Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1885

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INDEX. 1855 Divlrict Jud_qca—Q0ntinued. _ _ Page- I Diamcz of CaZumb6a»—Continued. Puefor northern dnstrwt of Texas, a.dd1tiona1, i apgpropriation for fire department . 537, 1057 W b° ¤PP°¤¤W<Y[ ---------..- . ._ .. 240 1 or telelgn h and telephone service-. 537, 1058 V”°°¤°Y °0¤¤¤'i¤K 1¤ 9500 of Gxlstiug, ‘ for hea th department ... 538, 1058 _ _ not to be nlled . . 240 preventing contagious diseases- .. 538, Dsalract of Columbia, 1053, 13%

  • =\PPI'0P1'i3ti0¤ fo1‘ GXDGDSBS (half from the abatement of nuisances . ,-.. .. 538, 1059

Treasury and half hom District mv- di posing of garbage ______________ 538, 1058 ¤¤¤¤S)— . for 01'ce c nrt ... -- .-.. 1059 for sialaries and expenses, executive of— mggggllguzqug expenses ______ _ _____ 55&§, 1059 C6 ·---.------...-.· 525 1046 for defendin suits in claims ... 539 fo1` ¤¤5€¤¤01"B 0N6G - ··-.-.. . .-... 526,1046 for expensesdunacy writs ... 539,1059

_`0I' 00}50
0¢01"S 1g0B.. . ... for interest am} siniking fund . . . . 539, 1059

0f au _1 !"¤0 06. Z. for emergency uu .. . .. 539 10'9 f aplggutmygvt lg dubursing ciiccr. - -5%, 1532 ¥0I' trausplortation, etc., convicts . 1000 0i" 8 m0 S 0 66 - ... ... .. or court- ousc . - . .. 1060

