Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1339

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INDEX. 1 3 1 7 P . P . 007700118, age “General Armstr0*ng," Bn?, age duty OD GDH30D - 529 deficiency appropriqtion or paying claim W3?] -£ ... fj S2413C. Rmd .. . 843 BI 9 0-.-: --.--.-..-... - ., mera rmy ervioe, Gallmury, William H., appropriation for detachment, Military

 1;¤;y’r;g1&t of (gurl: gg Claims Judgment to- 458 Academy __.,,,__ 627

u , i iam ., 0., Gemaml Bonded Warehmwes défiviqucy appropriation for -.---.-.--... 866 for storage of spirits other than from fruit 564 Gcgzxz mzed Iron or Steel, General Land Qifige (age also Public Lands), 11 y 0n -.--...-..--...-..--..-.. --- 5 appropriation or ommissiouar, assisly Galveston fiqy, Tew., ant, clerkq, etc . 193, 794 approprmtnon for rmproving sbp chan- for clerks detailed from Ifousion Office- 795 1161 ..-...-. ..,-..- 343 for }:•er diem, ctc., iuvcstxgatious 194, 795 construction of bridge autbonzod across- 641 for aw books ...-... 194, 795 Galveston Island, Tex., for maps; distribution ..,..___.. 194, 795

s;1rvcy ofito prevent erosion, directed- - 371 {or robmdiug tracgbogks .-.. 419, 960

u weston ea:. au `ting accounts y ommissiouer reappropriutiorr for improvement of har- pealod .._-..___,______,.__ 207 bor -.---..-.- : --.-- 404, 946 offices of principal clerks abolished .. 807 deficiency appropriation for public build- duties to be performed by assistant coming - - . - .--.-------... 428 missiouor ..-..--.-.-. 807

 far mpmvmg£; r£g5· ,.. H .- E- 638 correctionof crrcxgin a11m51;euts,patouts,  

ig t—house estaat cu ance 0 etc., to uns, au .---.-- 64 harbor -..-...--.-..-. 626 General Land Ojiicc, Commissioner of the, Gambier, appropriation for, gssistant, clcrékghetf- $93, 794 on free list --..--..-.--..--.. to issue uumts or certain van Game Birds, scr£> locations ..---.-.--.-.-...--. 84 importing eggs of, prohibited except for hearings, etc.,iu Oregon domtionclaims; co actions .-.-.-.-.-.-..- 540 I regulations --.-----...-.-. 122 Garbage, D. O., · General Service Clerks and Messengers, appropriation for removal; dmly servncc abolished ..---...-..--.-.--- 236 May to - .--...-- 257, 757 Geneva, for destroying; mspectnou, contracts, gpromuhou for consul at -..-.-..--- 148, 822 etc -.-...-.-.---.-..--.------- oa, · deficiency apprggrgotiou £o;r0;uov·iug--- 850 l apgropfiagigo for consul at .----.. E3, investigation 0 t met 0 d1sp0sal`; or c cr `rc -... . -.-.-...-. , report ..-.,,,.. . .----.,..- 257 ~ Genoa, Nelrr., G de S ds. I ropriatiou for Indian school ...,___ 309 905 (ziztyngnieuot specified ___...--.-. 523 i gggcieucy fnppropriatiou for Indian ’ G ld M crm' lH0spa'tal, D. U.,? ¤¢>h00 ----—---.------- -----...-..- 79 gggrwdxon for mamtcmmce 406, 950 Geodetic Association. nternatzomzl, Gm~,,eg; Albgrf E, , delogptes to be uppomtcd . Z - 587 payment of Court of Claims judgment to- 470 j Geodetec S1en·e3{ (see Coast and Gcodcmc Gas Retorts, · urvcy . d ___________________ _ ____________ 513 G >l0gi(.'(1lS1l’!"U€¥, Ga,t;.?;,g:gle River,; (gpfropriation or director, clerks, etc. 397, 799 appropriation for improving or rept - : .. ... - 197. 308, »99, 9:10 Gqgpg Basin for ggrgnufic gsgxstants _________ _ _ _ _ 598, 939 appropriation for consul at ...-.-. 148, 822 {or :k;1g;<;:;g¥·;;¤h•:;; ..- .- {:33, Gaston, James B., E 0 0 * _ ··----- - ---- · r ‘ ‘ ‘ _____________ 444 . for geolg c31 surveys _____,__,,,___ 398 939 ¤#?1“¥*£'f“?~'·‘?’»’%¥¥""°""“`“°“ '°' $0* 1H28B0a2s1g 81;,.** “$:s2;· Mmm` 323 · · . or eou ca -.. , paymigigfeggun of Claims Judgment to451for glgomical, etc. , researches 398, 940 Gates Louis ~·-·’-—----_-_‘·---.---»'< fgrprgpgying juugfratjgng ____ __ ____ 398,940 ¤¤>*··¤¤*°*"°°’*°‘ "‘°‘*°°j“"g'“°“*“’· *5* z f35E31E 3Z‘c‘f‘?‘TT‘€*.T???Y‘Tf‘??;;;i; $33;% G""¥Z"'°* 1"tem?€]R€Lm2Le’ 567for gngraying: ctc., geological maps- 398,940 Mmgnmems 0- u y ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ - '`‘ - for 1l1V°Stl ann water supply 398 940 to mark. etc., inspection of recnied spu- I f é; g i§u ¤aH0Ds ‘···‘‘ 420* 960 its `"```````'````'-```````` - - - l for yiutiug papers on , Gcmley Ripewj. W. Vq., p eS __________‘___ _________ 960 ”'·PP’°P”’*“°” f°" “”P"°"“‘g ---········· 3*9 · rorigggfgwpom on mmemmmmm; Gullrlga nr John J'! , Sgpgrgf;3 chgptefsg c(§|; _____ __ ____ 960 payment of Cgurt of Clmms Judgment to- 4.0 , for €¤gmv;¤g monographs and bully Ga . J I ·, _ f ..-.-.. - ...-..-...

 of Cl8ilI1S ]\1dg'HZI.0Dt tO- 408 for   a13d `binding mguggygphg

Geay~y David D,, and bulletins; pales. etc .-.- 420, 960 pay-mem of Court of Claims Jqdgment t0- 468 dciimency appropriation for expenses - - k 4133;

 `d   l , ~

Ge;`{m€{;¢LrT?_é. .. - ...»-- 1028 gm °*° -— T --~— i -——·——--—-—--- — - · g ·; or repo ou mmora resources .,. · G*§g@'g;u _________ _ _ _ 510 accounts to be examined by Auditor for mmfgéum of ... - - - 536 · , 1¤t¤ri¤r ¤¤1¤r¤s¤¤¤¤ —--------; ---- 206 Gem, demguatxou of acjring dxrqctor authonzed- 197 on gm, um {0, sgcigtigg, em _,_____._... 5-14 may survey Indum Temtory .. . 900