Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1993

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Slcnker, William A., p _ · paymmft P') ‘‘'•·· ··· ·---- - - ---·------ —-- - ég;3 Sngginjgnlgiggt administrator of . . -,, 11931T;(;i Shan, Wdham, Smith William Henry ’ p°'ym°“t t° ···-- · --—- ---- ---· - ----- - ----- 1175 peneion increased , 1507 s10mm; CG7‘0N¤6 A. (widow), Smith Wguiam SW Q;` ```` °` `°```'`' P°““l°“· ··········- -; -—-------------- 1418 peneinn ..-Z 5. 1468 S*•·;";uB- fz smem Island, Pa., Siu,?, f;'“,’° ‘‘‘‘‘‘ · ·········· - - · ···-·--·-- 1211 S”;I;E‘0<:£fj:z:>¤;;f¤r rvmvving .. 44 060 BD6? ¤pp1'0priation for ..,,___ _,_ 688 "· ·s s···»¤~·g www <·¢· soma wm¤m.»>. S»%}?%§3.$“?3z?£.§?E" “""°' °‘ ‘‘‘‘·‘‘···‘··· lm S”‘”°§» C’*¤"l“ N, pension increased., 14,75 S P$¤¤i¤¤ increased .. ... , .. . . -. 1570 ,g,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,, 1,,,,,,,,,],: '```'`'`°'’' ";°;%ig‘°°rg°’ 1521 appropriation for international exchanges, 5..;;;., _4u§,§,`(`.,,,`*,;,,,,,"'};"` `'` ' f XW ·; —--· -61- --1 -------·—----- 22, 608,1085 pension ____ _ ___________ _ _____ __" _"- uu 1536 OT ¤¤¤1‘1<¤¤¤ 9 no ogy .. 22,608, 1086 with and Buchamm ior Astrophysics] Observatory . .. 22, 608, 1086 payment to administrator of ,_,___________ 1194 fg; §:g°:;?5 "{ i; · ·]; ····· mr msv lm s»au», An M. (mum) f - - °° °¥‘°'? ‘“ — -·-· ”» °°9· *086 Pension increased y 1446 01·_pr1nting and inndmg. 60 647, 1119 Smith, Barney, ‘‘‘‘ ‘ '‘‘‘‘ "" ‘‘··‘ · ···· 69501930] agpropnation or heating ii;. . uma useum ...,,,, __ ____ 115 P°"°1°° °‘‘‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘•·· · · ········ · · ·········· 1480 for international excheu Slldih Charley G _ _ $06 ---··.. .---. ·115 . • , _ | s - doazmncy apprgprmtwn for, Fam,' Th"- for t:::D1g1;tt1¤g docmnents through ex 239 hm DQf’,g*j”°*°’ --—- · ------·-·--—------- 109 ger gsm Lméiéggljjjlj jill 662 ¤ . W ‘¤ or tro ea Observatory . 662

 ------ · ···-·------------ ***2*) use of cxhigize or, permimd at mm Ex.

· . rposition . . ...,,_,____ _ _____ 646 ·pension increased ..., _.,, .,.. , _,_________ 1520 · Smith, Elizabeth, I reappoinuplent of John B. Henderson as 733 s.{>_¤XmI¤;¤¤ #9 1¤z¤1 reprcwumiven of .. 1207 of ‘‘' ‘ -,33 ' r ‘“'°“r of James B. An ell .. 1387 Razmmt to ldmimnmtu of °‘ “" ···· · 1199 appointment of Alixander Graham Bell- .. 733 Snot ,Fra·nk B. tim tes f ‘ ,, r _, __ ee a orsalariestobosnbmittedm npPrnP¤“fo¤ for Lxzzlc Hagnyy “dIn]H]B• _ - - - --- _-- _ - _ __ _ 3;;:1; Gmgwf ```` " °’ '"' ‘‘‘· · ··--·-- 1469 Smoke, D, 0., - -----.--.--- r ‘ ·• _ prevention of- penalties .,.,, _ ________ __ 313 ¥’° °”* "° "‘“"*“"****°' •>f -- . .. mg · -0 S ’ , - , { s»;_¤»¥;'_i¢;;.?mwihmi { mm f M5 1 "°“.·iZ1..?;..‘I‘fY.T‘T ..’fE’?'.‘f.*IfT`I 812 s n s o .. . .. im, . , -6,, ting 8·::'£,egnZ§ Vppropri t'on for 675 I Smokdggcggkgfn for Pmvm N--n 812 e a a u . [ · ·a s·»-¤»»·,J.M~··g~»¢ry, “P2LT¥£.‘if1§'T..‘iTY..‘i’f;:::;;;; ····· ·‘ 332*}%

