Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1804

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INDEX. 1757 War Dej>artwwnt—Continued. Page- Wmm Springs Agency, Pageappropriation for bounty ... 407, 984 ‘ ‘ for Indian agentat ... 386,989 or additional bounty .. . .. 408, 985 Warm £;:'ngsIndian Reservation, , for commutation of rations ... 408, 985 commission to locate northern boun for printing and .. . . 1,411, 988 of 355 deficiency appropriation or printing and Warps, 4 binding .. . ,... . ,.. 1 duty on cotton . _ 590 for map of Chick . . 38, 516 Warren, George L. , for salary of ... 38 vfension increased ... 1139 for record and pension division 38 arnm, Emily E Yvidow), for stationery. . ... 38, 871 ... 1310

01- irltlificial limbs, etc .. . . . . . . arrior River,;!]::., of

or`tary ent , approput `on or improvem t ,to gon- Engineer Department. . .. . . . té'75 838 W .. ... 443 or Signal' Service' . 88 , arwi , ., for National Volunteer Soldiers’ Home ¢9 epprgyriation for survey of . . ... 459 for horses, etc., claims 44, 550, 894, 896 W lue, _ for E. C. Bowen . . . . . 516 dug omoontainirg ultramarine. 569 for Mexican war volunteers .. 541, 548, 893 W , Daniel ., for Fremont mounted riflemen. . ‘ 541 ntt.<> . 1383 {or Irgldian hostilities. .. m duty ,t _ d tw 580 or v unteers, Cam , .. on wrough iron an s .. for Texas Mounted &.ngers . .. 532 Waahivaqtorn, _ for twenty per cent .. 542, 59,550,894 apportionment of Representatives . . . . 735 for collecting. etc., volunteers . 542 appropriation for surveyor—general. clerks, forrefundtoStates.: 549,550,804,896 etc._ ... .262,943 for Rogue River Indian war. .. 543 for contingent expenses . _ .262, 943 for gunboats, Western rivsrai 543, 550 for incidental expenses Indian service 1007 · I , tc.,to0regon ashmgton' in . ‘ . 858 , Orggluhltleers 548,550,% dfo1;ordna.noestores...f...;.._ . 423 f First `cav y yappropriatum or Judge tg; impmvinhJgi.;itFrancis River, Ark, 550 for district attorney . .. 41 §orJohnC. Eremnntd . g {or marsha‘li...é.. 541 buildmgs’ an .. orconven on xpenses . . fx burial of . 874 additional land districts established .. 113 {or Jn1iusStah•; . . .. 8.75 Chotgahs digtnct established M;sassrppm‘' ‘ 'verComm1¤ic¤' .. ces ymm:  : ... fg military post, Plattsburgh, N. Y., . . SI5 Columlaaland district estabhshed. . - ..,, 114 for State, etc., homes for v unteers . . . 875 office at . . . . : . 114 for arms, etc., for Wyoming .. 876 ordnance stores tobenssrrcdtonsplacclcun tor California and Nevadavolunteers. . 896 to Qregon .. : _. ... · . 180 for volunteer;. ... é ... U6 mmhmzhéitntgsmmning admision of, 1552 3 °IB .. .. . · p vided fo: . 17 subports of delivery to be established by arti:|lciallimbs,etc., tobeissued every _Secretaryof the'l`reas11ry... .. .. 363 three years .. . 1108 Territorial property donated to. .. 668 part of Pike’s Peak reservation granted to Washzngton and Arlington Raelway Oom- Colorado Springs, Colo.; survey by. 58 _ P""?. 789 W M ’ moorporated_ ... . .§'.;”¤..$.?¥.’.'§,.,.,,, . am z··-wg ¤¤¤·g,_;¤·;;_¤·—5¤¤¤¤ F¤¤_§··ygr ,90 W“'d’-H“ ).’ .. mi em? i¤ ·>¤¤=·¤¤¤¤¤= ¤f ¤¤*<=<·¤e<>¤¤d -·--·- 11*4

1m T.(wa1ow), W¢wh•n4;qc:;nd Georgetown Razlroad com.

Ivpernlsion mcrjased ... 1160 deficiency E mgiatign {Fr ludgmem ug “ xml"."'" · `cto Coum ia. .. wygnsmn increased ... . ··...-.· · · 1185 to Pay uyuquug of judgment, 0;- charm; arder. WMM J·» rm-mma . soo ymgnt of judgment O! 0011117 of Chim! W 585 Waghingfgn Aqugduct, D, C., lVI:7‘¢» R¤b¢"t A- · appropriation for expenses .. 1069 ’ n 1465 Was ington Asylum, . C., mmm, Mass., appropriation for salaries .. . . .306, 1075 appropriation for improvement of harbor. 427 or contingent expenses . 306, 1075 Warehouses, Bonded, for dtting magazine building, f or for smelting, etc., imported metals for ex- females 306, 1075 port, esltablished. . . . 617 got a-didétrons to building, etc .. 300 ood bon ri r to to r , or 'tion burying' ground from g B may be wilbdrawn at old rates Reservation 13 . _ .. . .. 306, 1075 February 1, 1891 .. 624 for furniture, etc., hospital .. _ .. 1075 goods dutiable by weight to be assessed on deficnency appropriation for contingent weight when withdrawn .. 624 expenses . . 512 withdrawal of bonded goods in three Washington _Bayou, Miss. , years . . . . . . ... . 140, 624 alpgpropnationfor improvement of ._ .. 448 explosives and perrshables . ... 140, 625 W mgton Czly, D. C. (see District of Wares, Imported (see Tami of 1890). Columbia.)