Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1129

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   Currency e nive-

. . 25 10 5 . Countries of I 25 I 10 5 1 · q Pays del Um°n‘I centimes. I centimes. I contimes. the Union. I ccntimes. I centixnos. centimes. .°uts_-Contmuem Colonies danoi- Danish C o l o- ses : nies: ‘ Groenland ... 20 Gre . 10 6re . 5 Eire. Greenland ... 20 iire . 10 iire . 5 ore. Antilles da · 5 cents 2 cents 1 cent. Danish West 5 cents 2 cents., . . 1 cent. noises. Indies. Do ni i n i cs i n e 5centavos. 2 centavos. 1 centavo. Dominican Re- 5 centavos 2 centavos I centavo. (Repubhque). lpublic. Egypte 1 piastre.. Smilliemeszmilliemes gypt . 1 piastre.. Smilliemes Zmilliemes de livre. de livrc. of alivre. of 21. livre. Equateur .. 5 centavos 2 centavos 1 centsvo Ecuador .-- 5 centnvos 2 centavos 1 centavo. Colopies espn- Spanish Cologno es: , nies: Culm, Porto 5 centsvos 2 centavos 1 centavo. Cu_bs, Porto 5 centsvos 2 centavos 1 centavo. Rico, Iles R1co,Pl1illip· Phililppi n e s pine Islands et é pen- and dependances, ct I, dencies, and ctablisse » establish. ments du mentsonthe go} fe d e Gulf of Guimnée. nea. Eta t s - U n is5 cents 2 cents 1 cent. United States 5 cents 2 cents I cent. d'Amérique. of America. Ggnde - Bro-24 pence .. 1 penny,. . { penny. Great Britain.. *2} pence .. 1`penny... Q penny. gne. Colonies B ri- British C o I 0- tgxntijques: B 2* nges; n gon; a- pence..1penn nay. nti s, Bs·2 nce..1 n ... penn . lmmss (iles), y * pe hamgag, Bar- Q N Pm y * y Barb ade, bados, Ber- Berm udes, mndss, Gold Cote-d’01·, Coast, Dom- Domin iq ue, inica, Falk- Fnlkland land Is (iles), Gam- lands, Gambie, Gro- bia. Grenanade,Jamsi· ds, Jamaigpe, Lagos, ca, Lsgfos, alto, Mont- Malta, ont- . ssrrat, N e - serrat, New vis,St. Chris- is, St. Christop h e, Ste- topher, S t. ' Lucie, St- Lucia, St. Vincent, Vincent. Sierra-Le- Sierra Leone, Taba- one, Tobago, Trinité, g o, Triniu r q u 0 s ad, Tnrk’s ( ile s) e t . Island, Vir- I Viergcs (iles). gin Islands. I Guyan e an·I5 cents 2 cents 1 cent. B r i t i s h 5 cents 2 cents I1 cent. §aise,Hong· G u i a n a, on , La- ,Hong Kong, I b0sn.§traits~ L a b u a n, Settlemen t s Straits Set- I et Terre tlements, Nenve. I Fov;fonnd· I ’ suc . ~ - Borneo d uI6 cents de3 cents degl cent de B ri t i s bI0cents ofsikcents ofnIl cent of s No rd bri-‘ dollar. dollar. I dollar. North B o r-I dollar. dollar. I dollar. tannique. I I neo. I I Honduras . ..I6 cents 3 cents T1 cent. British .Uon~?6 vcnts 3 cents Il cent. I urns. I I Maurice (ile)I10 cent. de 4 cent. d e 2 cent. de Mau ri t i u sIl0 cents of§4r·eutsofa 25 cents of e t d é p e n·’ roupie. roupie. I roopie. sn n d depeu- an rupee.rupee. a rupee. dances. I I I dencies. I _ I Chypre .. 2 piastres'1 pisstrejpiastre Cyprus .. I2 pmstresI1piastreerzlpiastreor I ou 80 pn-I ou 40 ps. on 20 pw I or 80 pa-I 40 paras.' 20 paras. I ras. I_ras. ras. ras. I_ Ceylun ... IX4 cent. dem cent. de 2g cent. de Ceylon .. .Il4 cents oi scents cfs 23 cents of I roupie, I roupie. I ronpie. I s rupee. rupee. a rupee. Anstralssie. .2; pence ...1 penny. . .,¥ penny. Australasis.,25 pence. Il penny. Ig penny. Guatemala. 5 centavos 2 ccntsvosI centavo. Guatemala I5 centavosI‘2 centavos 1 centavo. Haiti .. 5 cengivos 2 ccntavosI1 oentavo Haiti .. 5 centavosI2 centavosI1 centavo I depiastie., dv piastre.I de piastre. of a pics-I of a pias·I of a piss- I I I tre. I tre. tre. Hawai .. . ..‘5 cents `2 cents .1 cent. Hawaii ... . 5 cents. I2 ce-nts. I1 cent. Honduras (Re-_5 centavosI2 centarosi centavo. Honduras (Re- ;5 centa.vosI2 centsvosIl centavo. Ipnbliq uc dn). · I I public of). I I I ndc Briton- 2 annas. . J} HDIL1 It anna. British India.._’.! annns . . . { anna g anna. uique. I I I ` Japon .. , . .‘5 sen .. 2 sen .. 1 sen. Japan . I5 sen .. 2 sen .. I1 sen. Liberia I5 cents I2 cents 1 cent. Li eria 5 cents 2 cents Il cent. Mexique .. 5 centavos 2 ccutavos 1 centavo. Mexico 5 centavos 2 centavos 1 centavo. Montenegro . . .I10 soldi . . .15 soldi 3 soldi. Montenegro . . . 10 soldi ..._ 5 soldi ,... *3 soldi. Nicaragua . I5 centavos;2 centavos 1 centavo. Nicaragua . 5 centavos 2 centavosl centavo. Norvege ... '20 cre . *10 ore . 5 (ire. Norway . ..I 20 6re . 410 ore. 5 ore. Paraguay. . 5 centav0sv2 centavos 1 cen tavo Paraguay .. I5 centavos'2 centavosl centsvo I de peso. I de peso. de peso. l cfa pes0.I of a peso.! oi apeso. Pays-Bas etl2§cents..5cents 2§cen17s. NetherlandsI12§ cents;5 cents2Q cents colonies néer·f I and N e t he r-? (Dutch).I (Dutch). (Dutch). lsndaises. I lands colonies. I • STAT—VOL XXVIII--70