Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1377

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INDEX. 1355 Money Orders, Postal Ser·v»lce—C0utinued. Page- Montreal, Pm allowance for clerical labor in other than appropriation for consul—general at 145, 819 inst €·¤d secgud class omces ... 31 for clerk hire ___________ · 149 823 Mcoun s o_ unpai .._______________ ____ 32 M t, W h- t ````'``` ’ l{¤·ymq¤t,0t, outstanding one year ... 32 gggmglianohgfgzlseorllicm, care of 402, 944 tulm hmm I"3’“l€$l -----—---- · ——------- - 32 fol‘ expenses of maintenance ..,_____ 402 944 ming **3118 Pdvlces ------------.---.. 32 for new engine -- e ._..____ _ _ _ _ ’ 402 ¤¤pg1y_¤f application blanks 32 Mmm, my, " ‘ ‘ 1*011 ering accoun s _____________________ 32 a t to] 1 mu _______ forms; coupons to be sent Auditor .. 33 Mm? L., ega mpmseu VSS- 580 {SG11Q11g Orders rmt exceeding $5 .. 33 deficiency appropriation for contestedmsuulg lost orders; p3ylD6l1l7 . - ..__,_ 33 election expenses _________________ 448 destruction gw statements and paid Moore, John Bassett, 0* BTS F *611 Years ------·-~·.». 107 appropriation for editing Digest of Interpayment of, outstanding ten years ..._.. 107 national Arbitrations 580 Mmwwahela City, P41-, for services publi ti t -d:-1-nut? bridge_agrdosstMonongahela River, author- 738 M lcorrelsepondeno;8ofotl1e;)Re;lJ>1(:ilt]i1:>n? 819 IZ a ._ . . ... r owe, iza th, or Townsend, Monongalwla Rwer,_Pa., _ real estate purchased by, released from ccnstrgcltioia of bréidge authorized across, forfeiture ________________________ 984 08 GRY omnty 57 Moore, W. H., Beuégggiéizig B -.---.. llg Mdeficiency aprimpriation for mail ger-vioe_ 487 S \11‘g ..-. oorm s , ., Mvuvngaheia City, P¤·» · ------·..· 738 coustguldglou of bridge authorized aorosg Ewa"? ····- is -······-·~···-- 733 M .;’*·;’£0’·;*·==* »--»---»--·-——---»—— 50 X 01 0 S lug, 3 .. oosea c ar, e,, » Pittsburg to Glenwood - - - .. ... 47 appropriation for im rovement or harbor- 338 . P Jlonongahela Rwer, W. Va. and Pa., Moqilette Carpets, &pp1‘0€rix;.{tion éor improving ; purchase of duty on ____________________ __ _ __________ 531 _ oc s, e . 348 M i Indians, time extended for report on value of im- ggpropriation for support, etc., of ... 303 provements, etc .. 973 Moquie Pueblo Agenoy, Monroe, Charles E. , appropriation for support, etc. , of Indians Mdedciericy Iappropriation for ,,_, 857 at ______________________ _ _________ 303 onroe, ic ., Mora, Antonio Maxi , appropriation for improvement of harbor- 344 payment of claim a;'a)inst Spain to be in· M0ntana,_ _ sisted upon ,..__., .--- 975 appropriatwn for surveyor-general, a Mom n, Henry C,. clerks, etc .. 198, 800 l payment of Court of Claims judgment t0_ 469 for contingent expenses . 198, 800 [ Moran, Richard J., for support, etc., of Flathead, etc., I payment of Court of Claims judgment to- 472 In ians in 302 j Mor mz. Ozias, for incidental expenses Indian service04 rellzase of sureties on bond of ____________ 1032 in .. 3 ,893 5 Llorley, C. H., denciegoy appropriation for fish hatchery, 430 Mpayuierglof Court of Claims judgment to- 467 ozeman , , ormon zurc z, for surveyorjgeneral .. 858 { restoration of personal property to, for allowance to district. court officers ..,. 204, 806 5 charitable uses ___________________ 934) · dam across Missouri River, authorized- - 91 ‘ Mormons, extension of time for first payment on ‘ proclamation granting amnesty and parlands ceded by Indians in .,... 901 » don to . ’ ,,. 1 257 extra rates allowed for surveying certain Morning Gun. public lands in ._,..,. 638appropriation for firing -- . 242, 662 examination of land dgrants to Northern Morrmco, Paoifio Railroa _, . ... 683 ¤ duty on unfinished skins for _____________ 534 mineral lands disallowed, etc - . . 683 - Mmphia, etc., may select lands in Bitter Root Valley duty on 510 for public uses ,... 1 I . - 222 ~ Morrell, Harding J.. part of Fort Maginms Reservation * payment of Court of Claims judgment to- -166 granted to ..,.. _ ,.. 938Morris Ferry. Ark., _ _ proclamation dispersing persons unlaw— COl1St1"LlCl$10I1 of bridge authorized across fully obstructing mails, etc. , ins - - 1250 ; Little River at __.__.i_________ 62 survey of lands authorized to complete 394 mode of coilisetlruction changed ._,______ 634 grants to .,... · e exten or constructing bridge Mmlfevirlev, _ at 634 appropriation for consul at ... 146, 820 Zlforrzs. Franck A., Monfgomeyg County, Ark. , _ p8»ytI11eHt0fC0¤It0f Claims judgment to_ 461 sale of lands in. for church camp ground- 604 Morris, Hugh, _ Llontgomery, James H,. __ paymentof Courtof Claims judgnv :2 t0- 455 payment of Court of Claims judgment to- 405 Morrrs Leland: S. C., Llonlgomery, Vlfesley. _ _ transfer of life-saving station to Sullivans may enter homestead l0cat10¤; patent - - 98» _ Island ... . 43 Montoir, William, Morrzs. Max. _ _ appropriation for . - . 262 vpayilhéglj f;;_C0¤§_f of Claims Judgment to- 467 J.l·l0·ntpelz`er, Vt., , orrw. 1 cam ., terms of court ..» . .»..·~ 99 Pa)’¤1€*¤fof C<>¤1‘f of Claims judgment to- 461