Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1726

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INDEX. 1679 Page. Pa . Navy Department-—Continued. Nets, gc apprognjation for clerks, etc., Bureau of duty on ilax 593 ards and Docks l .. . 256,936 on woolen, etc., head . 597 for professional books, etc 256, 936 Neuwinger, Lena (widow), for contingent expenses ...,.. 256, 936 Npension ... . 1267 for additional cler s Bureau of Medicine euae River, NZ C., and Surgery .. 371 ti¢>n for improvement of ... 440 for printing and binding ., 412, 988 N ity, dencielncyl appropriation or printing a11d3g 887 general act; with and Grlglat lgit- 1497 in ing . , ain or etc. 0 moan an . . nm Navy ... .. . , s1s,s·zs§ sag Neutrality Aczff ’ d 274 1055 or contingent expenses ... 51 appropriation orexpenses un er .. , Assistant Secretary to beappginted .. 254 " eutrality," Schooner, _ _ _ part of powder depot site ver, N. J. , payment of French spohation claim on transferred to . 770 accountof 899· Navy Pay Optoe, Washington, D. C., Nevada, deiicien,zappro*§;riation for approved bills. 518 apportionment of Representatives ... 735 Navy- Ya and ations, appropriation for surveyor-general,clerks, appropriation for public works at 193, 803 etc .. 262, 942 or repairs, etc .,,.,.. 194, 804 got contilngetrsz expensesi . .. 262, 942 Noah Bay Agency, or inci en expenses u ian service ation for Indian agent at ... 336,989 in . ..., 353, 1006 Nos Cattle, for irrigation machinery Indian reser-

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lmpdthtidl 01i,·8Dd 616 cons in · 56l gion. . . me _ ‘ penis fvr 20 years of 1q¤<1¤_i¤ ---- 862 Mpumshment for violation .. 616 mwmplefe private land claims in, to be N gmk 9,,,,,,,,,;;,,,, Station, presented m court of private land nnnlnndnnnn for nnnnwnnncn, ctc_ ____ ggg, 1050 N a pllmms ... 850* . “"“d P‘"°V. ¤ . N°b'°°b'¥* td nomummuvesi · l _- _ _ I 785 NappropI1;i(n}t‘1:;Lic;’·o:· indian agent at .. 336, 990

“°“.L.¤.»f.°»iE.».‘“"i‘.,.il..‘?‘.,'$';‘§“ $$2 ¤¤¤¤*¤=··=>* ¤¤v*6v¤¤¤¤¤ for w·=¤·—·g

cm". ab;0£g·r;x0utbr€ék·____ Nwm . 893 • to t0__ ___________ _ ’ . n. . . - B..°.§L‘1?.'I“‘§'3°E$ land names mms, 55 ,,g,gj·=,;,;,_;»;;·*;{g·¤·¤¤¤*¤* ¤¤¤b¤· me #1 I -. °$°°mws· kbém ·] ‘···· 2 8,, ‘N¢;p:y1;n;‘4;n‘tpdr;n;;l‘g8r;ientotComo£ma1mm 890 construction o bridg_ e au med across pmlm-an-’¤ f · Prov t of hubm. Q7 Missouri River, between Douglas or N:£Bc"w’ Mucjrlp men Serv? C°¤¤¤°¤, wd P°**°“'°“°-“”° appmpmuon rm public muaing ... 378,951 County, Iowa- 11 New gmk_ Den °“’°h“S°0f§»*a.*?¤£2’§¤L2e£¥&iZ;i?T???T.¥°f‘?? 60 =*¤¤-¤;;j·;§g,;¤__f?i__i¤?}{*jfi$·i¤{é·7§ ,,,0 V dle , N H, I dutys on for knitting and sewing ma- (aw gtilgismemet of Representatives ... 735 Chili8S... . . . .. 580 Ng£pg`qWn, O01g1g_, on crochet ,. . . .- · . 580 appropriation for public building ... 872, 951 on tape ... . ... 580 gx improvement of breakwater ... 428 on bocikius ... . . . . 580 or harbor . _ . 428 op lmitting and all pther -.- _ ·--··-· 580 Fort Hale tract granted to. fora park 419 on ree hst, hgred sewing and darning 608 New Jgrgey, t f Re with 730 Nh! B , .rti eno resen xves ... ’ iaplprcgprialtion fogiinprovementof harbor. 485 N;£p3er·.;l;;m<z·nd Statgn Leland Junction Nelson, Jeremiah, _ _ _ Railroad Company, _ payment of French spoliatnon claim to ad- may tunnel New York Bay between Midministmtor of . 904 dletown and New Utrecht 748 Nelson, Thmmu, 1285 New London, Cogm., f Sl s C 4F_: ` i ... ... a IT) f13i0H ()I‘S\J!`V€*y’() \8.\V OVG v.) }Vg;:=Ej(iuRl?¢•er, Wh., f 464 cgnlstrgiction of public building at author- 162 appropriation for survey 0 .. ized. . , .,. · _ M _,tl n for ..., 373, 951 ”‘i¤‘Z,%é2.,...," appropriation rm completing N,,.,“X}Z.EE’.¥2$?i?,., flag hatchery . . . 505,964 appropriation for improvement of Missis- "Neptuno," _ _ sippi River at ... , ... 450 American register granted toforeign-built 491 Aren, Mexinoé f Sa] · mmem $t£$,m€[.-···-···•···•···· 3,ppfOpl'lB,10l1 OI` 3.1'I€S,gOV9 . ..,. 249 929 NZ-slirgqiist . 808 for egntingent expenses QQ, N°”“"`l""d" T'"' zzz 1053 ligiliilgglemesxpsgdesgs ``'`°'``°.```' ,249 'agion for minister to .. , c _ ... ; . . . gggrrsgtion convention with 1481 for repairs wadobe palace, Santa Fe. .249, 930