Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1907

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IV DEX. H _ * 187 7 “""€*3h Abram A., P aym 1; to · *8**- I Hays. John N, 1 H£skezz:II;Va11;a5:II}»lI(?I“n °f '‘‘ ‘ ‘····· · ---- 1169 payment toI , ,,______ __ ______ _ 1Tf61 pension increeeed _______ _ ____ 1454 Ha-”°’ J"'"' Sv I I I II II

   %al()|'g]]c0, Kang., -··-.'.- 1   t0'••¤-··---.-.-.,,__._________-  

app,-,,p,,M1°11 101, S11 _ , aye, Jo neon, mi.,"] _ _ _ _ _IfP°" °f I “dé1'·¤ I pension increased. ,___ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ 1122 {01;,,1,,, buildings- --·· i 589, I Hayward, Wie., ``‘‘'

  • ‘¤6¢1e$v31 ;pp;·1op1-iiition for ,;,;*};.1] Q1}- I “PP’°!;;1:;;Y¤ fur erection, etc., Indian

_ 8 sc oo .,,,, _ _____ _ { ------ · ----- - . ..., .,___ _ _ 945 Hamnge, Nob,-,1·· · » ·---- 123** ~ Haywood, Ifobcrt W. °P ¥'°P!`i¤¢io¤ for public buildin P°“°‘°“ “""'°”°d ·~-·--· - --.. ..-. -- 1512 Halcg, Crowell, gI ```` 9m' 1076 H““lP°°k’ W““*"”r II payment to qimiugstmto, of 1193 HM"****·}'Y record corrected ...__ ___ ____ _ _ _ _ 1580 1 ' ‘ ’'’' '"‘_ 0**18 0/ Dapafimenta (see E ug' D . s Hal H1, Hun, 196: 1197, 1198. 1200, 1202, IZO4 1 Heanzloncefgr Sofidierif Gr;;;;: IY6 GPIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II pension incregged ._.___ - I **1* ’9P"¤ ¤¤¤ ¤r ·----- - - . - 49 634 me Hawk- Mary E. (etepmotheizj ```````°’‘‘ 15°I"’ I °°“°‘°“°Y “PP*°P*i¤*i¤¤ for ---... 667 Il225I1‘746 S- ___..- r _' >Hcady,L·ucyI).(w;d ) ’ ’ " HB31I;;:;, Jam}; ````'‘‘‘ ‘ ‘ · ······ **34 HP7¤::i<>¤‘ i¤chr:uediII?I-i. ,. _ _____ _ _____ 1536 A ID Dt toad In`; g Ioa Bw2u1I_ U"; • co ”&g"!’:¤• ·'°'·•• I III IIII III ``````°` " ’`1204 I °'?],{.°,£§§'{",§‘{§,1f§’1‘]“Q'pi°j11 ·- -···-—·-- 1058 mmm ...,. , ____ _ _____ _ _______ *» _ ¤ a a e ...,..__ 1 Hougheg, Thomas J., " "" ' 1398 $3; £;6{9Dtl¤g‘_co¤tngiousglisesses. . 538; lg pension increased . . ,_______ 1523 .‘% ‘“8 !“"¤¤¤°€¤ —----· .. 538,1058 Hanyhioo, Nathaniel, II ```` f°1Zd“'“f°"*"‘8 ¤?“f¤°° ----.. .. 1059 pension inoreuod ...________ _ ____ _ . d°°“‘°“°Y ’EP\"°P“'***°¤ f°r pry of gar- Hnom Eoin A (..4.;,,.. ’ " ‘‘‘' mz "‘:§° “'°P°°*°r6 --—— · —--- us Hpeneioii ,,,_ { __` ________ { ’__ ______ _ _____ ___ 1,157 f“" ‘:gr;*i°¤¤1 Srwitnry and fcea i{1§iQ,],Z

