Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1436

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1414 mmnx. Page. ! _ P¤80· Trezxslury Department-Coutmued. I Treasury Depm·tment—C0ntmued. a.ppr0%riut1011fordetai1forrcveuue·cuther 179 I appropriatgu fqajgggepu-G€u;ra1,tDIai 9 780 ivigiou __________________________ ~ ripe- osp1 rvxcc, c er s, e c- 7 , cmployeut of E.V;;Se11s as expert 7 I for In¤pgct0§gGcpcra% itea1;1b0at In; 9 780 boo ecper repo .,...,. 'X'5· spec OH 1'V106,C€!‘ S,€<{ t- 7 , for Supervising Architect, assistant, j for ?u;fSrintende11t of Imm1gra.tion, 1 9 etc ____. - ,_. .. ... 172, 775 c er 7 draftsmau, etc.; proviso .. 172,775 for Commissioner-General of Immigraestixgggc of necessary employees to be 7 5 f tion, clerlzs .. iw m _._._______,...__.__ " or contingen expenses . for FirstfC0;Tg>tr011crai1;;eputy, clerks, 12) for it1:t0ID&1-TEVGIEUG collectors, depuiso 789 etc., or cemou . L `es agen s, e c . , ~ for Second Comptroller. hieputy, clerks, 173 for saéligries, ctc., assistant trcasurerigl 782 etc., for t mont 0 ces .. for cr of Customs, deputy, for salaries, etc., mints and assay ’ clerks, atc., for three months . 173 ohiccs . _ _ . 1 83, 784 for Compciirolllgr gfcthe Treasurzisusisb 173 §0I' goierinmcuf 11];:114; Terr1t0r1cs- - - aut, er , .,uiuemon ...__ or o'ci0r,cer ,ec ... . , for iiscal your ending June 30, 1896-_ 776 for civil expenses under 372, 910 for temporary clerks; detail ..._ 173 for public buildings 372, 910 a. pointment of law clerks 173 for repairs to buildings . 373, 913 for fF¥:st Auditorkggputy, clerks, ctc., im- Light-houses, ctc 3%, or three mon . 173 ore-saving expenses . 3 , for Auditor for Treasury Department, for revenue-cutter expenses . 378, 919 dmty, clerks, etc., nine months- - 174 for engraving and printing . 378, 920 for al yea; ending June 30, 1896-- 776 for Coast and Goodctic Survey ..---. 379, 920 for Séocond Aud1t01£i1<;eputy, clerks, etc., ;0r ]éSOHiBD Institution -...-..- gi, 924 01- t mon ...--..-.--..-.-. 174 orommissiou ------.--.. , 925 for Audim1;rg‘ mar Departmixlaig dep- 174 forw'IntE;·st;_teC0m]1;crc1a6((%0mmission 387, g u , c ., nine mon ---.- or ’s 8.i1',|1C ow grmmts, ctcfor @:11 yea; ending June 30, 1896- - 776 for W0r1d’s Columbian Commission - - 928 for B£curt11Au¢R1:;>r, deputy, clerks, ctc., 174 im- depart:m?;1t::];7‘Vor1d's Fair reportséss 9333 mon -...-.---..-.-..-.-.- or pn r an s ps ----------.---- , for Audjtéfr {gr61£a.vyDepartu;;al;?t, dep- 1 for violations of iutorua1· u , er , —., nine mon .- 75 revenue ws ..--..-------.--.-- 388 929 for ®a1 yoqr ending J unc 30, 1896- - 776 for contingent expenses independent ’ for ¥h1rd Audiiér, deputy, clcrks,atc., 7 f treasury ---- E -.---__,_,,--__,, 388,920 brcc IDOD . 1 5 or transporting'ver coin .--.. 888,929 for Auditor for Interior _Depax·hment, for recoinage, etc., minor coins -.--. 