Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1779

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17 32 1NDEX. I pagg · Page. Shipping Commissioners. Short, _T/Vashlngton F., provisions respecting crews shipped for pension . 1144 coastwise trade, and trade with Showalter, James H, Canadahlgawfoimdland, West In- 320 Shpension CQDEIORSSG ... . .. 1234 d' ,... . .. reve an aurason, Sham ms an Gmco payment of French spoliation claim to ad- ’ · 5»~8 ministrator of surviving partner .. 906 duty on wrought iron for. 4 . Shtpwrecked Seamen, Arctic Ocean, Sh"ew$b'"Z’/ B""?"- J·· t f 437 payment to vessels rescuing . 1367 Sh9RP!'°P¤at*°¤ 0* *mP1'°"€m€¤ 0 ·····-· Shirts, TWI1. 8, _ duty gpl cotton . . Shon :5*6 list - -···-··-·- · ················· 609 on en .. . ..,.. . .. o · - `·' duty on . . . 586 Sh§Z’ZlS!{b¤Di¤'Z°{léaSed . . me <>¤ fm M fn D<-av¤r¤¤¤§¤* Of Agncul- 609 7gM,,e,.S_ James, ture or Botanic Gar en ... payment to administrator of . 1454 Shuman, Anna S. , Shoal Harbor. N J., pension 1400 appro riation for im rovement of. ... 437_ Shumway, Mary (widow), P P Shoal I·Vater Bay. Wash., pension 1193 appropriation for survey of . . 464 Siam, Shoddenl Elisha N» . _ appropriation for minister resident and P°·Ym9¤t fn --··-··· - -·-· - --··-· - ·----·- 14¤4 consul-general . . 272, 1053 Shoddlh for interpreter .. 273,1054 duty on · 595 for repair, Gm, legation premises_ __ _ _ _ g74 .Sh:etButt0nS, 599 for expenses of prisoners ... 281, 1061 Shi; y]on.§.b}.V&Mbe;. .. Siggtergls, I e _ 579

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Shoemaker-, T. B., S'dew“lkS* D' 0** . S deficiency appropriation for . . . . . 869 ·°'T°'h°;{:1°t2:u‘g 1066 (lute on 601 Szdmgs, D. C., Shall,Lm‘%é&,M,(,,·,,..);...¤··»·»·····•*• iD;I’ (;2(;l,-$[uthOriZ8d...•··-»· pension .. . .. 1 _» -, ‘ Sh kg, B pension .. . 1341 diity . . .. . . . ... ass Snnnn and Sienna Enrilw, Shooting Ranges, etc., Army, duty OD . ., 569 appropriation for . 154, 777 Sierra Leone, or rifle range, Fort Sheridan . . 154 ¤ appropriation for consul at . . . .279, 1059 for land, target ranges, Fort McPherson, Sigel Fm nz · .G° ··•····· ··················· 154 pension.; .. 1340 Shdtgizzrueiyggppympnatnon for . 873 Signal Come, (eee also Weené?. Bm.e,_m)_ appropriation for Indian agent at ... 337, 990 “*’p’°*{‘,';,“_{‘{’f _ iii_ Q _ _ _???` 772 or om- furnished 1004 for pay of enlisted mem service my 772 'Sh°'h°Z‘“ C"“"tV- Id“h°- for commutation of quarters- mileage t lg:‘;*_;fiQy°fO‘2:cQs§ S°’·’ ‘° *’° "°*°d f°' ·· f ofilcersli Q . ’ 772

}>n\;1099€d|¤8$ ·-·· I ····   ·---··-··· 111 fg; ggaggiszs          

'?(mmpmn;:’;‘;_z*f:H¥·9£*g’c‘Hw19°- » 359 1013 for mjaintenance, etc., military telegraph 779 S me Indians, ········ • _ nes ..,. _. .: ... . . ssp-qpnaum mi- fnlflllingtreaty wim.34v. 1001 d°$‘f,',§,‘f,{',,’f§Q§’$P‘;};,'f’,Q*Q,€jf‘,f,‘f1'is*Q,?j,{ g,;,; j j j; gg? s».¤.».°‘°“‘i¥..?.5’.‘I;?‘?’.§‘.?£‘}*}.f,‘i'rze.e.·»t ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ """ $0* ·>g¤q*·g;>¤ ·;;·* mw ·>* mm- - - gg; - - * · _ . or m aca e men ...

 °f ······· 301 civilian duties ltraansferred to Weather

Ssvpvpdfnzqu fozwsupporm ew-,. ¤f -.-·--. 351 toremgin `é連1Siiéi»ihéh:` 653 o _ _ sans, 'evada, { etc • 653 $ ”j;p;g;$Pgg:i;fjj ·-·· :352. 190% { amiss of crm sigma omm .. ZZ css Shgshcmc ngw/ng, Wyoming, . . . - - · · Qgchaigl of enlisted meh 3ft8i' July Il, 653 Shmllzmeeew , 0 352 1005 cogmggiggdvgggg Bureau ... 6% _Sh“;‘;P'°P"““°” *°' I“"“” °g°°* ** -·»--· 33*% 990 appointments; ‘ ment or` sééiliii duh, lead heutenants not promoted .. 654 Sholgufgn . .. 581 i subselguent appqmttments and promo- ’ S; xamma ... . . dg; qu <l<>¤b1¤-belgdeued me mumaoillené . é if . g S¤;Igq·;;gi;;»;1;egh bm :3 m`;;’“F8‘3f?.‘T‘.'T??T’??T.??TY‘??.Y‘}l J}? E an T . _ .. . ...,.tedfor with Armv 654 Shotwell, 1\cmcy(wzdow), boar-dal,¢¥ri?ePpro:;t traust or " perty ```' wm . . .. me so ..T’T‘ ... ‘T' ¥’TT’ . I as