Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1314

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1292 INDEX. Page. ~ P¤8¤· Congressional Rec0rd—C011tiuued. i Consulates, _ distribution to legations ‘ 618 » appropriation for clerk hire ... 149. 823 to subscribers _... 618 ; for contingent expenses . · 151. 825 to Soldiers` Homes. etc ..._... 159 deficiency appropriation for contingent Conklin, James J, I V expenses ... 425, 844, 875 puymentof Court of Claims judgment bo- 453for clerks at ,___..,... . . . 477 Odhklill, John R., I Cgngulg, ‘ d0H01¢'{D¤Y ¤PD1‘0p1’i¤·ti0I1 {0I' $6I’Vi00¤ . 866 · appropriation for instruction and transit Connanwut Island, R. I., pay ____________________________ 142, 816 pre1iminary_examina.tion of, to be made- 368 . for Salaries __ _________________ _ _____ 145, 819 U¢m7•¢¢Wt»_ OZ"0, _ r deficiency appropriation for salaries . 486 appropriation for improvement of harbor - 344 C·0n8ugS.G,memg, C°"”*’ct'cE‘t Bw?", Q°””·» _ _ appropriation for salaries . 145, 819 a'ptPr°Frmt}°D fer lmprmuug ········· `··; H 34‘ I Contagious Diseases, D. C., , C °r lihpggws ····················· 3% * 918 appropriation for preventing spread of - 257, 758 (e1o7ns7t:·11ctign,0f bridge authorized across l C'Zg;°gg1_3°gi(g;'i;°;° ’auth0dz8d across

 gpuis Rivgr between Rices 64 Grifton ’ 489

om , mn., an · . ‘·‘··· r": ······ = ········· - C, on J h E., I time extended forvbridgmg, G-rift0n . :>96 . gourtof C]a_imSjudgmentt0_ 466 I COn¢C7thuq Qreek, JN: C., I . F Connonm John E, I 3·p]iI‘Op1‘1at1OD·fo1’ 1mpTOV1Dg ..__._., 300 paymeutof Courtof Claims judgment t0_ 457Contmentql Railway, _ _ Connolly, Wzlliam, I appropriation for prmting survey, etc- - - 145 payment of judgment of Court of Glgims g deficiency appropriation or commissionto administratrix ___ _ _____ 464 C t_ ersgxpenses, etc .. -. - . 424 Connor, Edward E, ‘ on mgen_ tvpenses payment of Courtof Claims judgment to- 465 = appropriation for fiery ...--.. 124, 826 Conspiracies, for foreign missions 143, 817 in restraint of import trade void; perm- 0 §or gznsigstes .. gg? ties ----.. - ... sv or no .. , repeal of penalties tor, Federal elec- 87 1 ;o; Igolufe of lietpresentatives _______ ig, tions ..,__ _ _______ 0 u 10 rm ng _.___ , O'¤¤·¤¢¤Mi¤¢€le. f I ;or Rreeutgve QA 169, 772 appropria 'on or steam aunch, legs- ‘ 0i' [¤¤'tm911 0 ---- 70, 773 tion -----..--...- .. .. 143 817 for Tressmw Department ... 179, 781 £"‘;¥"‘;:‘}.*°m"°"‘“° ··············‘· i1?}?;?! £3£¥:`£‘? ’}’é’“"€“°"”t ··············· {3532 _______________________ , yr men ______________ “ ()'on0.;it·ucltian," U.S.8., · · for I¤fe1‘10i‘ ggarmeut 197; 799 appropéiatixina for rheprsb, asatfaining ship, £0!' g 0S17·?t§1C9 Feggrtlipeut . 201, 802 ew mps e nav militia. ____ 134 5 0!‘ epa en 0 us ice ..,.,_ 02, 804 Consular Bills of Health, 5 fo1' AYXDX ----. j . 241, 661 not required from ports on frontier, etc - 372 3 for D1¤'¤¤<¤t of Columbia 246, 747 gommgm- Clerks, I E for Department of Agriculture .__,__ 272, 736 Cappiéopricntion for salaries .,... 148, 823 ¤ 2O!' ¥V§¤·th61&B\;r'€i_al1 - - - - 273, 737 onsu ar ourts, é or u epen en reasury .. 388 929 appropriation for marshals _,..__,,___ 150, 824 ¥ fo1']¤¤d 050% - ,_______ 393: 936 Consulag Opicfrs gee gals? Diplomatic and Contract Lagmrr, filien, ousu ar rviceappropria. ion or enfola .. 390, 931 appropriation for instruction and trauiy 816 ; ContractLaborers, I-cing ws S1 PSY ---------------------.--- ‘ , temporary emplo ent of foreign ulfor salaries ..,,.,__. 145, 819 · lowod at Atgnta E ·ti ’ deficiency appropriation for services to i at California Midwiumrgspogitiouziz 961 Ameneau vessels --------..-.. 873 “ at Interstate Fair ...,. . ..,._,__,__ 224 Consular 01Feers not Oqhzcns, , at pm-piano Exposition ______________ ooo derioieuoy appropriation for salaries . 477at Prize Winners Exposition ________ i 9 Cto be paplrfrom amount for consulate- 149, 823 · Contractors, mum ar `sons, bond of on ub]' k , t · - appropriation for expenses 150, 824 * curit Igor gazfgaiz 3 Include ?° Consular Regulations themy ’ C`, Supphed v .. . ,___ _ _____ _ _ F)" appropriation for rewriting . 103 Cgprlractg, `-·- · `°-- M8 Commlar Reports, _ to be deposited with Auditors ______ - - .._, 210 appropriation for prepqratiou, etc . 100, 82o annual reports by Secretary of way 50,- prmting authorized ; distribuirion ..._... · 616 supplies, etc., repm1ed_ ’ ps? edition of 7 ,000 copies authorized- ._ .. 959 1 in restraint of import trade »;oi}1Y`iiQ§[§]Z ‘ O0nsula7éService we also Diplomatic andties ...________ _ ____4_ , 570 onsu ar rvice). Convention , H - _ ```'```' ' approygiition for salaries, consu1s·geui45 819 p‘;;p1eI(sh;;;>·:s1t with Newfomidlmid ________ ug.; for ccgipuls, vice-consuls, and commer- y with EcnadortixizixiziijuU"` "" c` agents . 145,819 { 'th Mt d· ```"'j ' ior clerk hire 149, 823 5 wl rrfissigrn féundary com 1213 or interpreters mars s, etc .. 150, 824 with Great Brit· ’ , A] ka _`'````" V fo1' 0011tiH thexpenses . 151, 825 with Russia, fqrdéghgdgatggu of ggdairh' 1200 r tu . . . _ _ mmals. 1071 e rn of ees. to be prescribed by · with Veuezuem, 81-bltmmr, ___________ 1183 Compbouar ...-.-.--- 206 for COm.miS§’iQ¤ to rggpgn claims- · _ .