 .. _ ··•-¤-•••..·--.__··-·_____----.·  

oppropriotion for consul-general.. 267 Haag? :)I;7IIgI;cI;;II gn IIIIIIIY fI“Im°’ °t° ‘‘‘‘ ‘ 664 broerk hire . . ,.,. _ _______ I"' ```` · I* ‘ ·· H1,,.,,", N11", mm, Aw · · ····· 271 P¤'Y<;;1¤*;¤t¤, fo opprove place for dope;- . Bymmlt tQAdmi¤istmt0r of__ _____ ______ 1204I nm I: 2 ’‘‘ ···• --·- -· ---~ -··. 233 Hgpnropristiou for ccueul #0 P’:*I°I:I xg;':;:; I;'I*;‘;’R{*;i¥II¤;]eI Im tI»;o1oi·k hire -::::::;:1::::: $7};% S23"` “""‘”°"*“** fm M ·*¤·¤—? H‘"°'"““' !"?"‘;: ·. . Health o··dam£[ioi.` `bj`5 ``'`' '°`‘`‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘ 2*7 “PPl`°PU9tl0I\ 0t minister ,,__ _ _______ _ _ _ _ 263 to .’ ’ ger aeoregnry to leption ,. .,,___ _ __ _ 263 I H,,,,:{°,°‘IL °f1m"“· ···· ·· ·-·~-- ---- 1390 _ or comp ctm een f he ta etc , I 3 ‘ '¤ ° " for trtneportigg msgnsts. _ _ _____ 443 m I Hggmgaziyi ‘‘‘‘ "" ·····- · -·--· ——·- --·· 1I76 for coast surveys etc ...__,,_ 3083 n ’ " . . r . -·-- - —---- , payment te .._____ _ _____ P1'i>V1¤10¤¤ 1:01* al1H1e§:t1ou of ,,_____ _ _ _____ 750 . Hem, 11,1, 1-,,0,,1,1 8 E ···· · ----· · -·-- · - 1181 owsoe pn ic nds ta licubl --· ·,, " · - °I"“.;2§&§‘;E* ‘“"‘ """°I‘II‘I¤’ 3:****, haw I Hm` $¥»?‘Y¥’YT`¥T'?‘?T‘?f‘. . YT ""‘“"°° °‘ ,0, · . . '‘''‘ "" ·······- ··-- I I I Bmlurnmlura NIIIIIII"" existm treaties betwee fti MI:} 11 1 ' mm?:1g£i;er?1ir£: .1.II -I?tIII 750 11£::,;0A,1II:Ir°as°d `''‘‘‘‘ · ···· · ··--· 1539 a u 0 ,ma r' · · · - _ Bx1st1D; nM5D1s nga1st11i1D- snzlimisggd dehcienag appropriation for public buildassumption of ub] cd be __________ ___ 1 '1‘ '‘‘‘·· . ····· · --·· · --··- 112 zmmiaatiozogchiucéoeprohibitod --1 _ 1 H3E'p;op1;0::1o¤ for improving harbor .. 1107 ppoin rnen o commxseio rs t .. 7; 1 5, 1 1 · - - zI:1?:gli:;1:t:;_¤ {0i' 0X0¤¥l$i¥II;]¤I:¤?- --·-· * IIp;4II:}II;€0l:BiIIinIi;I¢Ii {xo::;: IIIIIIIIIIIIIII I I I I I II ’ ""'." ‘‘‘•• • •········ -·· lll] Hunan; G III."""" proclsmatiou IGBBIVIDK lands for naval pur- fg:-I we;" · cm, ;¥I“°EInIIt ``````'`' ° ' 297’ 862 _ pow ut Honolulu ... use my 4;,,;.., v_ 3; S °‘*‘°"°°° ····-- ·· 2** 1II;I:¤III:1I::”t£::II:I>fISiIi"l,:t%itBaiIIkI IIpDr?pIIImI°n Ifm I"’}“`°‘I“m°l¤¢ of- . 1124 H 1H0n0n0n R1..?..??- f}'}??'???'?? in "°"°"’3$¥..§}‘£.£‘.‘iL""‘“°‘°“ "“° ’ ‘‘‘‘‘ °"“‘¤ "“· ,2Q awk "oah L., H um ,1 '‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘••· ·· ·---·· - ·----- 6 Hdepeieyy aplgropgution for ... 140, 688, 1243 ;•uv1I:1enI:lt£II_ 1212 “"° wv m`-V ·> “`I W1 Hclleiernoon Jehu QIIII III"` `°``````` "" ,,§f’,,§‘j’1}:";;,;,g,; ·;,r ·············· · ·····- um <**=6¤i¤¤1I=>*1_erprépnnnon for o..m.i.,ii- '} Hpe:¤iox;;ncreTed . .,., ,-. 1455 ];e,,d,,.,,:,,;I?,£: ?I)8"s°° ‘‘‘···· · ···--- · · · 136

L11 ::1:3f __________-_.__' 1211 *`°°PP*;1:;1¤<i regent, Smithsonian {mm`,-

Hayden, William, H,-dorsal J5']; k; ‘’'‘'‘‘‘···· · ··--- - - · 733 deficiency appropriation for ...,,. . _ _ _ ____ 572 t ({11 11 " .11 __ H¢;:¢;;i£1aHd¢a (mother), 1397 Hg;;,?,,' 13H?;;:? dl °h“rg°- -·-· - - ---... 1m8 Huy Luke ohonnzr, sg. Mory·£`1l·i£é»j`iiaLi.Zf “HL’,.a.¥I,'$L$L‘f,§}},“§§f“‘°' °‘ ········-- -· ·----- *166 1 Hggxgoxgygogton for improvement ef., .. 1144 Hgsgggilspifzgpygiigio? 1-31. 11111,111;--uu 108 pension on nurse .. - - . 1407 p.m,;0,,’ _____ Y _____ ’{ _ f'_ 15,15 Hayai John B'! H¢"d1`iGPl, William J, I III III. I""' P°'““°“ ·-·----------···--····--- - ---·-—- 1457 payment to adminisizratm- of _________ _ ____ um