Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1984

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1954 INDEX. Sanger, George P., P¤g¢· Sault Sainte Mar-ic, Jlich., Pag6· deliciency appropriation for estate of 681 appropriation for erectin buildin for B S Sanitary Inspectors, D. C., Weather Bureau ... 340 deficiency appropriation for additional. . . 118 for light-house and buoy depot. 602 San Joaquin River, Cal., branch hydrographio office establi hed at. 39 appropriation for lighting . 16, 603, 1080 Savage, John, 4 tor improvement, tobe expended, etc. 750, 1148 payment to administrator of 1192, 1194, 1195 San Joao Savage William H. appropriation for consul . . . 268, 829 pension increaseei .. . ... . . 1439 San mm del Norte, Savannah, Ga., appropriation for consul . .. 269,829 appropriation for harbor improvement 44, s¤J»1>»1:·> 6301106 sppzrgpriattirog £0T:J¤¤¤1 . .. .. 269 for public building ------ - .---- - ------- , }2 sqnymgy qgqq, Mag;,,. · for maintenance ot harbor .. . .. 11Z6 appmpg-umm £m·l1¤gh¤ statnon .,,,__ . 600 stcamboag channel getwccn Beaufort and; 1106 San Luis Obispo, Ca ., Fo¤_° 0 61186 ------ - ----·---···--- ·· appropriation for improvement of harbor- 1132 Savdmldh R16é'!`, Gd-, ga,. Mayc0g’ Tn_, appropriation for lighting - - 16, 602, 1080 appropriation for iislvculture station, em- Y0? i¤¤}{1'0V6m6¤t Of; between Augusta p]0yw¤ ______ _ _____ _ _____ _ _ _ _ 24, 610, 1088 am Savannah; contracts .. 1138 deiicicney appropriation for fish hatchery. 115 above Auguste ---··- - -·- -_ ------·---·- 1138 3.. parrot C14_, _ construction of budge anthorrzed across,. 813 approprxainon for nmprovement of harbor-. 631, Softw, M {M11, f _ t_ t f 1106 approprna ion or examma non e c. or Coast and Geodetic Survey officer on board 11¤i'b01‘ of 1'¤f¤g¤ -··- - --·~ I --·-- ’ ---- 1 158 to locate harbor, to receive per diem, Scales, D. ,_ _ gm ___,__ _ __________, _ _________ _ __ _ 45 appropriation for repau·, etc . . 533, 1053 Sag Salvador, S iocation of, may be changed, etc .. 533 • roprh tion for consul - . . 269, 830 v MMP E**•¤M¢d .94;:3 Barbara, Cal., grauied honorable discharge .. -.. 1403 grants of certain lands to, for water sup- S¢‘1•¤•gdf, Chfjfdvphtf, _ _ _ _ _ M F3"¥#3}° ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ " ‘·‘····· "”’ “" °‘°3»‘ii» 3"‘2'%%£¥°§‘°’i¤5?E ""“"°° ws a , J. . cx. _ 0 8 D6 ·--- -. .. appropriation for Indian schoo] .,.., 82, 590, 94,5 Schools (sec Indian Schools), _ for erection of additiqugl bmldingg ____ 82 may be maantamed on forest reservations. 36 for 1-epairg, Indian school ,__, , _ ____ _ _ _ _ 945 bequest ot Peter Von Essen for free white,

ie6ciencyfappro;1riation for Indian school 144 S h gv? ¤<=¢;¢p¢¤d ---···--·.·--·----.·. 231

{mation o capita gt, .,..., -- ,,,_,,_____ _ 329 c qppcr amuc , _ I I Santa Fe and Grand Canyon Railroad Cmp-  :;’11;,g;;Pdmm‘“““t°r °f ······ ·-· ~-·— 1186

