Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/1137

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DTDEX. ] 1 [7 I Pa e. Indian Dqvartnumt-Continued. g Indian Hostilitiec, Pugoi annual {eport of Bmplogexes .. 145, 640 deficiency appropriation for preventing, aPP!`0PY!?;l¥¤ 101* pur ase of Cherokee 640 etc ...,________,,__________ 311 Ou 6 ---·-· -- -------- · -·----··.··· Indian Ins cctors agreement with Cherokees ratified appropriation for pay; expenses 122 614 with 3m0!1dm¤DliS -·--.·-·.. 640 Indian In terprelers, ’ Cherokee outlet, p\l1‘0l1BBB pity3b1B ll]. appropriation for Pay of _________________ 122 614 five annual instalments .___,________ 641 Indian Qyice, i lands to be part of public domain 642 appropriation for commissioner, assistproclnmation to issue on opening to 531;- aut, clerks, etc ,...,, . _,,,__ _ _ _ ____ 213, 704 tlement _,,,..,_ . ..,.. . . . . . . 642 for rent . ..,,.. 216 707 land offices may be established .. . 643 Indian Police, I for appraisers .. -. . . 643 appropriation for . . . . ... 138, 132 for preparing accounts . 643 Indian Pupilg, for purchase of Tonkawa Indian lands. . 643 appropriation for transportation 143, 638 for purchase of Pawnee Indian lands - .. 644 Indian Reservations, agreements of cession ratitied ... 643, 644 appropriation for irri ation .. . .. 137, 631 lands ceded by Tonkawas and Pawnees to for surveying and allotting lands in sevbg Part, of Public domain ___________ 644 grglty _ ______,_ _ _ , ,,,,, _ ____________ 138, 634 procgunatipn to issue on opening to set- 644 £or negotiating for sitiirendler of . .. $37, 633 emen . . . ... -- or ne otiatiou wi S os ones an county lines to be established, etc .. 645 Argpahoes, Wyoming, for cession of gllgtmgni; (po civilized nations ratified, ,___ 645 ari; of ____,.,. , __,_.__________ _ _ _ _ 138 appropriation for survey . 645 for idlotting, etc., Umatilla Reservation, commission to treat with civilized nations Oregon , ,,,,, . ..,,. , ...__ _ _____,,_, 139 W extinguish tfibnl title ·······---- 645 for sale and allotment, Umatilla, Oregon- 632 ¤&1¤;1’18¤, 0XP6¤¤¤¤, #0 ---- · -··-- - ------- 645 for surveys, Chippewa, Minn. .. 633 dui1I8S; report; ... .. . . . .. .- . {cor Puycgggg of Pgpkgwg, lgudg _ ______ _ 643 BPPPOPH3 1011 0I' BXPBHSBS ·-·--·------- or ure ase o awnee lands ,. -644 1'ight8;-if ¤0V01`¤ig¤tY;g` Ullitéd Shit6B 0V¤1' 646 deficigncy appropriation for allottiug ands not Wsiv , ctc ~--· · -·--·--·- land on Fort Berthold N. Dak .. 6 appropriation for punishing violation of commission to sen, etc., dllotted mms, intercourse acts, frauds, etc ... 384,607 Puyallup, Wash ______ _ _______ _ ____ 633 deficiency appropriation for Sioux, sub- exchange of Iands occupied by settlers -. . 62 Bistolwo-· ·-»·------ . ·--···-·---- 5, 312, 315lands settled in good faith on Crow Resfor support of Poncas . .-.---------- 669 ervation not to be allotted to Infor damages to settlers, Crow Creek, and djms _______________ _ ______________ 126 Winnebagv F¤S¢l’V¤tionB ·--- ;· ····-- 5 opened to settlement, Colville, Wash .. 62 for ¤.11o1;me¤tsiIF¢g;£enho1dIndian Res· 6 cimmkm gum; ___,,__________________ 642 ctvation, - ---··---------- -- - - Kicka eos, Oklahoma 563 for supplies purchasing, etc.9, 294, 312, 316, 670 K]3m;§h_ Cu] _____________ _ ___________ 52 transportation . ...·--- - -312, 316, 670 White Mountain Apache, Ariz ..., 469 for removal of Y13U16B6B to J0¤k0 RES- proclamation opening to settlement, ceded ervation ·-----· ·. . . 294 by Cheyenne and Arapahoes, Okla.- for Pine Ridge commission . 294 t [wma ____ __ __,,____________ _ _______ 1018 fop John R_ Gilman ,_____,,,,,,..,, 294 ceded by Crow Indians, Mont ... 1034 for school, Carson City, Nev ... ... .294, 669 by Indians on Fort Berthold, N. Dak.. 979 for allotting lands to lowes 295 Lake Travers, N. Dak. und_S. Dak .,... 1017 for incidental expenses, California . H byPSt;: amt; Fon, lowér, (intra; Rapid of uakota .. . .. ‘ , o awa omne, an a men e 5 m,w· North Dakota ... . 669 nee Indians, Okla. . 989 Wasliingt<>n ...,., , .,.. . ..., 312, 316 right of way through Monominee, \Vis _ ,, 83 for schools . . . . 312, 316, 318 Puyallup .. . . z . 468 for transportation .. . . . . .. 312, 316 ¥runtillp liescrvation ,, , ,,,,,,,, , , , 115 for contingencies .. 312 uma, rizona .. . .. .. lor a ents . 312 Yuma., Cal . 456 for siipport, etc., Indians in Arizona and i sale of properrtr on, not needed _ .. 1 45, 640 New Mexico __________ _ _____,______ 312 l schools to be built on, where practicable.- 140 Yakamgg ,,., . ..,...,..,.,,.,,. , . 312 time €XtBY|d§(l) for L building railroad for 'ud . Indian courts -.-... 316 throng row, ionic . . H I L ... 52 for géauigiiggi W. Brown. . 318 Indian Ifir_ez·, 1·'la.f _ t f annual re ort of all employees .._ 5 appropriation or nnprovemen o ; prorccord of {deeds in Indian office legalized. 272 Y1B0_ ... 101 dccds by Indians to oc recorded ·-------·- 273 for limiting .-.-·---·--------··-----··- 353, 5¤6 seal for commissioner; authentications 273 Indum Schoola _ certified copies of records, etc., to be fur- appropriation for supermtendent,cx;>enses, nislied .,,.,. . ...,.,,.. . 273 etc ,,,,,... .-.12*2, 614 fccs; recording clcrk; no clwrgc for otli· 973 fo{_sn_pp<;rt oiL.&.{). xii; -5 -· . . 140, $5;% cial use ,, . .., .. .. 1Hll .o cos lll i in 1 _ Iodioo Uvp»*vd¤¢io» Cwivw , _ _ 1¤¤¤¤_of cost of Purdo ------ -- ----- ·-140, 6?¤> appropriation for expenses, defense nn. . .38o, Q location ot buildings 140 deficiency appropriation for defense in . . . 6, 660 · purchase of stovli. ctc_ for paying judgments in ... 319exhibit at W orld s lair . . . , .. 634 Indian l·'aa·me·ra, rations, etc., may be withheld from Inappropriation for , _ , _____ _ _.,.. . 137, 632 tlmns not Fl€llllll.lg.Cl)llQll‘8l] to scb00l_ 635 Indian Head, llld., » for support ol pupils in State and Terri- ,,,ppr0pl-5;,;;.,11 for naval ordnance proving torial schools ·-..-.» ; ·.-.. 142. 637 ground ________________ _ ____.,,,,.. 238for transportation of pupils ... 143, 637