Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1930

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1 900 LNDEX. Little Kanawha River, UZ Va., Pago Loc Angeles, Cal., Pageappropriation for improvement of 1137 appropriation for public building 1355 Little pggem, R»i'ye’· T,,,,,, . dcticicncy appropriation for refunding to appropriation for improvement of 1142 l 60N9ct0I` 8* ·---·- · ··--· · -·--- - -··-· UO Little Rircr Valley Railway Company, 14088 by E·'Q¢‘h•!”9€; · . granted right of way through Choctaw, appreprmuou tor, djplommnc scrvrce .,,, 261,82;; cm, Nation, mq, 1* ,,__,,___,__,_,,, 816 iorjccusular sewage-: . . - .-... 273,83 Mme Sodus Bay N )* doiic1ency approprxatnon for consular appropriation for improvement of harbor- 1123 l f ¤9fV¤°° — ··-·- -; --·----- - ----- · ----- lg;'] Little Tennessee River, Tenn, I f°; dlp19mm1c °°rvl°° ‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ *07, survey oi; directed . .. 1160 { f° m1"";;: j: ·····‘ ‘ ‘‘‘*‘ 4 124,. Mttleton Gharlea E OT COHSU \ ICO- , , , l payment to . . .- .. {164 * LQ""?!, l Litzenberg, Elizabeth V,, 1mP01'i{;;l5 Gt or advortxsement of, for-

}>cusion increased  . . . . .-- .  1558 L · ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ····‘ ‘ ‘‘·‘‘ · ·····•·‘‘ “

arpa I apprspriatiou for cousui . ‘- ..-. 267, 828 a·PPI`°P;i3·ti°n f‘{¥` i¤V6Stig3ti¤g» BW-, water for clerk hire ____.. , ,,,,, _ _____._.,.. 271, 831 ggxgtggn wungs of.?. .L ,.5 48 Lam, o move a wa er yacm carhicatos of indebtedness, issue ot; an- £\`°¤¤ $tY°¤·¤|¤» 6*6 · ·---- - ·---- - --·-· 1141 thorizod ___________________________ 466 _ 1151* surveyor-gamaral, clerks, etc . .,_, 310, 883 counterfeiting ctc ____________ ________ 46-; | bu ge a.nthor1zec across Loggy Bayou,. .. 352 bonds to secure rssuo of} authorized .. 467 [ Louisville, Ky., to be offered as zu popular loan . 467delivery of warrant for judgment in favor disposition of, unsubscribed for . . .. 467 , of commissioners of sinking fund., - 690 Loan Associations, Cooperative Building and,Lourcngn, Marquez, gmc]; md bond; gf, qxqmpt from gtgmp my 455 1 salary, om., appropriated for consul at, to Locke, WZ H., be paid to, at Mozambique . 221 voucher-: oi}1;o be credited, atc ____ , , , _,,_ 124 ¤ appwprinti? for consul ..., , . . .,,.. 269, 829 Lockport 1 . . ore, il iam . appmoriztgoé for public building _,.. 1076, 1352 { payuéon: to vZ{d2>wh;%.-- .. . . ... . 1242 Lockwood a va A. owe ar ara. . wi pnymoatgo be made for mmm ____ . . ss 1 J¤£¤?¤ . --j ...,.. -- .. .. .. 1536 Lockwood uckingham · ve irgima mgmooty aiimiuisémoor of . ..,,,... 1203 ; parraaut to:- .. . . -. .. 1174 Loc ood, lip alot, ’ l cn rg, Levi ., ymout to administrator of ____,_ __ _.,... 1203 I payment to . .._... . .,... 1174 Lolcgnvood, Maj. D. W., s Lmcer Brula Agency, S. Dak., l credit allowed in accounts of _, ____ _ _____ 553 appropriation for Indian agent at. . . 63, 572, 925 Lockwood, mlliawn, 5 Lower Brulc Indiana, payment to administrator of ,,.,.,,. . . 1203 appropriation for erecting sohoolhouses . - 75 Logan, John S., · negotiations with, ctc., for settling differdeficiency approptintion for . . .-.. 689 ences with Rosebud Indians 86 Loggy Bayou, for ccssicu of portion of reservation 86 construction of bridge authorized across, , for modifying requirement as to couin Louisiana. .. . . . . 352 l sont to treaties .. .. 86 London (Canada), to ratiiy srgroement with ...,, ..., .,,. 1362

;;;g>ropri¤tion tbr consul .. . .,,,   269, 830 I Lower Chipo QI Rigcr, Fla.,

on Q approprintxcu or improvement of 1138— uppropnatiou for dispatch agent ... 264,825 Lower Narrmcc, St. Lawrence Rirer, fm' °°¤¤¤]·$°¤•‘¤\} -----·---·--. .. . ··.. 967, 827 5 appropriation tbr gas buoy . .. -.-- 15

 R? {Jerk hrrc  271, 831 ‘ Lowmun, Henry J.,

·°'•9 ’ °"_ _ a m ut to aim' istrat r f .. . .. 1171 approppaitmu for superintendent and as- Lgeé, gliza 1¢.l(•v;¢l;mv), 0 0 sutant, for lifo-saving stations .. 16, pension .. . . . . 1437 L Inland *0 d V Y 603,1080 Lamy, Summad °"U . ·; '”' •+; · sym tw m' `tmt f ... .. 1182 uppropnatwn for 11gbt’ and fog signal, ut · Lesvthertngllargarct (wizloog), Orient Point .,., _ ,___,, __,_ 14 , Pension ______ _ _____ _______________ 1546 Long Levi R. · L It °````` Lgyisgg i¤*;¤*¤¤¢>d -·-- - ····- - --··· ·=‘-· ·--- 1471 , oagpgcants for bounty lands not required gr n ii . . . . . . . . . .. P°¤¤iQ¤ {¤¤*`*>¤S€d ·--— - ··-·- - --... --.. 1587Loyd, Frefngfove 274 LWN; 1Y'°"'”`d> _ release of certain lands to -- .. 1429 detméguoy algyropnatxou for. ,__,_,.,. 671 r Lazengeg, Lo'".} Uma,) ‘ •r t t . . . ,... . 2 1>¤}¤¤¤¤¤ to admrnismwr of .. . .. usa Lsbxu ;Bn.3.:5?11e., 46 Lvny Tom {WFT, Ufvq-· appropriation for improvement of ,,_, 1133 approprxajnou for improvement of 1148 Lucas, Edward 0., L°"9“'·"’°· R'°h“"d·_ _ payment to administrator of . 1168 paymemt to admmnscratornf ,__, ,_,___ 1177 L,,m, E A L°PP· W- T-: appropriation for services . . . ,._,. 29

 to besgvw 1'¢W¤¤‘d ¤P0¤ ---·. .. .. . . 1215 2 Luqkecz,   M.,

L”'f”€» T”0e r nsiou increased .. Q , ,,,_ 1411 doucxegcy approgrxamén for Joan Olive ¢¢ gogcyp Agqlgggpgr, nnsmuir or ju gment for fine im- gppmpriggiqu {0;- Paying French I- P°°°d °¤·i -··-· -- ---·--·- · -··---··- 110 I tion claims . . . ... 1196