Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/1195

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INDEX. ]_ 1 7 5 · 1 . ". .- _ Water Department, D. C.—-—Continucd. P go Wedgwood, William W., l `°€ P¤ym€D¥ on debt, increased water supply, mud honorable digchgggq ____________, 768 fron; surplus of general revenues 167 Wglota and Jllcasurea, Opice of Standard, penalty for fraud on revenues. .. . . 14 up ropriation for adjuster, ctc .. 198, 690 Waleree River, S. C., Err materials ,__ _ _,,_,,,____..,,,_, 198, 690 appropriation for improvement of . 100 for expenses international committee . . 195, L90 Walemgan, John 11, Weight: Magi Measures, Inte~rnaii0nalBurcau of, dcticxency appropnatwn for servnces .. 665 approprxatinn for contribution .. 227, 500 Watcrs, Charles C., Weil, Benjamin, fmxncntgf judrnigut of Court of Claimsto 306 claim 3: :;v£u;1 ¥abst Mexico referred to a cun ruena aaa. 0 u ,,,___ , _____,,,,, ‘, ,_ 1 appropriation fir enlairgement, ctc., gun· dollcioncy apptogriation for expenses of carriage p ant. 260 4 suit again; .,.,, , ,,,, . ..._,.,,,,,,, 661 for testing machine expenses . .. 374; 596 Welland Canal, Watervliet Arsenal, legislation respecting wrecks in Great appt0g1E0L gu- ]1 z;h£D$ U):£§ ctc., to 5;};:2 ?c., not applimblu to .. 683 · s sca s n . . . for roadway .,... .. ..,.. 259 deiiéicncy apggopriation for judgment for romls and bridge . . ..,.. 3*74 against mtrict of Columbia ... 288 f'"' Paving -·-- - ·····-~-····--- - -------· 461 Went Elizabeth Bridge Con ny,

 Jgzclgtgc plant  . ..  461 my   gommgljmf: mv,]. at Eu".

a - · t a ... 457

de£icién;; ;];p1•0priation for services .. 302 py"; gayvugé, 3;,, Tm,

at **8 · `· a `ati imyrovom t f channel 92 fawné? 1;; jndgment of Court of Chim: fu. 666 Igl::d:rBrimh, on 0 ¤ _ l Wi, parco s- ost convention with w

CD8;0l\.---.·..---.--..---·••.•.. 813 Iggaudg___________________________ 860

¢“l¤,hG¤0f£f, _ _ b dd M d Wlndward Islands .. . . ..1 .. 941 ° ¤P° * · t'" a m- W ¤¤»a·¤»¤»» vf .. . ... m "'°° “3Zré?£1“‘*.“$¥I2§L¥.£iJ€°'£?2f. é?..; uvkeyan 111- Brita' oncomin m . 1000

ap;g;>p;iati0;1 fur improvement of harbor. 93 lupcndgnlg gqmmgo 45;; 0:;:5,,,], mm

