Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/981

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958 PROTECTION OF INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY. APRIL 1.3, 180:. AIM! ¤5· 1891- Supplemental Convention between the United States, Belgium, Brazil, France, Great Britain, Guatemala, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and Tunis, amendatory of the convention of March 20, 1883, for the protection of industrial property. Ooncluded at Madrid April 15, 1891; ratification advised by the Senate March 2, 1892; ratified by the President March 30, 1892; rutilications exchanged June 15, 1892 ; proclaimed June 22, 1892. BY THE PRESIDENT or THE UNITED STATES on AMERICA. A PBOCLAMATION. rreembu. Whereas Protocol 3, amendatory of the Convention of March 20, 1883, for the Protection of Industrial Property was signed at Madrid on the fifteenth day of April, one thousand, eight hundred and ninety- one by the Plenipotentiaries of the United States and other Powers, a certified copy of which Protocol 3, in the French language, is word for word as follows: [Translation.] P¤>’¤<>¤¤1¤- Tnorsrnmn PROTOCOLE. Tnmn PROTOCOL. dsesgui of mum Protocole concernant la dota- Protocol concerning the dotation e.§"r»...},’.,’§“}.'$,1’f.`fi"{’,{} tion du Bureau International de of the International Bureau of the

    • °¤¤’i¤l P¤‘¤1>¤¤y· L’Union pour la Protection de la Union for the protection of Indus-

Propriété Industrielle conclu entre trial Property between Belgium, la Belgique,leBrésil,l’Espagne,les Brazil, Spain, The United States Etats-Unis d’Amérique, la France, of America, France, Great Britain, la Grande Bretagne, le Guatemala, Guatemala, Italy, Norway, The l’Italie,1aNorvege, les Pays·Bas, Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden, le Portugal, la Suede, la Suisse et Switzerland and Tunis. la Tunisie. Les soussignés Plénipotentiaires The undersigned Plenipotentiades Gouvernements ci-dessus énu— ries of the Governments above mérés, named, Vu la Declaration adoptée le 12 In view of the declaration Mars 1883 par la Conference inter- adopted March 12, 1883, by the nationale pour la protection de la International Conference for the propriété industrielle réunie a Protection of Industrial Property Paris, convened at Paris, Ont,d’un commun accord, et sous Have, with one accord and subréserve de ratiflcations, arrété le ject to ratification, concluded the Protocole suivant: following Protocol; ARTICLE Pnmmnn. —A11T1oLE 1. 8,2;,:** °’P°”°°¤ °* Le premier aliuéa du chiifre 6 du The first paragraph of No. 6 of Protocole de cloture annexé a la the iinal Protocol annexed to the Convention internationale du 20 International Convention of March