  • ’“"3"· an" mm ·¢· r 11

granted n t of way through Grand 01m_ e cxency approprra ion or ega_ repreyou {1:11.881 Reserve, A1.1 Z ____ _ ______ ,118 Schwarmsejntative oi, 1• ord’s Theater disaster. 109 Mal. ·· Sasggmlfsigcgibg fo;. expenses yomutmr S°1_ payment to administrator of .. . .. 1178 die": Hdmo _ _ _ ___ _ _'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 53, 638, 1111 Scientific Literature, International Gomjb:1 ence deficiency approlplriution for expenses, Vol- _ . °” “C'"“l°g"° “f» - unbu. S0 imp H0m°__ ____ ____ ____ 121 I uiciiczency appropriation for delegate to . . 6o3 Santee Agency, Nebr., · S'”‘““"’¤ *1’{“‘“·r f , h appropriation for Indian agent at .. . 64, 572, 925 [ S O:1;1";;1;“;?i°“ °" ”“1”"’"“‘°“t °f '“'b°"· 1122 Santee River S. G. I ’ - °· °’ I E1 - . appropriation for improvement of .. . . 1137 5 Scggxgzgéncro ‘'`°'''''° F `‘°‘ IN! • • · v 7 7 Puhmmui °x°mi°°m°“ M; }‘°"h ‘*“‘1 I paymenttoadnninistratorof. 1197 1201 1204 1205 Sent , etc., to be m•d¤ -·-----·-·--- 1160 1 Scott Jonathan ’ I ’ Santee Sioux Indiana (nee Sioux Indians, dif- I 1,,;,,;,,11 _____ '_ _____ _ ____ 1573 f<>¤·¤* *=i¤·¤>- - scm, wazm p.,' `'``°`' “’°“° °f 1****1 P“F°“°“ *°» **1** ···-- - •-··-·- 583 i deficiency appropriation for . . 688 report of treaties, annuities due, pay. pavmontto ___ _ ____ _ 1-,14 Ba ragolzznésgoa *11*:--- ·-···-·- ~··· ··-- --•- 89 S Scrailon, Misa., - Nu""-un""-. I- "' _)"' H d t*11to fEst. - ¤1>1>r<·1¤¤3¤¤¤¤ iw ¤<>¤¤¤1 - -·---- ·- --.- 268 ° °° gziiia? 1g3a;:! .3 K`? ?__,j°_, K 838 Santo Dongmgo, ’ _ 80,%,,1,,,,, pm, ¤P}11‘0P¤*·t1°¤ fm' °1"*1`8é *1 *f*u’¢¤ ·- - -- 263. 823 deficiency appropriation for public bnild· Sa lor consul-general .. . . . .,,.,_ 267,828 111g ________________ _______________ 660 " 0* Sor 7 'aF. appropriation for consul ...-.. .- 268, 828 1,:3,9,;;;,,; _ _'_ _ _____ 1183 °’S‘"'“’°’“ Bays nav , Scroggiu, John C. ..-.- ._-`-· ---· “PP1f°H’1“t1°“ f°1`_‘mR’°"°m°¤}° °f -··· -;·· 1139 ‘ payment to administrator of .,__ _ ____ 1163 prelxmmary exammanon to be made of m. S0", E;,,,;,, A_ side passage to Lemon Bay- ._,, 1156 1,01181011 mcrénod ______ _ ______ ___ ____ un 1419 Safgdhf, Ihlflwl, - · u sca Floor",;: Schooner, P‘*3'm°¤t t° “'1mm"t1`“t°1` °f- ·------· 1197, 1201 appropriation for paying French spoliution 8artm·ia,_NeHic Great, _ claims _ ______ _ ___________ __ ________ 1204 &¤E£¤:£*>¤1<};<; ¤¤¢¤¤¤=1¤1> ----------·~·--- 1496 1 mzug 5.,..,..,,;, p, g_, 9 104 2 . ·• . · 8 a .. '.. approprmtmn for improvement of harbor. 1131 f dggcisncy appr; 1.1*3211 zig;?::: ___? _7’ 66; Baugcrties Harbor, N. Y., Seal Fisheries (ue lgxr Seals), preliminary examination ot, to be made.. 1159 appropriation for expenses, agents, etc., appropriation for improvement of 1124 Alaska -... .. .-.. 615, 1093