Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/2026

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1 6 I NDEX. Tarijf o f 1897-—Continued. Puragrapln Page- Ta»·ij7' of 1897—Contiuuod. Paragraph- P¤g¤» personal 0iI`ects— plzmking, ship ..- . . . - _ 699 200 ' accompanying passenger. . - 697 202 planks .. . . 190, 198 1§7 of citizens of United Statesplauo or coquill glasses ... 109 10S dying in foreign coun- Q planters .. . ,. ...- 460 194 tries ,,,,., . . . .. 636 200 ‘ plantspetroleum ... 626 · 200 and vines .. . . . . 252 170 pewter, 3 cuttings and seedlings . 252 170 old , ,_,.. - ,,.,...,. 637 200 I for United States ... 640 200 F manufactures of .,,_ , ,,, 193 167 fruit, tropical and 801111- plumol ,..,.,..., . . , .. 524 197 J tropical . . ., ... 560 198 philosophical apparatus- rose ... 25g 170 brought by professional art- I plaques .. . ... . 90 156 ists, lecturers, or scien- [ plaster, tists ,,,,. . . 701 203 I rock or gypsum .. . . 91 156 for societies, me .. - ., . . 638 200 of paris. manufactures of. . . 450 193 phosphates .,,,,, - . . . -- - . 639 200plasters, healing, curative, and phosphoric acid .- -- .. 464 194 1 court . ... 1. 69 154 phosphorus - . 61 154 { plate glass, cast, pohsbed, photograph albums .. . . . . 404 189 looking-glass, or plate photographic dry plates or glass si vcrcd audflutod. 103, 157, 158 mms. .. . . - . 458 194 104, 105, 106, 107 photographic lenses .. - - - . 111 158 plates, photographs .. . . . 403, 189, [ boiler or other, of iraq or 500, 501, 503, 701, 702 196, 203 i steel .. . . ; . - . 126, 131, 159, 160, phthalic acid . -,. 464 194 i 132, 133, 134, 135, 140, 141 161, 162 pia.¤0forto— cast-iron stove. .. . . 148 163 _ action leather .. . . - . - , . . 438 192 copper . ... . . . - 532 197 leather 438 192 1 , copper rolled .. - ... 176 V 165 actions and ports . . 453 193 clcctrotypo . . . . 166 165 piano wire . . ... . . 137 161 engraved or lithographodu 166 165 picklcs .. ..., -... . 241 170 glass, or disks ... -. - 565 198 pickled- of iron or steel coated with fish . ... . . . . 261 171 tin or load - 134 160 lmrriugs ... 260 171- of metal enameled or glazed 159 · 164 pickets . . . . . . .-.. 202 168 photographic, dry or 1111118.- 458 194 ` picric acid ... 464 194 railway fish 130 160 pig iron ... ‘ . . I 22 159 saw . . . ,...,. 135, 141 _' 161, 162 pigments . . .. . . . . - . 55, 57, 58 154 steel engraved . 166 165 pigs--stereotype .. . . . . . . . 166 165 of copper . . 532 197 tin and tame . ... 134, 140 161, 162 0f i1'0¤ .. . . . ... 122 159 pluteaux for hats, etc -- .. 432 191 0f 1686 .. - . 182 166 platina .. -. . - 641 _ 200 of tin ·.. . ... .-. 683 202 , platinum . ... 6-L2 _ 200 _0f zinc_ . . . Q . . .-..·. 1 - - . 192 167 manufactures of ... 193167 11116 f¤b1‘l0¤·. ...J .. 315, 342, 386 178, 181, 186 playing cards .- .. ... . 406 189 pillow shams . ... 340 181 plows .. . . . .. 460 194 P¤11¤¤t0, plumbugo .. . . . . - 643 200 11¤g‘1‘0¤¤d ------ · ··.-... 667 201 pIu1ubors’ knives ... . 155 164 , _W0<><1 ---- · . .·. . .. . . 700 202 plums . . . . . 262, 264 171 p111GB9D1GB ·-.-. . .. . 263, 268 171, 172 plum seedlings .,. . . . . 252 170 pine kiudling wood .. ...- 197 167 plush, Pills, lmttors’ .. . . . . . . 461 194 bogmet ··-... 188 166 g ribbons .. . .. 386 186 han .. . 188 166 a plushcs, 11015 -··--- - --~··--·-·····-·. 188 166 E cotton . 315 178 mcpal . . 188 166 silk ... 386 186 B0h•1 110341 --·· - -·-· ·-- ·-·· . 188 166 pockctknivos .. . . 153 163 Bélfiity --···--.-..· · ·. · . ISS 166 } poles, ` _B11¤W1 - -·-·-- - ···-· -· · - ·~·. 188 166 { telegraph . ...,. .-. - 196 167 mw bowls -------·-----.. 459 194 g mp .. . .. . .. 000 P¥P¤¤ ---· - - --·· 147, 152, 182, 453, 459 161, E pomadcs .. - . - 70 155 _ 166, 193, 194 f pomolos, or shaddocks .. 205, 266 168, 172 b0¤16}‘ · --··-·-··------»·· ·· 152 163 j pool balls .. . . 417 190 ¢&8$·¤’0¤ T- -·--·--- - - · - ---- 147 163 2 poppy seed . . . -. . - 254 171 <=1¤y smcking ..-... --.- 459 194 3 on .. . .. 37 15;; ¢0P3*¤1‘ --—---·-··-·-- - -·---- 176 165 ; porcelain- 1% ·~·~--·~ - - - ~ ------·-·-- 182 166 glassware ,... . . . . . . 100 157 pwcb -- 453 193 1 ams .. 191 my _170b3¤¤0 ·~·- - -· -· -·.-·-· 459 194 { ware ..,. . ,,.,,..,.,.__ 95, 96 1*56 P}St01¤- --··· - -------·-----·-- 158 164 porcelain, works iu, free . 702 203 1*}* $¤“’S · ····· - ·----·--··---- 168 165 * pork, fresh ... . ... 274 172 Pitch, { porous carbon pots ... 98 156 B¤rg¤¤dy --·--- - -.-... 512 196 i porter . ... . .. 297 174 vf wal ta? ·----·-·· · ···--·. 524 197 , Portland cement. -. , .,., , 89 1 157 of wood . ,, 678 202 Pom- _ pgpés, metal ... ..-- 453 193 E ofwood ., 196,300 167 P181W- ···-· - ---···-·· H uy-.- 409 189 and columns, iggq .,,, ,‘ ,..,. 125159