Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1700

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xmmx. 1653 Pago. . Judge-Advocate-Gencra1’s D e p a r t m e n t, Jute·-Continued. Page

         dutgézu  of, etc .. . . . . ggé

approp or pay ; on- on . gevity . . 150, 712 Jute Butts, Judg8—AdUOCdt&GB1l€T0l,8 Qdice, Army, on free lint . 606 a propriatiou for clerks, etc 251, 931 Jwge-Advocate-Gmwrafs Opice, Navy, K•

 a£pmp §ggarh, etc  254, 934 Kabler, James E1,      

, n , sion . . . 2 apfropription for Supreme Court. .. 267, 047 Kgfvgte,

0'l'    a .. gg,    on free gsi; .. .  607

or curcm ... , alfbus, . ., for district .. 267, 947 deiicieucy appropriation for . 869 deficiency appropriation for district; new Kanaguwa,

 States  2  ,. .  . 41 apgrmpriation for ccusubgeneral at  276, 1056

Qgpomtment of additmnsl circmt ...,. . S26 or clerk hire ... . . . .280, 1060 owauce fc; expenses attending circmt cn exgeuges . ... 281,1061 up , . an » 9W00mm ., Judgments agai tcd States, . payment of judgment of Court of Claimsto 889 deficiency Wpropdmou for paying, Fox Kane, George B., and Company, and mcousiu Rivers . 588 payment to 1339 Judgments, United States Courts, Kansas, deficiency appropriation for payment of; apportionment of Representatives ... 735

 . .          : . .537,891 de ciepcy appropnauon for sales of land  

Judgmcn agao Dust 0 u , m . ..

d¤Bcim1cy  for paying  514,869 sale of janqs of   New York In-  

udgments, ou 0 mms, duns ,au orizsd .. deiicieu appropriation for 534, 888 sales of trustlznd reserve lands Judicial M (see also ni States iu. confirmed . 632 Courts), patents for certain Absentee Shawnee In-

 for . 267, 947 dim: lands in, erroneously issued,
 or nitod  CODItB . 409,986 mcm..é.. ... gg;

kia Ccntenn , entries on 0 Osages in loan o?p0rtmiI¤ of Chief Justices of the Kansas and Arkanoas Vqllcy Railwgy,

 3%% Courti1ut;h0rized  1325 maybxomknusu Rnvcrat Fort rmth,  

Judi DLW, on .. . . · establish:;; boundariesigdico .. g gra.ut¤g:nddit1;i >nal right of way through rc@t0r' receiver to a mined' dum' erri ry .. correction name of bdggw 677 Kansas City and Pacific Railroad Oom- J ium , pany, udqn . .3 608 time mdd §o1£:q1 }iri11g right of way J nctiona 1 · pi nai u nu erntcry . u Street Railway Company, Kansas Qity, gm. and Mo., granted right of way through Fort R.1ley extonmon of tnme, etc., for constructing military reservation, Kansas .. 788 bd? across Missouri River at, Juneau, Alaska, by ausas City Terminal Railway

 mgde mg of ;;elivery  1087      _  1 S3"

unl , ., G s -1 apmpxdon for light station ... 953 coustracélou of public building ut, nu- J,.. zggjgree list . . .. 608 appropriation for . ... . .. 950· Junk. terms 0 court at ... 860· on free list. old .. . 607 Kansas Ozty Terminal Cwgpany. Junk Dealers; D. C'., extension of time, etc., or constructing license tax on; regulation of business . . 841 bridgacross Missouri River nt Kma- Junk, Rozalia (widow), zz 'ty, Kaus. and M0,. by .. I88` sion . ... ‘ amux inns, Ju}:?:;, Agnes C. (widow), appropriation for fulhlling treaty with . .342, 995 pension ...,,... 1425 or su€p;rtjetc.h0Bh. . . . .351, 1005 J 'srliction,paymcn 0s2p n ap 0 rom lg; Federal courts over offenscs 0n Great moqcys of . .: ... 356 Lakes, etc 424 Kgsggzedzdal Dngncl, . , U ifed St t C0 rt , 'vi into two 'visions ... J1;1:?;:‘;0pr:a.tion fc; ggeq. .u: . is . 410, 987 conmties c0m 0g1d division .. 129 deficiency a propriatxon for fees . . .527, 541, 893 termspf courts gt · nchxtq. . 1 .. . 129 Jury Trials, C., count1ps c0mp0sing HISE dxstrxct: terms. . 129- provisions for, in police court ... 848 { jurisdxctwu; clerks. etc.: pending mattexs 129 Justice. Department of (acc Department of Kaolin. Justice). I duty 011 . ,.. 571 Jute, Kaskaskia Indians, duty on, yam .. 593 appropriation for trust-fund iutemest. . .360, 1014 on ca ts .. . ... , 593 Er school fund . 360, 1014 on bulnysps 593 for payment of all trust funds per capon cotton bagging 593 · ita: suit of citizens ... 1008 on laces, etc .. 594 Q mining leases ratified . . .. . 1003