’,_°P"”·*?°“t,*;°' ¤*P¤·¤‘¤· f¤¤L ste ·----· 396, gg

o er .. 568I°P°·“S °u$° ·-··--·· - ··-- Eulogies for (portrait of ex-President Grover mba 0n_ ,l€V§l3.]'1d... cool, James B 1111 Q; },§§§f,‘§‘§6é,;£s· · gc ················· S9'? 9*6 Cox, S. S . . . . ‘ 676 deacieuc is ‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘ *897* 976 Ga , Edward J ... 1113 - Y “PP'°P“° °“ °' °‘°°°“° **8*** Kefley, Wmim D ____________________ 6,,4 E,,,,,,,,,,,;16,,,,,,, ... sn Nunn d. · ,· - · · · % appropriation ’for private secretary of the Rmtdwi, Samuel J ______ , ,1 ,1, , , , , 680 President, assistant, etc . . . . .234,915 Townshend, Richard W .. . . 674 §°' °‘¥“‘¥“g°“* °”‘P°"?°* ······ · ····--· 232 9*5 Wabar, David , , , , , , , •-.'___·_. , , , , , , , 6,,9 d ,pr_prmting and hnicling . ._ .. 412, 989 additional copies of um bound, S, S, e cnency appropriation or printing and Cox, to widow. .. 1114 for c*§Qf};l“{,H, at- · —·-····· — ······· I T3'}?-¥·?’Zé':I££"3£€2‘,¥,,2,"?,f1?{a mw , ¤¤~=·~u~·»» vm go o?? S ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘······ 8*** slupwreeked seamen, Arctic Ocean 1867 apprxxmgéon g?pgom1n?s?3’ 1062 "L‘u¢¤w," 00h00h8T. _ _ _ sioners from 1878 to 1883 to be made , 1062 payment of French spohation claim on ac- · fo1‘ font, advertising, etc ,... 294, 1063 count of . . .,.. 900 for advertising taxes in an-mm-S ________ 1053 Enum, Algmqndgp, for register of wills . 294, 1063 pension in,,<;·,ea§ed ... 1405 P°P°"€ gr MVN Gulistmevt of indi- , ., _ 8611 ys ...,. . ,294, 1063 , dgfcigqqx a, pmprgmjon for Services, Sta- déiicwncy appropriation for contingent mundane. sss,sss* ,, .°xP*{*;S& ···-- - -—----·- 512 .El’(l7lG, E. G., EL*’P€' Iclwev gr _ _ , paym8u6 of French spouatiou Claimm ad_ Q payment of French spoliation claim on mmmtmml. Of, _________·.··___·_.· 906 _ E _ account of ... _. 908 EMM, John K,, g .rperun,e,Zz,,,,r'?,z,,atimi, Department of Agri- E$,?§$&, -, .. 1218 approggiatipn for preparing part of Arlingpension. . . .. 1381 ‘ Enpmmmi sldiéhié ``````'````'```'```` 288 E'*'“”8· 2;;*$'E,:?l’,,;;,,,,,,t f _ I appropriation for expenses of .. 288, 1050 Elxm Gunlat Him,,,,; Courtof Claims to 524 de meppy Xapgrgaiaéitga, for, Arizona. New nppzopnodonrorming . . 156,779 forNorthI1akota QZZZQZZQQZIQZZIZZ sg