Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1713

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION—WASHINGTON. JUNE 15, 1897. 1679 5.-—Le bureau expéditeur, apres 5.-The dispatching office, after —m¤*¤· examen, renvoie le lmlletin avec examination, returns the Bulletin ses observations, s’il y a lieu. with any observations to which it may give rise. 6.-En cas de manque d’une de- 6.-—In case of the failure of a . R¤v¤¤,¤?`¤"¤¤¤¤·l peche, d’un objet recommandé, de mail, of a registered article, of the m°g“l”m°s' la feuille d’avis on de la liste spe- Letter Bill, or of the special list, ciale, le fait est constate immedia— the fact is immediately authentitement dans la forine voulue par cated, in the manner prescribed,by deux agents du bureau d’échange two officers of the receiving exdestinataire, et porte a la connais- change onice, and reported to the sance dn bureau d’echange expe- dispatching exchange office by diteur au moyen du bulletin de means of aBulletfn of verincation. verincation. Silo cas le comporte, If needful, the latter office may ce dernier bureau peut, en outre, also be advised thereof by teleetre avisé par telegramme aux gram at the expense of the office frais de l’office expediteur du tele- which sends the telegram. At the gramme. En meme temps, un bul- same time, a Bulletin of Veritlcaletin de verification est envoyé par tion is sent by the office of destile bureau destinataireal'Adminis- nation to the Administration to tration dont releve le bureau expe- which the dispatching office is subditcur. ordinate. Des la rentrée d’une depeche Upon the receipt of a mail whose dont l’absence avait été signalee absence had been notified to the _ au bureau d’origine ou un bureau office of origin, or to an intermeintermediaire, ily alieu d’adresser diary office, a second Bulletin of au meme bureau un second bulle- Verification announcing the retin de verification annoncant la oeipt of the mail must be trans- . reception de cette dépéche. mitted to the same office. 7.-En cas de perte d’une de- 7.--In caseof the loss of a closed I R~¤r¤¤¤i¤i1i¢y for peche close, les offices intermédi- mail, the intermediary offices be- °”°S‘ aires sont rendus responsables des come responsible for the registered obi ets recom man des que renfermait articles contained in the mail,w ithi11 la dépéche, dans les limites de Par- the limits of Article S of the Conticle S de la Convention, at condi- vention, provided the non-receipt tion que la non-reception de cette of, that mail has been reported to depéche leur ait ete signalee aus- them as soon as possible. ° sitot que possible. S.-Lorsqiie le bureau destiua- 8.-In case the receiving office r‘¤il¤rg·~¢·»s·~¤m_isuitaire n’a pas fait parvenir au bu- has not forwarded to the dispatch- {}Q.§1}},§`}`}Q§{}Y" °‘ "" renu expéditeur par le premier ing office by the tirst mail after courrier aprbs la vériiicntion un vcritication, a Bulletin reporting bulletin constatant des erreurs on errors or irregularitiesof anykind, des irregularites quelconques, l’ab- the absence of that document is to sence de cv document vaut comme be regarded as evidenoe of the reacvnsé de reception do 1ade*pi“·che ceipt of the mail and of its coner do son eontenu, iusqu’:`n preuve tents, until the contrary be proved. du contraire. XXIV. XXl\'. lnyifc/ics /¢·lmng¤*c.¤: m·r¢· des Bdti- B[atlse.rchunged zcit/1 l\,(l·I'(l] Vessels. grain »;.·im¤;ed men is ({8 G 2,8,,),0. with naval vessels. 1,-—L'étab1issc·mentdnnechange, 1.-The establishment of an exon d•?p{·cln·s closes, entre uu Oliire change, of closed mails, between a postal de l`Union et des divisions Post Office of the Union and naval navnles ou batiments de guerre de squadrons or ships of war of the m{·me nationalité, doit etre notiiie. same nationality. must be notified, autant que possible In l’avance.aux as far as possible in advance, to Uilices intermediaires. the intermediary Offices.