Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1797

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1750 INDEX. rage. _ Page. Treasury De_partment—Continued. Treasury Department-(Continued. _ appropriation for distinctive paper, etc. . deficiency appropriation for claims certi- U. S. securities ... 385, 966 fied by aocountug officers . .. 539, 891 for sealing, etc., secuiities 385, 967 for salaries Third An 1tor’s Office .. 547 for wimess, destruction of securities. . 385, 967 for mint, Denvei‘_ _ .. 547 for canceling, etc., securities . 385, 967 for Marine Hospital Service .. 548, 896 for custody offdiesf) rollts, ugld plates . ior Aud1t0r§orA ogit-gvilifze gepartment. x `f expenses o pu lic ui 'ngs .. , or ownero " . . a co " .. fg; suppressing counterfeiting, etc g·86,m f of t;L&1cydAnn"M .. f of lands, etc ... . , or s n ar weig s an measures fg; ggmpensation in lieu of moieties . .387, 968 for Interstate Commerce Commission. . 866 for expenses local appraisers’ meetings. 387, 968 for Louisville, Ky . 867 for expenses contract labor laws .. 387, 968 for_cred1t to Tigasurer ... . ... 867 for enforcing Chinese exclusion act. . .387, 968 additional Assis nt Secretary to be apfor expenses Alaskan seal iisheries 387, 969 _ mted; salary ... 236 for quarantine service 387, 969 classiiilcation, etc., special agents . . :. . 968 for preventing epidemics 387, 969 office of superintendent of immigration for supplement to Revised Statutes 969 created; reports ... 1085 for portrait of John C. Spencer 969 Treasury Notes, _ for printing and binding . 411, 988 to be issued for silver bullion purchased. . 289 for electrical tire-alarm, iile rooms, etc. 1117 redemption of; reissue: limit of outstanddeficiency appropriation for printing and mg amount ... 289 binding . . 1, 159, 887 to be legal tender; exception ... 289 for Coast and Geodetic Survey . . . 35,506,865 receivable for customs, etc.; part of nafor revenue cutter service . 35, 896 tional bank reserve 289 for Fish Commission .. 35, 506, 866 redeemable in gold or silver coin . 280 for public buildings .. 35, 507, 53,1 gsgloonvzntions). H \ , ,o , no to impair awaiian recifor Treasury building . 35, 867 procity ... 844 for internal revenue .. . proclamatiuzl announcing recip m- , , ‘ , merc‘ arrangement wit. . . 1563 for Light House Establishmengié 53; pegs, r • r duty 011 . . .. . .. 586 for contingent expenses . .. 36, 508, 866 hee list f Depuiim t i A · f independent Treasury .. 508, 547, 83: on Oi. Garden??. E _ _ 609 0l'l'811l7..._ O. ‘ fvr °°u°°tm8 °“$l’°m“‘1`°V€”ug;ib- ·3gé541= I appropriation foi improvement of ... 440 , , , · 7· 8 · 896 a Trenton Battle Monument. for government m the Territories . gi, 538, I mrupdutiuu fur. cuuditiuu 980 fer S¤¤i¤1¤¤<>¤i¤¤ I¤¤¢if¤¤i<>¤ -----· -507, 547. 866 I milgiggéegent cotgaufirugém by wreck or for émlmts and assay onicesmi .. 508, 865 [ Samoa ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ’ 9 g;' gxgwgifléxgugin ······---··· payment of greinch spoliation claim on for redeeming stolen national currency. 509 Tmybble Joel? 0 ```````````'`'`’'`' 906 f¤r ¤¤m>re¤¤i¤z ¤<>¤¤¢erfei¢i¤g· ew --·-- 509 pension .. ’. . . . .. . . . nas forprotecting Alaskasalmon sheries.509, 5g1g, Trme, W_ G__` `'```'°'°' for imeregt 09 illegal tonnage dues, r r · 506 Tpgzon . 1291 an rs K * . . ig; ___________ 541, 548, i T appr<;5r1:uzouLfor consul at 277, 1057 V fol' refrmd to . W. Breeden .,.,,,,,,,, 509 "'99’ G: t:' ‘¤ f m .1.11 Soorpers .. sus t Tg2f;;;, ·-·----····--··--····-······ 1454 or "R1ll1'S.Deb ” ... 509 ’. ' 0;)YuBiruTuiumi·· smi ..i{u;u0wei,.._ _ 509 i Tcluty €E1_l.1D0!; cotton, etc ... 594 for advertising lease of seal islands ,_... 510 | nm y ive? ma? im. Suuuuuub George' · ________'_'_•··· 510 , appropriation for improvement of ... 444 for refund to Aberdeen Packing Com- i Survey °f ‘······‘‘··••·‘*···· · · · 463 pany 510 · * . `t0!' ¢|’6W station, Mugkgggt, 5 i U ···.··...·-·... . , 610 . 10 1 * ‘ . . . for mfuud to Ruiuu A_ Ballard ________ 510 1 payment of French sponlatnon claim on George Hazil .. . 510 _ a°°°um °f‘‘ ‘"‘‘‘‘‘‘’°‘‘‘‘‘·‘·· · 900 Dame! mote .. sw ! T¤>1>M¤» _ {0* 8H0V9H0B fo Charles Dodge ,.., 510 i on free Inst, medals . ..,. 507 for auddxtional officers, New York cus- I Tray, M K, mj ouse . . .. 510 i limit fcost' reused f bli bui1d1n'ga for credit to Samuel Hein ,..,.,.., 511 i apprdpriatiolriuior public . . t 952 toMaxPracht . , 511 E Truaw, Elizabeth (seater) -.I for A. K. Delaney 511pension .. , .. 1 385 forégeinlyenmoriiexmmu, North Dakota. 511 Tmesdell, George, u _Dak ... . ... 511 paymentofjudgmentof Courtof Claimsto 5M Washingl‘A>n..:._ . .. ..., 511 TruesdolI,Sylvc8¢ef, for expert commnssmn on vaults, etc. . . 511 may make homestead entry . 1437