Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1847

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INDEX. 1817 Ar1ny——Coutinued. Two- Anay—Coutinned. Pls6- deliciency appropriation, for reimburse- war organization, pay of qmzrtermuster ment, bringing home dead soldiers . 1225 and veterinary sergeantse .. .. . . 365 for clothing, etc .. . .. ééa $$5 additional lieutenant for buttery of { headstonen for soldiers' graves .. 1 " 6 artillery . .. 365 fo; transportation of destitute citizens, ,batteries of srtilleryto be heav y or field. 365 Alaska, _ ____..., . .. 1225 pay of enlisted men increased .. . ,. . 365 fm- employee; of staif officers of divi- no extra-duty pay , . ... 865 gigug, etc ., . . . . . . .. .. - - 1225 penalty for desertion  ; . . 365 ` for monument to Charles Floyd 1225 pay of officer holding command higher fm- recruiting ..,. . ... .. 1246 than his grade . 365 pay, etc . . . ... 1246 to be reduced to peace basis after war _365 hm-Sq; lost ,___,, __ ... 1246 permanent increase forbidden .. . . 366 traveling expenses, California and Ne- volunteer brigade of engineers authorized yada, vgluntggrp, ,_ . 1246 in time of Wa! .. . . - ... 400 tmmpm-|;g|;i°¤ of odious. .. . . 1246 organization; appointment of ollieers. . . 405 gm- Pay, qw _____, , ,..,. . . 1248 organization of tome of immunes ... 405 . {0;- an-Bm-g of pa .. . . 1249 additional assistant surgeons authorized . 406 fm- bounty to vofimteers .. . . . appointment of contract surgeons in einer- 406 { S 5 igtqpcg __,,__,,.,... - . . . .. geuoy, compensation ... to bsmsledsiu relieving people in Yukon 226 volunteuéslgnal corps m? be orgnniged ; River country ,..,... .. Pty BD 0WQlIC8B§ 0 ·06X'8 0 0... artillery, two additional regiments author- om 08100115 may furnish supplies, airms, ete., fa n s d ______ _ _____ , __,,. .. ... ..u aus ... 3 .. . . 9 compiiisitiou of regiments, etc .. 261 additionalassistant adjutsnts-general antotal Dumber of guligted men increased. . . 261 thorized ... r- .. 419 national forces in time of war .. . . reelucttign 1u fence on reatoration of A;-my 41 active land forces ...- · --·-- · -·-·--- -- -· P°$°° *9** ···--· - ---·----- ·· ---- 9 regulars, permanently maintained .. 361 pay, etc., of volunteers to commence from volunteers, maintained during war . 361 onrollmenteto- -._ .. 420 term of enlistment; discharge of trloopsnfor Philippine Islands befm-:20 721 llf · a f m Dt ·----- ·- ----·- 61** un ·—·- — ---- -- —·----·----- » ltizguiiir Agmgrgggilaéations to govern. . in timgloffwartlfggular funny ogieer; diginr nnns and c ap a up 0;- __,___, ,... e ore appoin men in volungplgaiutment of cflicefs ··.--··- -· ----- 362 _ ****9 · ----··-~··--—--·— · --——--·---· ul 0,-gmlzcq militia to have same oth cers. . 362 psy and allowance . 421 Orgamzaqon wgth . special qnnlitlca- 362 former offico not vacate?. ia -- .. lgl i -- ... .. . .. governors may appoint e officen 4 1 maxi;:::; strength to be milillbililwd, 362 limit 01% awvointmouts . .. ,,,, n ______ _ __________ ___ ____,,,, --.- pay am a owance ... mtu].; and Innswr mus ______ _ ___,,,... 362 limit to number of hospital stewards, etc., records disposition of upon disband- suspended ... .. . . . 428 ment, etc .. . . . . 362 for pay of civil employees suspended. .. 428 division into three brigades .. . . 362 increase limited to 100 . 428 brigades; army corps .. 362 post-ohlces may be established at posts or s d f s .. 362 camps .. . .. · ... _ . 432 pg:' of ggiiiriiigndei of trcliiirisiioii ... Q¤¤rtoru»arter’u fllepurtgnent; limi; to s atf f no d f a bri ade ... ‘ num »er 0 e rm animals sunstalf gpyfoiinltliiinzitgralial terniinatiou of. . W pendesl .. .. .. r. ._ 433, 1350 appointments of major and bfllilllllél'- 363 WitlldwltIHl\'8Nll6lIwnt printing may mso generals . .. n .. ,, Q one t , L n · hi t t m rank, supplies purelmsed . ... ... 4.43, 13:>0 Begg}:". 362 | limit to number of horses nnepemied, 4:s3,13.=;i · on same touting ns Regular Army .. . 363 = limit to annognt lor civilian employees ‘ f R I A m Hi ern nnspem e .. ... . . . .. 434 13Zl "Pp(;ii]fTilWi.(j.,...cE`?.T..r. 363 · distrglmjion of duties during wm- with y W nk eta` n cl; limit to appointments. 363 { pam . . . ..- 714 bogiwlg io eiminine edicieucy of oflivors. - @ i quurtelgnsstters of volunteers, oppomg. 715 a i 4 t . . I me ,•c .. ..-.:.._ . .., .,.f‘.‘§.'{.;’I.‘ .. mn. W i o»¤¤·;.~ m-...n 3. ... lm Spain . . . ... or c er s snspem e -..- , a '· t f tb l` .. . . -... 364 ; materials mny be purchased abroad., 434, l3§1 pzglog srggmggtloxi ol' iiilfgntry regiments- 364 g may be admitted tree . : . .--- 434, 13:11 chaplains tc colored giggigneuts. .. £ z storis mn? ne purchased without ndvegl 1351 · ‘ .¤· · -·-·-- -- -----·-- M ·¤ ------- ;-- ------- --·- §vr:r1:;guri;?}i;tioii;‘;d<l1l1on of third l>i¤t~ 3m E ¤\1¤l¤1¤;[ytec:>urt+mart1al for trial of gn- , 483 t li ...- - ·--· · ·---· - --·-- > m .' nlm"": ·*‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘··· vacascigs of commissioned 0B'iC6l'S, l10W 364 5 ::Pl;lp:i0n°n_rom ging bg"; ________ _ __ _ gg nu€dN·___________ __ _ ____ _, ,... , ‘ IIIBSOII -BOD D O, ... -.- · - od t th f oom· ; report of trmls .. . . 484 m°r:,?§ngt 6u1mi___?, Q ‘ se¤to¤%ed` soldiers subject to Articles of '`'` _ _____, , _,. . ’ar -.- 484 giTg,n:r%:;sWf .. I - _ arrest of deseftere by chg! ninth0mm_ :__ 481 hospntal steward lor each battalion .- 365 l service;: s:\:°e:·-gui 3:·1n)gmn;-4;q::lvtroo ofcavalry .----- - ---·--- — · ·····‘ .- ( a u °n u I a sv amiisry, batteries, heavy ond fi¢1d— -· @9 ; °*° —. ··--·—·--·—---· · ———-·-—-—- ,- ---- *73 com nny nf nnginnnrs _______ _ _,,_,.. . 36:: , staff appointment of volunteer otheers, Sign;} Cnrnn ________ ___ ______ , ,,,., . 365 i bow governed .. 5%