Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/1040

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INDEX. 1 () ]_ 7 Wig; Pohl I¤d:¤°$€;8M>¢fM, Mint., Pwgé J Wilson, William L., Page. l" 0 Why gran ro u. ‘ 1,sdR ‘ s *8, · · _ White RW", Ark`, ug L Whppom Islasierg 5m1th om nllnsntutmn 461 appropriation for improvements of . 223 sp yopriatiou {01-fomovgng ______________ 442 ¤¤¥`\’°)’ 0;, fgfgvwd ---- - --------.. 238 Wimlior, Nom Swag, survey 0 n nlo F rk directed ,____, ____ 239 g ‘ gp { usa] at ____ ___ _____ __ Whii¤·Rirq¢·klnd¥ _ 0 t f 227 i W6»i)•i;;(;?ro:r;:£», or co 35'587 ¤PP!'0P¤¤· 1011 01‘1¤1pl‘0V0I1le¤ 0 . I appropriation for consul st ,,,_,_..,____, 35, 587 _Whi¢a, Silas S., , Wing, James L., pension increased .. ..,. . ,._,,_,__ 788 , snsiou ______ _ _____ __ __________________ __ 803 Whiting, Elizabeth Desliler (widow), Winnebago Agency, Ncbr., P§¤{¤1°¤ 1¤¤1’¢¤¤¤d ---- r--- ---- ---- -------- 716 appropriation for Indian agent at -... 322 Whiting, Jane Stewart (widow), Winnebago indian»Reacrvation, P§¤8l0l\ -...-·-.-·-.---...-...---- 781 time extended for right of way through -. 512 Whitney, Arthur P., _ _ _ , Winnebago Indiana, deficiency appropriation for, 1: ord s Thea.- I sppropnatiun for fulfilling treaties with-- 336 ter disaster . . .. . ... .. .. 274 Winnibagaehiah Indian Rumatm, Min., Wible, {Sarah Ann (mother), 766 Wright of way granted through -.-. 92 pension . , .. . . . . . umqreg, Wichita Indiana appro riation for mul at ...,.. 35, 687 appropriation for support, etc., of . 336 Winter, llfate, 00 Wickford, 12h1J, f t f h b 204 use of 1g2d bf) railroad lcompany, Washuppropria on or improvemeu 0 ar or. in on, . C. revo ed .., . . 711 Wichuare, Daum E. (widow), Winters, George, j ` pension . - 743 deficiency appropriation for services .. 304 Wicomico River, Md., mnyaw Bay, S. C., apptopziagiori for improvement of 218 appropriation for improvement of harbor; 207 Widener `a 'c contracts . . . ... pension incrcosed .. . . . . .. . .. . 797 Wisconsin River, Wis., Willamette River, Orcg., appropriation for investigating rights of appropriation for improvement of lower,- 233 the United States, etc --- ... 226 for improvement of, hom Portland to 233 ',’_j;’I¤?teto$]1;reven1'te;l,etc 226 Eugene; contracts .. ... i HODOG irrr, a., for sn boat, etc ,... . . 233 i survey of directed. . . . ... 239 for mmgitaining channel, Salem 233 T Witnesses, llnitcd States Couric, for lighting ._.,._ , . .. .. ---- 419 appropriation for fees . . .. 450 survey ot) opposite Salem, directed ... 242 * deticiency appropriation for feee 25, 288, 31.3 Wéllapa Rivera Wash., I Wolooll, James L., _ _ _ survey of, djrsqtsd _______ ,_ ,,,... 243 I deiiciency appropriation for servicen, Du Wn15am;, A, L,; E Pont conjured election 300 sale of lan? in Colorado to .. . ... 792 Wolf Lake gn; Row Ind. and Ill., mg will-GDI! . . survey q rec . ., ,,._,,. -.. . . deiiciency apparopriation for services .. 304 [ Wolf Lake! ,I••d., _ Williams, Eliza lh M. (widow), · 745 sppropgation for improvement of outlet 210 ¤¤l0¤ ..-. -... ..·- - ----- -· ----·- , · Williams Gilnan, E Women D. C., union increased ...,.. . . 729 i Wproperty etc.,rights, in separate estate. .. 193 ·W%;?‘¢|1II,‘1I||»d6 M, m••cn’s Cllriailau Association, I). l'., eusion increased ...,,.,. , . . . 882 V appropriation for maintenance .,..,. . . , 409, 681 William, John 8., Wood, John Taylor, deticieucy appropriation for contested elee— Wpolltloal disabilities removed . . ... 801 tion exprennes .. 803 j oodard, had .-I., _ _ Williams, John ., _ _ deilelency appropriation for contested •l•¤- credit in accounts; limit . 800 hou expenseor .. 308 Williamsport _Pa., V Woodcock, Ananda (widow). use cfxm building for State courts per- 459 · "_poneior;;';`;’;!.b; . . . 787 ·~·•··•··--~•··•--···•·-·••··· y '* . ·v Wilsnln ton Cal., may accept decoration from Hawaiian Govepprgprietion for improvement of lnurber; ernment .. - . . .. 828 wnnscu; regu-iction . ...,. 214 . Wanda Hole, Qian., _ survey of harbor digsgtsd __,____, ,, __,,,, 239 . Wmpmpfistnon for improvement of channel. 203 Wilmin ton, Dal. ’ slcc E _ apprgprizstion icr improvement of harbor; . upproprumon for consul at . . 35, 587 contracts .,..,_ ,, ,,.. ...- .. 207 · World'; Columbian Egoéifnoni d Wil_ to , NL C. _ delticiency approp s on or mednln an appfolprietion for marine hospital 416 I diplonmeg expenses 19 1Vilgan, Alfred M'., · for rent, division ot: awards, ,_.,__ , ,_,__ 19 appropgation tgsexpenscs ... 339 g for I;Davns; custody of manu- 19 lV6l•o»», mr wi ¤¤ , . ¤ e - ---- - ·-----·-----------. ns- ____________ _ ____ _ ,,,,,, , ___,..,.. 721 ; for Thomas W. Palmer ... . . 20 Wgcsonlgoahua E., I for Government Board of Control. .. 270 deliciency appropriation for contested elec- . for_ ontetnndin g claims . -. Z . 270 tion expenses . ..,.. .- , ,__ . - 303 g distribution of medals and diplomas ..,.., jig Wilma, K tu al a 'd appropriation for expenses .. .. . nsicni - . . .(. it - . - 775 Worley, Nathaniel P. ,_ _ _ Filion, Maria E. (widow), deiiciency arppropnatxon for, lords Thenvension increased .. . ...-..·...-.· 736 ter dwmor -- .. 1-'F4 Wilson, X. Y., _ Wortl•,_H¢·nry .-1. F., ,1,pmm-m4;g¤¤ fm- improvement of harbor. 2lb pension increased - --... .. ,772