Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/170

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I]6 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 233-236. 1890. shores of the State of Michi an lying` west of the principal meridian and south of the latitudinaldine ividing township forty-three from townshi numbered forty-four north of the base line of the State, except tllie territory borderingh on Green Bay, and including the Island of Bois Blanc ; in whic Grand Haven shall be the port of entry, and Cheboygan, Manistee, and Ludington ports of dehvery." Approved, May 20, 1890. ¤¤¥¤»Wl°- CHAP. 234.-An act authorizing the registration of census mail-matter. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the mmnmm United States of America in Congress assembled, That all mail- "°“‘”'°“°'· matter, of whatever class, relative to the census and addressed to the Census Office, to the Superintendent of Census, his chief clerk, supervisors, or enumerators, and indorsed “Official business, Department Free ammmion of the Interio1·, Census Ofhce, Registered," shall be transported free """*"‘°'°‘*“"“· by registered mail; and if any person shall make use of any such mark of registration to avoid the payment of any registry fee on p.-rm,,.,,,,,;,,,;. his private etter, gapkage, or other matter in the mai , the person j¤·**=·•¤¤*¤*'•· so ofending shall deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and subject remit;. · to a fine of three hundred dollars, to be prosecuted in any court of competent jurisdiction Approved, May 21, 1890. - 81,mn. CHAP. 235.·-·A.'l1 act authorizing and the sale of certain roperty L1 belonging to the United States, situate in Pittsburg , Pennsylvania. P _ Be it enacted q the Senate and Honsenzg Representatives of the rmum-yi., r.. Unikd States of merica in Congress asse led, That the Secretary certain imma of War be, an hereby is, authorized and directed to sell and convey {‘,°§fl"°’°'°’*"· °° to the urchaser or (purchasers, all the right, title, and interest of the United) States in an to all that certain parcel of ground, belonging Mmmm to the United States, situate in the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, at the northwest corner of Penn avenue and Garrison alley, in the fourth ward of said city, fronting one hundred feet on the west side of Penn avenue and extending northwardly along the west line of Garrison alley, preservin the same width, to low—water line of the mm w mum; Allegheny River, subjectgiowever, to such public easements as exist °"""°“°" thereon and thereover. umm- me wm Sec. 2. That said sale shall be by public auction after due adver- °"'“°·°°°~ tisement, daily, for three weeks in three newspapers of the city of Pittsburgh, and after ublication of notice by (printed hand-bills posted for that length og time on said property an in ten of the most conspicuous places in the said city, and s all be of the property as a who e or in parts, for cash, as in the fjudgment of the Secretary of War may best subserve the interest o the United States and secure the best price for said entire property. Approved, May 21, 1890. my 21, 1800. CHAP. 23* -—Au act to authorize the construction of a bridge across the ""—"_"" Oconee River, in the State of Georgia. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the ,h':n¤§lee¤éi{:m_;gg United States of America in Congress assembled, That the assent of oompmkmy bi-sage Congress is hereby given to the Wrightsi*ille and Tennville Railm "°’ °‘D“ road Company, an organization incorporated under the laws of the State of Georgia, its successors and assigns, and such other person