Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1631

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1596 ria0T0c0n-GHILE. Mir 24, 1897. M“Y2*~ IW'- N Protocol of an agreement between the United States of America and the Republic of Chile. Signed at Washington, May .94, 18.97. Protocol in regard to the claim of Protocolo relative ala reclamacion Patrick Shields against the Gov- de Patrick Shields contra el Goernment of Chile. bierno de Chile. °°¤*¤°*i¤UP•¤*•=¤· The Honorable John Sherman, El Honorable John Sherman, Secretary of State of the United SecretariodeEstadode1osEstados States of America, and the Hon- Unidos de América, yel Honorable orable Domingo Gana, Envoy Ex- Domingo Gana, Enviado Extraortraordinary and Minister Plenipo- dinario y Ministro Plenipotenciario N tentiary of Chile, being desirous to de Chile, deseosos de dar una amisgive a friendly and equitable solu- tosa y equitativa solucién al retionto the claim of Patrick Shields, clamo de Patrick Shields, han conhave agreed on the following: venidoen lo siguiente: jglagxygg {Sim; The Government of Chile by El Gobierno de Chile concedera Rua: sums equitable considerations will allow por razones de equidad a los hereto the heirs of Patrick Shields a deros de Patrick Shields una comcompensation of threethousandfive pensacion de tres mil quinientos hundred dollars, and this amount dollars y esta uma sera entregada shall be delivered for that purpose con ese objeto al Honorable Secreto the Honorable Secretaryof State tario de Estado de los Estados of the United States within a pe- Unidos dentro del plazo de cuatro _ riod of four months from this date. meses contados desde esta fecha. msgbiicbuiismwbzgi This agreement is subject to the Este arreglo queda subordinado mw acceptance of the Congress of a la aceptacion del Con greso de Chile, from which the necessary Chile, del cual se recavaran los _ amount is to be requested. fondos nece arios al efecto. ,Q{,‘}_”° °“"1 °°°"°' The allowance of the said La entrega de la expresada sunia amount of three thousand five de tre mil quinientos dollars en la hundred dollars in the manner be- forma antes indicada importara el fore mentioned, will imply the final arreglo final y complete de la reand complete settlement of the clamacion de Patrick Shields, de claim of Patrick Shields, and the mauera que in ningun tiempo y said claim may not be presented at baio ningnn aspecto podra ésta guy other time, or in any other volver a presentarse. orm. S‘$'“"'“'”· In witness whereof the Honora- Eu fé de lo cnal el Honorable Seble Secretary of State and the cretario de Estado y el Honorable Honorable Minister of Chile sign Ministrode Ohilefirman el presente the present agreement, in dupli- arreglo, en doble eiemplar, y en cate, in the English and Spanish los idiomas espanol é inglés, en languagesdn Washington,the 24th Washington, el diaveinte y cuatro day of May one thousand eight de Mayo de mil ochocientos nohundred and ninety-seven. venta y siete. · Joni: Snmmlu: J cnr: SHERMAN Domnveo Gnu Dommao Gnu