Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/559

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FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. CII. 1126. 1890. 505 UNITED STATES AND VENEZUELAN CLAIMS COMMISSION: To veuemenu cam enable the Secretary of State to meet a deficiency in the a ropria- °°"“‘““‘°“‘ tion for the contingent expenses of the United States and gpenezuelan Claims Commission, the same being for clerical assistance and pompensation of the agent of the United States, nine thousand dollars. FOREIGN INTERCOURSE. Foreignintercourse. SAUARIES or MINISTERS: To pay amounts found due by the ac- mmae¤·¤sxma. counting officers on account of salaries of ministers, being a deficiency for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, eleven . thousand nine hundred and nfteen dollars and forty-nine cents. Rmnr or LEGATION BUILDING AT Toxio, J APAN: That the appro- me Japan. priation made by the diplomatic and consular appropriation act approved July fourteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety, for rent of egation building? in Tokio, Japan, for the year ending March fifteenth, eighteen undred and nmety, shall be available and may be used for the year ending March fifteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-one. SALARIES, CHARGES D’A.FFAIBES AD INTERIM: To pay amounts san-ies, tang: found duepy the accounting officers on account of salaries of charges “`“"““'°“ “" “‘*° d’aifaires interim and iplomatic officers abroad, being a deficiency for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, six thousand six hundred and twenty two dollars and eighty-one cents. To y amounts found due by the accounting officers on account of salgziues of charges d’aifaires ad interim and diplomatic officers abroad, being a deficiency for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, two thousand six hundred and forty-four dollars and sixty-nine cents. R1:-mnnnsmmnur or Brsnor AND COMPANY: To re-imburse Bishop mop an Oomand Company, of Honolulu, the sum of one thousand one hundre P°“Y· and eighty-one dollars and seventy-three cents, being interest which Beimbummeuc. they had to (pay because of the failure of the State Department to pay a draft rawn by the consul of the United States at Honolulu, and negotiated through the said Bishop and Company in eighteen hundred and sevent -one for the relief of destitute seamen, the appropriation having been exhausted at the time the draft was drawn. SALAnms, CONSULAR Smnvrcmz To pay amonmts found due by the comin- salaries. accounting officers on account of salaries, consular service, being a deficienc for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, ten thousandy four hundred and thirty-four dollars and fi ty-four cents. PROCURING EVIDENCE RELATING TO FRENCH SPOLIATION CLAIMS: much speusuon For expenses of consul at Jamaica, ninetg-nine dollars and fourteen C"“”* cents, and balance of compensation due omerville P. Tuck and H. §i¤;§’1‘gg¤;chm Bailly Blanchard, six hundred and ninety-nine dollars and nineteen ° ° ` cents; in all, seven hundred and ninety-eight dollars and thirty- three cents. CONTINGENT EXPENSES UNITED STATES CONSULATESI To pay Contingent cxamounts found dne by the accounting officers on account of contin- *‘°“°°"· °°"’“‘“‘°“· ent expenses of United States consu ates, being a deficiency for the gscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, fourteen thousand and forty-nine dollars and fifty-four cents. _ To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers on account of contingent expenses of United States consulates, being a deficiency for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, five hundred and fifty dollars and sixty-nine cents. _ To meet deficiency in appropriation for contingent expenses of United States consulates thirty-six thousand dollars: Provided, That mma. six thousand dollars of this amount may be used to supply a defi- oennuu- cmeen ciency in the appropriatiml for S3»l3·I'i6S of _0OI1Sl1laI‘ Oihcers not citizens “°° °‘u“"“· of the United States, for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety.