Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/412

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FIFTY-S ECOND CONGRESS. Buss. I. cu. 880. 1892. 385 PROSECUTION OF CRIMES: For the detection and prosecution of crf’u;;¤¤¤¤**¤¤ 0* crimes against the United States, preliminary to indictment; for the ` investigations of official acts, records, and accounts of oillcers of the courts, including the investigation of the accounts of marshals, attorneys, clerks. of the United States courts, and United States commissioners, under the direction of the Attorney- General, and for this purpose all the records and dockets of these officers, without exception, shall be examined by his agents at any time, thirty-tive thousand dollars. Exrnnsns or Tnnmromiu. Couars IN UTAH Tismmronyz For de- Utah ·=<>¤¤¤- traying the contingent expenses of the courts, including fees of the United States district attorney and his assistants, the fees and per diems of the United States commissioners and clerks of the court, and the fees, per diems, and traveling expenses of the United States marshal for the Territory of Utah, with the expenses of summoning jurors, subptenaing witnesses, of arresting, guarding and transporting prisoners, of hiring and feeding guards, and of supplying and caring for the penitentiary, to be paid under the direction and approval of the Attorney-General, upon accounts duly verified and certiiied, thirty-five thousand dollars. INDUSTRIAL Holm, UTAH Tumuronr: For aid to the Industrial Uyylusrrial Home. Christian Home Association in Utah Territory, four thousand dollars. ” " PBOSECUTION AND COLLECTION. or GI.A1Ms::For the prosecution ,m§;;¤*g,·g:g¤¤¤¤1- and collection of claims due the United States, to be expended under gI the direction of the Attorney-General, five hundred dollars. TRAVELING- EXPENSES, Tmmironx or ALASKA: For the actual 5;l=¤¤kgand necessary expenses of the judge, marshal and attorney, when tray- ""° mg °“'°""“‘ eling in the discharge of their official duties, five hundred dollars. RENT AND INCIDENTAL Exrunsics, Tmmrrour or ALASKA: For R°¤¤ °'>¤· rent of offices for the marshal, district attorney, and commissioners; furniture, fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses, five hundred dollars. _ DEFENCE IN INDIAN DEPREDATION CLAIMS: For salaries and ex- ,&{,’,$f§g’,i@,Q’;,'}]{,°¤d°P· penses in defense of the Indian depredation claims, twenty-two thou- ' sand five hundred dollars.

 ML. Judicial.

UNITED STATES Comtrs. U"“°*’ “°*°¤°°*"*¤· Exrmzsns or THE UNITED STATES Comvrs: For defraying the F¤r·¤¤¤·>¤- expenses of the Supreme Court; of the circuit and district courts of the United States; of the supreme court of the District of Columbia; of - the district court of Alaska; of the court in the Indian Territory; of the circuit courts of appeals; of the court of private land claims; of suits and preparations for or in defense of suits in which the United States is interested; of the prosecution of oiienses committed against the United States, and in the enforcement of the laws of the United States; and of the enioreement of the provisions of title twenty-six of the Re- Iz., s.. Title xxvi, Vised Statutes, or any acts amendatory thereof or supplementary W J52`x”7‘ thereto; specifically the expenses stated under the following appropriations, namely: F or payment of the fees and expenses of the United States marshals M¤r¤h¤1»‘f¤¤¤- and deputies, six hundred and seventy- five thousand dollars: Provided, P"""’°· That not exceeding five hundred thousand dollars of this appropriation may be advanced to marshals to be accounted for in the usual way, the residue to remain in the Treasury, to be used, if at all, only in the pay- ment of the accounts of marshals in the manner provided in section Amounts. eight hundred and fiftysix, Revised Statutes. Rjs··T°°· *5** *’· 15* For payment of United States district attorneys, the same being for },"_;_§'“‘ ““°“‘°Y’· payment of the regular fees provided by law for official services, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars: Provided, That the United SLM9S P'*"’i•°· district attorney shall be allowed one foe and one mileage actually M*1¤az¤•¤=¤- vor. xxvii-izs