ay U6?} Tobago .,. , 95 wzggygnsgliafor ··-·-·• · --··•·--- · · --·· 147, 734 yu, [Mg j,;,,,,],, Da;“h · ° ·» . s e ‘ 1 .,... payment of jntigmont of Court of Clsuns wggginfgw §k)5;t;y?°$°my) Weupmvwbzirzlmlwwsmgozof- n · V--- _-- - n n - 306 W“;goiM’bVaQZt f uy Richm d wu .¤ ¤•‘ . meaupq con on occnrrym of concealed ilorbxdden . 116 ion · · carrying openly with lmlswful intent, for- W", '’'‘’''°`’' 41 bxddon .. ...---·----- ·· - s coun pmmy my am Daum 116 W;?, gfmm gs;;,;,;; ··········· · ········ 1** W permitted, in performance of official duty 116 appropriation for Indian agent n 121 613 lawful “S° °f ·······*·‘‘·'···‘‘ I ‘. ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ 1*6 Western Shoshone Reservation an U r Permits {mm P°H°° wu"; °°mhU°n° ‘'’° 116 appropriation for support, etc. of Indians punishment for second violation .. 117 on ’ ____ ’ _____ 136 629 dispc;11 of sgizedh; { . . E6 . .: ... , W CL; · · - - » i t. m1n0rs-... » _ _ -: llzllnzelggelcalgrzc. - . i,.?.?.,, . . . ..., , r3££;3?!;¤M fOr Survey of harbor .,, 111 ' h tf d in wit on icenso. » _ QM _ £°$1§$e'$`$lP¤a`IZ¤, ETC., 5) be kept .. .. uv W·vvr¤g{¤;q;¤¤ my:-v~v·¤~¤* ¤f ¤·~¤*-- 89 °n°`h81f°f Erm to inform"' '7 " ```````` 117 gym:: rialinn liar inn, rovoment of 96 penalty for police odicor’s failure to ar- W75R CRW N J P ········ ast s .. . ..---· - -- - . ’ ." _ . Weather Bumagcgzwgipal Seryice), W¤;€5;:P:::;:;3 £¤! wv cy ol .., .., 113 °""°Z:g`$ZZ {Y. TT`? Y'? .7 }`.`????TYe1, 741 ¤r<=<1i€ ig =·<;_¤¤¤¤€¤ ¤*‘ -·----·----- · --·--··- 4** {0i' f¤¢], U hm, and T°P¤·i!'¤ -·~·—- ·- ·--· ·8r 742 Wh;d";;;e£fe!:{d em, of Com.; 0; Claims for general expenses .. .. ... 82, 742 P Ym to J gm 304 307 for forecast oflivixls, etc ·-- - —· -·—· --82- 742 _ ''''`'`’' "" ' "" ’ for maps, bulletins, etc ., . .. 82, 742 Wheelmg, TK Va., for transportation, etc -·--·-- - ··--·· 821 743 Wrms °f court ···· :· ········ • ••······· · ·‘ · fm instruments_ _ ____ _ _____,__, ,. ..,... 82, 743 Wiypplc Bafruckl, Amziy 462 fg]- tglggr-,Pbing’ etc ,, , . ,. .. .. .. --·· ·· -gy of way throng resarva on " " ‘ '

.  I ··-- - - · -·-- · -· v . . .
 ;?:::£'{é]éél[nph mms _______ _ _______ 82; 743 mgumminu of sale of, m District of Colum-  

fm- tlnnd reports, ctc -·-·-· - -·----·- 82, 743 _ ,b’°i,· · ····‘‘ " ‘‘’‘*‘‘‘‘'‘ " ‘ for storm, etc., signals . 82, 743 WIute, ( ece na, m {nr mtton-belt repcrté ··-···- · --·-- · · · -82v 243 W£?““;,’“·6'· X ·'*‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘''''''' for lmrricrme repnrfs ..--· - ·--·-- ---82: #43 'M “". . g"'"-"* . - · . ‘ .82 743 appropnatwn for Indxan agent at ... 122, 613 for supplnes for bmw stntwns ...- - - · _ . . . for climate investigations , .82, 743 Whrfc Earl} lfuermiaon, Cluppewa Indeana mp, for stations Middle and Thunderg$?yg=· W°;?£r‘g’£;*·;;°;f°r ““Y'P°rt> °t°•> °f ‘‘‘'’‘‘ 134* 627 l n a o a 0 · . . '

“gs’j’ lf? f?} _ ______ 255 panama 1ucrea;gd . - .. 771

fm, Printing and bimung _ __ ___ _388, 611 g Whgte House {sec Lxccutxvo Manswn). nmwr Amana 1: (widow) W'•*’*· J"""'"- . pemaén Z. ..-- · ----·-- 7 82 I P°¤¤i°” i“°'°“°" ························ ‘8°