Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/764

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FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 169. 1895. 735 IRRIGATION INVESTIGATION: To enable the Secretary of Agriculture Ivisetion invvmto continue the collection of information as to the best modes of agri- g°°'°"‘ culture by irrigation, niteen thousand dollars. NUTRITION: To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to investigate Egg guhgiw- 4 and report upon the nutritive value of the various articles and com- reports ”g°’ °“ "' modities used for human food, with special suggestion of full, wholesome, and edible rations less wasteful and more economical than those in common use, fifteen thousand dollars; and the agricultural experiment stations are hereby authorized to cooperate with the Secretary of Agriculture in carrying out said investigations in such manner and to such extent as may be warranted by a due regard to the varying conditions and needs of the respective States or Territories, and as may be mutually agreed upon; and the Secretary of Agriculture is hereby authorized to require said stations to report to him the resultsof any such investigations which they may carry out, whether in cooperation with said Secretary of Agriculture or otherwise. INVESTIGATION AND EXPERIMENTS WITH GRASSES AND Forman ,fn*;¤¤¤¤ Md f¤¤¤s¤ PLANTS, DIVISION or Aenosroroer: Field and laboratory investiga- P nvssegmoss, ea. tions relating to the natural history, geographical distribution, and uses of the various grasses and forage plants, and their adaptability to special soils and climates; establishment and maintenance of experimental grass stations; employment of local and special agents and assistants; collection of seeds, roots, and specimensfor experimental cultivation and distribution; materials, tools, apparatus, supplies, and labor required in conducting experiments; freight and express charges and traveling expenses; the preparation of drawings and illustrations for special reports, and the preparation of illustrated circulars of information, bulletins, and monographic works on the forage plants and · grasses of North America, fifteen thousand dollars. ‘ INVESTIGATIONS IN BELATION T0 AGRICULTURAL SOILS, DIVISION , 1 m or AGRICULTURAL Sous: Investigation of the relation of soils to climate and organic life; for the investigation of the texture and composition of soils, in the lield and laboratory; the location of stations, and the rent of a building, not to exceed one thousand six hundred dollars per annum, for office and laboratory purposes; the employment of local and special agents and other labor required in conducting experiments; the preparation of drawings and illustrations; for materials, tools, instruments, apparatus, and supplies, and for traveling expenses, freight and express charges, fifteen thousand dollars. FURNITURE CASES AND REPAIRS: Repairing and improving build- Bmw ¤•¤¤¤•¤•i ings, not including the erection of new buildings, heating apparatus, furniture, carpeting, matting, water and gas pipes, new furniture, and ` all necessary material and labor for the same, including lumber, hardware, glass, and paints, ten thousand dollars. POSTAGE: Postage on return letters, circulars, and miscellaneous 1’·>¤¤•¤¤- articles for correspondents and foreign mail, two thousand dollars. MUSEUM: Collecting, classifying, and naming cereals; collecting and M°•°°¤*- modelling fruits, vegetables, and other plants; for labor and material for preparing same for the museum, and other necessary expenses and supplies, three thousand dollars. · Firms INVESTIGATIONZ To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to uF¤•¤ri¤v••¤ls•- continue the investigations relating to textile fibers indigenous in or °”‘ adapted to the United States, including their economic growth, cleansing, and decortlcatlng preparatory to manufactrue; the testing machines and processes for said cleansing and decorticatiu g; for the purchase of material for said tests; for the purchase of iiber plants and seeds for distribution, propagation, and experiment; and for the labor and expenses incident thereto, and for traveling expenses in connection with said duties, five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. LIBRARY: Purchase of necessary books, periodicals, and papers, and ri¤¤r.v- for expenses incurred in completing imperfect series, for repairing and