  1. ¤1>1>r¤pri¤*i¤¤ for. ¤¤ member of Chippewa :0; mvmsgmng m ____ _°°' 401* ,252

I¤<¤¤¤ ¤<>¤·¤·i¤¤i¤¤ ------ — --------- 90 a deficiency ¤ prepriatiou so}'. ’ 693 Snadinstment of account of . ... 676 ; ,;,,,0,;, Georg, gra' " '°' ii crc. intra a war · __ &:>¤:¤5¤¤; incremd -----· - ------·------·--. 1541 I smfoefloziie Hzmprm °° M md°w " "' 109 U 0 * de£c'o a'0 ' pa5:ment’0f administrator of ... .. 1167, 1201 [ I GSL °P¥;G?P§:t0:,: I£0r'd•w1g·;w of payment to legal representatives of .. 1551 · disugu _ ______ _ _ __ _ ?_ _ _ (after 109 Smith, John H., ~ Smyrna, " °°° S hq¤<>r¤b1¤ disciwrgv ----·-. - ·---- 1564 1 aprmw-aaai;? rm- consul ,,____ _ ________ 268, 829 me o n,_;r. ____________ ____ ____ ____ Q v¤XE¤¤¢ to $;i¤vi¤i¤¢r¤¢ri¤ of ----·- - ------ 1195 · S,,,y,;;3;:,,. 5:, 271*832 it cL'. .. · · " . Lmgraiiteqivllfonoraiyle discharge . ..., 1508 S 3";‘pl;Prmt'{0¤ fm` lmpr°v°m°¤t °f '‘•· " · · 1135 smh, Mary .4. E., * "“ ° ww . , payment to administrator of _ ___ ___ ______ 1169 <!O¤l$l'\1Gt\<?!l of bridge uutbonzed aqmgg, Smith, Morocco DU Lewnston, Idaho .. . ,,,_________ 245 S Iyuymgnt g., ______ __ ______________________ 1165 y Snakeajlirer, Oreg. and Kash.? t be ad mffk Uliyey t pre nmmary examine non o , o m e -. 1159 dedeiency appropriation for .. . ... . 656 [ Snead, Ca:-ringtoss Tobacco Co., Smith, Robert, Q payment to .. . . . ,,_ _ ___ __ 1527 paiment to administrator of ... .. 1193 · Snively, George, Smit , Samuel, g payment to executors of ;- ..., . ._.____ ___ 1171 payment to . . . ... 1183 Snoujer, A. 11 pniment, to administrator of . -... 1194, 1195 payment to . ...,..,_ _ ________ 1171 Smit , Sanrucl A., Snow, 1). _ _ pension increased .. . . 1471 appropriation for removing .. 532, 835, 1052, 1388 Smith, Sarah E. B., de ciency appropriation for removing 810 pazmeut. in ... - . . 1178 Snow, John, jr., Smit , Thmuaa W., payment to administrator of .. . .. 1199 deficiency appropriation for rent of vault. 118 Snow, Samuel, Smith, V. J., 4 payment to administrator of .. . .. 1199 Snpayment to .. . . . . 1183 Sswwden, Andrew J., ilk, W. A., pension increased .. . . ..-. 1568 deficiency appropriation for extra serv- Sumvden, W. P., ices .. .. .. .. - . . . . . -. 685, 1241 pension increased .. .--. ,.,. . . -... 1530