Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1753

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1706 INDEX. Page. Page. Postal Se1··::/ice—C0ntinued. Postal Sulgszdy (see Ocpan Mm} Servxcc). oflice of Secfmd Assistaéu Postmaster- Postmarkgng cmg! Rating Sten;q0s, Genera —Com;inue . appropma non or, repaus, e c . , appropriation for special facilities; pro- · P0stmustey—Geozerc¢l, viso . .. 208,1080 approprumou fog pay of, clerks, ctc 263, 9f3 - for miscellaneous . 208, 1080 for postal service. office of ... . . . .206, 1049 oihcc of Cfhird Assistant Postmaster—Gcn- for puéchase of Confederate postal rec-

‘O1. S . ...

appregsriation for manufacture of may use appropriation for new registered stamps: distribution 208,1080 {nail ocks and keys for mnprovcd f t , ct .; ’ '- 0c s .. . . Olhuzigxgal. .. 2 08,1081 may contract for carryihi foreign mail for postal cards; distribution .. 208, 1081 · on Americau steams ips . . . ... 830 for official, ctc., envelopes 208, 1081 to advcytmc fog proposals for carrying forfor ship, steamboat, and way let- mgu mad .,... 831 ters ... . .. 208, 1081 to appoint assistant General Smhperintcudfor engraving, etc., drafts and war- ent and chief clerk, Ra' way Mail rants ... 208, 1081 Service ... . . 56 for miscellaneous . . ... 208,1081 to determine fines, etc. , ocean mail service 832 foreign mails; appropriation for trans- to forbid payment of money orders to lot- 486 portatiou ... 208, 1081 tcrégsgcuts, etc ... 486 for clerks on steamship lines 208, 1081 to prescri regulations. etc., for return of appropriatiarsg for balance due foreigén& fcgistercd 1<;ttcrz, ctc., addressed to coun es... .. , o cryagcns,ec ,... for balance to meet deficiency in rovgk to test the paactzicability of free delivery uucs ... , in sma towns .. . . for 11;; Pzgistered locks may be Postmaster, of Representatives, u orim rov appropria. 'ou or, assnstant, messengers. deiicic11cyappr0; >1·£)a.tion for.524, 545,551, 895, 897 etc .. 233, 913 for foreign mmls .. 524 for horses and mail wagons .. 233, 913 for postmasters ...,. ·. 524, 880 contracts to be let annually . 914 for O. M. Lamway . . . 525,880 Postmaster, Senate, for M. M. Lynch . 525 appropriation for, assistant, mail carriers, for mail transportation, railroad 1·0utc& 5g3d ctc .. 229, 910 , os mas ers, railroaggéoutes, 1889 :25 apgropriatiou for compensation 207, 1079 steam routes ... 25 dc cien ·y appro riationf rsalari , t .524, S80 for manufacture of stamps, ctc . . . . 525 Posts, L p 0 08 E c for ]Ié1§ HUf30tIH'€ of stamped envelopes, gag on . 583 for Poshé!. 880 duty ,011 bichromabe and chromate of 569 for Flint and Pere Marquette Railroad on caustic or hydrate of ... 569

 gcuépaggé ... . ... 333 on   iodite, and iodate ot  570

or . u on m e 0 .. 5"0 {or £1$m$m. Louusbcrry .. . 333 on prussinte of. red ... 5';0 or . cn . . ... on mssiato f, 110 570 assistant General Superintendent and .. ou frge list, cru?ie gsrbozatc of .. 609 chief clerk Railway Mail Service to caustic, h dmte of, not refined, in sticks be a. pointed . 56 or rolqs ... 609 census matter to be carried free by nitrate, crude . 609

 1~e mail.   y ? . 6 éiédd 116 gréghéag .. m

KNGB 8, . . letters to Government officers . 1081 muriate .. 609 }ctt1ars,.etc., ccnceming lotteries, etc., un- Potatoes. mailnblq . . ... 465 } duty on . ... 586 papers, ctcé with lpctciy, etc., advertise- , Potomac Creek, Va., mon uqmmlj e • appro riation f f. . . ... 463 penalty for v1olations; proceedings 465 1 Potomac) River, gg-a?1?;r::y1£·anch, Md. and wgrshrod letters to lottery agents, ctc., D. C.. to be returned 466 appropriation for survey of .. 459 moneyéxgcrn to lottery agents, etc., to Potomac Riger, Va.,

   turned  z . , appropria 'on for improvement of hmm 1

P1’0v1sw¤s bidders for  ; a2M0unt Vem0n ... ; . Q. 439 statements of receipts and I a;>nr?$¥>ri:;;li$>1h ¥¢;··231€Ivg{c€K to Washiu · 0f,|30be included in annual report - ton ) ’ gr ’ 464 of Svxgretaryof Treasury .. 511 f Potomac _ e l ~ ‘ I I if|¤é€¤ days have to clerks, etc., first and appropriation for improvehmut oi 439 second class offices . . 648 Free bathin beach establisheeil h h I o to employeeq ma.i1—bsg shop ..,, 648 Wash;`u5tgon Monument em. 490 tobexqsemccomyenr orcautitled 649 Poto»1mcTerm oltaO0m n constzructmn of sppromhticu for repair dcticicncy n fm 'ud t sho for bags, em . .. . . 672 againstpg 2 or J gmm 5 wg d g ¢u . . .. ,. 14 m` r B w N I Rttamtqnw and Gwqt Nenmha Agency,

 ..·. . .. . . . . . 686   appropnution for- Indmu agent at ... 337,090