Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/427

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FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 837. 1890. 373 hitherto made and confirmed upon the condemnation of a site for the erection of a post-office, court-house, and custom-house in the city of Milwaukee, in the State of Wisconsin, pursuant to chapter ninety- one of the laws of the United States, approved January twenty-first, V¤¤·%· ¤· 652- eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, so much of the sum appropriated by said chapter for the purchase of a site as shall be necessary to ay ° a l of said awards, ulpon proof that all the awards, other than that Proof er memes in favor of Esther . B. Crampton, are acquiesced in and remain °°{§‘§€;,§,t°;;_B_C,,m,, unappealed from, and upon the presentation to and acceptance b *0*1 ¤¤¤=P¤>d· him of a bond, in such amount, and with such sureties, and in such {Bow? and <>¤¤<1i¢i<>¤ form as he may approve, conditioned that if hereafter the amount ° mm°°°`°°' awarded said Crampton on the trial in the said United States circuit court, on appeal from the award of commissioners, shall be so increased as that the cost of the entire site shall thereby be made to exceed the sum of four hundred thousand dollars, the obligors will pay into said court so much of said award as shall keep the total cost of said site, with the expenses of acquiring the same, within the limit fixed by said chapter ninety-one, and the limit of cost iixed by said cha ter Limit er cost ot for the erection of said building is hereby increased four hundred ”““‘“"‘ “‘°’°““°"· thousand dollars. For public building at New London, Connecticut: For purchase New ne¤ae¤,c»¤n of site and commencement of building under present limit, twenty- five thousand dollars. For marine hospital at New Orleans, Louisiana: For electric build- Mw or1¤¤¤¤. Le ing and electric-light plant, three thousand dollars. For post-office, court-house, and custom—house at New Berne, North New Berne, N. c. Carolina: For purchase of site and commencement of building under present limit, twenty-five thousand dollars. For court-house and post·office at Paris, Texas: For purchase of P¤¤‘¤T<>= site and commencement of building under present limit, thirty thousand dollars. For post-office and court-house at Peoria, Illinois: For elevator Pecrianh ten thousand dollars. For court-house and post-office at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: For rmaurg1i,1»¤. completion of building under present limit, two hundred and forty- nine thousand dollars. For custom—house at Rockland, Maine: For improvement of R<>ck1¤¤d.Me. grounds, three thousand dollars For old custom·house at Saint Louis, Missouri: For heating appa- sz. Louis. me. ratus, elevators, and completion of the work of enlarging and repairin the building, forty thousand dollars Por post·o5ice at Salina, Kansas: For purchase of site and com- serum. xm. mencement of building under present limit, twenty-five thousand dollars. For marine hospital at San Francisco, California: For new ward S¤¤F¤¤¤¤i¤¤>. Cal. building, ten thousand dollars. _ _ For post-office at Saint Joseph, Missouri: For completion of build- SM J<>¤<¤v¤· M0- ing and to furnish and put in place a clock in the tower of said building, three thousand six hundred dollars. For post-ohice at Scranton, Pennsylvania: For continuation of semmen, ra building under resent limit, fifteen thousand dollars. For office of Slupervising Architect: For constructing a one-story wesmngten, nc. building in the south court of the Treasury building of ·non—inflam— Treasury buammg. mable materials for the engineering wld dranghting division of the Once Supervising onine of the Supervising Architect, twenty-five thousand dollars_ “'°"’°°°°· For court-house and post-office at Syracuse, New York: For vaults Syracuse, N. x under side—walk and for necessary repairs and alteration of building, twenty-five thousand dollars. _ _ For post·office and court house at Wichita, Kansas: For comple· wiemmnu tion of building, including heating apparatus and an elevator, eight thousand dollars.