_`01' Si11ki11§f¤1ld 0HOG ... .-.. lx; for warden of jail . .. 539,1060

or corona s chico . . ..-. 1 supper: of risouers .. 539 1060 for market masters . L. .. 526, 1047 for trausnortgng psupers, etc -- .. 539; 1060 for S01I1y!' of Wbghh and measures-- 527, 1047 for Wushxngton Asylum . . . .. 539, 1060 for cugnncefs 0 ce . 527, 1047 for Reform School- --;-- ..,.. -. .. 540, 1061 for special assessment office . 527, 1047 for support of indi ent insane . .. 540, 1061 for street sweeping office ..- . 527, 1047 for instruction of goof and dumb 540, 1061 for board of examiners, steam engl- for chu-ities . ... 541, 1061 nears ... . . . . . . . . 527 1048 for Girls' Reform School 1062 payment of temporary employees; re- , for Industrial Home School .. 55:;; 1062 port , . _. . - - - . 527, 1048 for ofChildren’s Guardians-. . 542, 1062 for superintendent of charities .. 528, 1048 for militia expenses ... . . 542, 1 tv for surveyor’s office . .. . ~ . 528, 1048 for water denurtment; revenue and in- {or free public library . . . 5g, 10g d speeition rlunch ... ,.. . 542, 1063 or contingent expenses . 5 , 1 istri ution rsnc - . . . . . . 54 1063 ior engineer depsrmengbr-slnsisw - -- 528, lgg contingent,;-wxpelrnsos, liuelietc .. gg, 1063 or furniture, mrmicipa.' ... interest an sm ing uu . 1063 for expe-uses collection of overdue 1049 ingresisiug water supply; sinking5a son taxes .. . ... un . .. , 1063 for judicial expenses 528:1049 high service system . .. 543, 1064. for coroner’s omce, morgue, etc .- 528, 1049 hee supply to churches, etc ... L.. 543 fer advertising .. 529, 1049 for improvement, ctc., of grounds. .. 626, 1113 for continuing nccriiunt of arrears oftuxggg 1049 for Lafayette, e%, . . li. .,,,,40, 627, lm on reel pro y or improving B1 _ o 0 can e . for errnn 'ng ol: records . . . , 529 for electric lighting for parks,' .. 627, 1104 for reproduction, old will books, 0Ece of 529 f Exeutge M;1nsaoln,_:te ..1,...,,, .. % g' ter, ,,, --.. orwa en pl1_1 ps! s e .. fm- ::;;-1]:et houses __,,,_ , , , .. 529, 1049 for electric lighting 111 inks ., - . 41 for enforcing game sind fish laws gg, addition:} Electric-Hgh_t’_t;•5nduits or 42 f l ts, t s b iv`sions , over ea Wll‘0l pro 1 1 .. fg; gxtens¢ig:Iog,h?ghw;ys . .. 5E5g9i connections with existing conduits, etc., 42 f ngsegsm 1; d `t w r . pcrmx te . ... . . ... fg; improvgxnxeznlts gixldmrepsrirs; sched- ’ pending litigation not affected . 42 ulgg ______ _ _____ _ _ ,2 _,__,,.. 529, 1050 overhead wires of Potomac Electric qydcr to bg gbggrvgd ____ _ ___,. . . . . 530, 1050 Power C0., permitted one year, atc. . 42 limit contracts for pavomcrgtgsfééi. 1 for grugidenuco Hospital; ce¤»lg;5 1108 , nu mg .. . .. . . . , for grnging streets, alleys, and Q, for (yarfiesld Hospital; contagious builgé: 1109 fo mn` sree e c .. , mg . ·», fo; :::8; _ _ , ___, _ ,,,..,,.. 530, 1050 for post-office building . . . . . 13 sewage pumping station .. 531, 10.50 got surveys, Ftc., forhmcmorisl bridée 5; f it ts, tc .. -. . 5 1 1 '1 orrepairso cour ouse ,111 fg; ;g£:j;:1§(:;:;:; roads ___,,... ,. . . 531; 1051 for repairs of vault for register of wills. 55 constructing; schedule . ... 531, 1051 for new patrol boxes, immediately availfor sweeping, etc., streets, ctc- . . .--- 5§2, 1050 ¤bl¤ ·----- - -·---------------··----- 219 for dgguiug new and we. . 532,835, 10o2, 1388 for court of appeals .. 315, 889 for mrkiug ggmmission , ..,,.. . . 532, 1052 for supregne court 315, 889 for lighting; maximum price; lamps to _ for prxntrug, etc., for supreme court 61 to bum niihtly, ctc. . . .. _  ::32, 10o2 for 3ddltl0D3l'})Q}' to officer m charge of t for electric lig ts; condxtxons ... g33g, f public bm drugs stud greunds.-.-éé5 gg a sud· nt. .. - or removing snow an 1ce . . . {.-3:1;:,;:1P:g _,_,_,,,.,... 533: 1053 for removing ice from Potomac River. . . 838 for public scales; pumps _,_,,,,,,,,, 533, l(§3 for public buildings and grounds, clerks, {cr bndggghcgre, etc .--,-- .. --.. 533, 10o3 f évgtchgeu, etc,} . . Egg construction and repmr; schedule. 533, 1053 or s -cu ure s a 1011, 0 ct .. . . for Washington Aqueduct ,,.,...,. . . 533, 10e3 ior general assessment books, 1899-1900, repairs to Condmt road, by-conduitrga 1054 ‘ for nxgargxn 1049 etc . . . ---- -·-- - --------- » _ ‘ “ ' report on filter for water supply. . . 533, 1054 { m1u1c0%· _ 1.: ... 1049 for Washington Aqueduct Tunnel; con;'55 1054 ( got plzalis Q  ;¤bdlV1¤l0¤¤ ·-·. · ___________ _ __ _ ____ _ _____ ‘ ‘ or ex nswn o xg ways. . · for .5)£$:l;ch0°]s ______________ _ ____ 534, 1034 ) for sidewalks around public reservaml. police ______ ___ ______ _ ____,,, ,... 536,1056 { tions, etc .. . ... 1051