388, 929 deput , clerks, ctc., mnc months- - 175 for recoiuaga, gold coins, ___--,--,--,,- 929 for the ggculyear eudiugJuua 30, 1896 776 for recoiuago fractional silver ...---. 389, 929 for Fifth Audiggr, deputy, clerks, etc., for expenses, securities _____________ 389, 929 three 111011 .. . - - 175 for expenses, public buildings ----.. 889, 930 for Auditor for State, ctc., Depqrfrfor suppressing counterfcitin , ctc-- 390, 931 meuzslis deputy, clerks, ctc., uma gor comaga u;iut, Denver, Cogo ------- 931 mon -----.-.· = . 175 ‘ or custody 0 lands ctc -.--.--. 390, 931 for the fiscal year ending June 80, { fo1··surveyofla.udsi1{North Carolina..- 981 If}96 ---------..---.----------... 777 [ for supplement to Revised Statutes- - 390, 931 duh9S of bw 0101*8 ...-...-.. - 777 | for compensation in lieu of moieties, 390, 931 ' for Audxtor for Posc—O£[·1cc Depart- for expenses, local appr¤isers’ meetgneuté depzlty, gizrks, etch; .. 176, 777 f ings ...--.---.--,___________ 890,931 uc 'ug epu y au urs, au ond . - 777 or e enses, tract-1 be 1 - . . 390, 931 for Treasurer, assistant, clerks, ctc- - 176, 777 for c§0rcing glguose e;cI*:di::1v? ...- 390, 932 for Rsgister, asaistaut, clerks, etc., for E immigration service to be organized-- 391 t rpc mbnt s . 177 ~ pa ent of acting customs inspectors- 391 f<>r mrw m<>¤¤h¤- 1 -------------. 177 { fog ggska seql and salmon nshmas. 391, 932 for fiscal year ending June 80, 1896. - 778 I 30mt commission on Ford's Theater Comyitrolgcrtgf the Currency, deputy, » disaster ____ _ ________________ _ ____ 392 c er e -. 1"7,7"8 fm-F rd’sTh m disasm ____________ ggg for (g0mm§ssi;>u<;;·S0£t{=utema1 Ravcnue,é_ If repgrt, etc. :%;:1 gxplosivgs --..-.. 392 uty. 6 6F . -----------·-- I ,7"8 0 din Massach tt - fc, rmupuom Bm.}, chief cm, ‘ ‘ ;Emg . f'€-f‘.fI‘i’}‘}?-f’f‘. M etc .. . .. 1*8, "'9 A for F cis Wharbo ____________ _ ____ 933 for §uperiutendeut Life·Sa.viug Serv-I H I regfxzigticns for sagxpliug had gms_ __ 933 nce, assistant, clerks, ctc 178, 779 transfers of autographs, em., to for C¢;mmissi0¤0r0fNavigation, clerks, . James D, McBride_ _ _ _____________ 933 e c ..--..--. -A ..--.-.-.-.-.-.--. 178, *79 disposal f lggg ___________ for glgczgf Biireag of Engraving and lg Q for mgm- gouggsigr ____ I? ___________ `ng, cer , etc -.-..-.- .--- 178,7 I for Emil M, Bl ___________________ 9- for 0@iccr in charge Bureau of Statis-P J ! for quargutaing Sggg ______________ 392, gg tmp, clerks, et --.-.- T -.-.- _. I - 1»8, /79 _ for preventing epidemics, ew _______ 392, 934 for 0£tcSOC1'Bt Servxca D1v1810ui_8 M9 €0rsu1jv%:>r,ct¢3a) of C0]umbia__ 935 , _ -------.-.. - --..--- T- r ,u orprm 811___________ _ 19,9 for constructmu, ctc., standard wcxghts deficiency a.p%r0pria1tf1}o1tni§>r recoixmgq 0% 59 Bpdm61l·S¤1’€S-.-; ... 178,779 silvarooius _______________ ____ 2,637,846 for Dxmetor of the Mmt, clerks, etc,- 179, 780 for national currency expemgg ________ 3