Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/2045

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INDEX. 20 ]_ 5 United Sta]es_C0ur!s—Continued. Piigv- United States Courts—C0ntinued. Y658- appr0pr1ation_for fees, attorney, District of in Indian Territory, exclusive jurisdiction Columbia .. . ... 642 of civil suits ... .. 83 for fees, clerks .. . . . .. 56, 642, 1 115 immediatejurisdiction of criminal causes 83 ` commissioners, etc . .. .. 56, 642, 1115 laws of United States and Arkansas, ap- Jurors .. - .. 57, 642, 1115 plicable, irrespective of race. .. 83 wntnesscs .. .---: . .. - .- - 57, 642, 1115 members of tribes, when to serve as gdd1t1()ng]_ cgmmigmguerg and deputy jurgrg _ ____ __ ______________________ 83 marshals for Alaska .. - . 56 to be held at Wagoner, Ind. T S4 for support, etc., of prisoners 57, 642, 1115 clerk Supreme Court, to make return of all for United States Penitentiary, Fort emuluments, etc., hereafter collected 317 Leavenworth, Kaus., expenses 57, 643, 1115 clerks of, to make a return of naturalizafor rout of court rooms ... 58, 644, 1116 1,1;,;; fees __________________ _ _ _ _ ____ _ 317 fo1‘ NQ1I1E!, 0*11 ----·- · ------ . . 58, 644, 1116 removal of suits from Texas State courts for miscellaneous expenses .., 58, 644, 1116 to .. - .,,.. , ,._, 397 for substitutes for postal clerks, subpce- circuit courts to have ilurisdiction of suits umd 38 WZHIDCBSCS 111 . - . 441 for pgrtitign of and ____ __ ____ ____ _ 416 for clerks, commissioners, and constables, service in suits against United States. 416 l11d1Q1I T01‘l'it01’y ... . . 58, 644, 1116 appearance; loadings, etc ,...,_,,,,, _ _ _ _ 416 for supplies . . .. . 644, 1116 attorneys euclmarshuls to serve until sucfo1‘ I1'WlH B. Linton . . . . 644 ceesurg qualify, _,__, _ _____ _ ________ 487 for fees, district attorney, southern dis- to be commissioned for four years .. 487 tf1ct of NSW York . . . . .. . 644, 1116 vacancies, how temporarily filled ,.. 487 for prosecution of crimes . 55, 641, 1114 Indian Territory, to appoint commissioner, for ees, attorney, District of Columbia, 1114 ctc., to appraise damages in restordeficiency appropriation for Indian Terri- ing South Canadian River, etc .. 495 tory courts -- .. 131 Government officers not to sue United for salaries for judges, Indian Territory- 131 States until account filed, etc 495, 649 for salary, additional judge 131 concurrent jurisdiction oi, aboliehed, for pay of deputy clerks .. . . - 131 etc ., ..,..,.,..,__, ,.. ,_,,_ 4,95 for credit in accounts of J .W. Phillips. 131 Indian Territory, suits aifecting tribal formarsbals and deputies, r alaries, etc.181, 1237 property, tribe to be made party 495 acts, payments, etc., of omce deputies, jurisdiction of .. . . . ,... 496 ratified ... . .. 131,681 action for restitution of real property, credit to be given in accounts for pay- when brought ..,... -- ..., . 497 ments, etc . . . . . . . 131, 681 laws of Arkansas in force -.. ... 500 for commissioners, fees, etc.  ; . .. 132, not to enforce tribal laws, etc .. 504 145, 147, 150, 684, 709, 711, 714, 1248 causes in tribal courts to be transferred for snplport of prisoners.. 132, 150, 684, 709, 714 to .. . ... . . . .. . L 505 for ba.1 iifs and criers 133, 684, 1248 over controversies in Choctaw and for protecting property in the hands of Chickasaw nations, etc. -- .. 511 receivers .. . ... 133 Indians competent as jurors .. . . 511 for expenses of Territorial, in Utah . . . 145, 147 indictments for murder, change of venue for district attorneys, fees ... --- 145 to Fort Smith or Paris . .. . . 511 for retired judges, salaries . 150 to have equity powers, etc .. . .. 512 for buildings, in Alaska .. . . 130 over controversies in Muscogee or Creek for fees of jurors . . . . 132, 249, 423, 683, 1248 Nation . . .. 518 for fees of witnesses , ,_., . ..,... . .. 132, district etc., made courts of bankruptcy- 545 · 249, 423, 683, 709, 1248 jurisdiction of, suits between trustee and for traveling expenses, district judges-. 644 &dV®l‘S6 Glnlmllllt -..-.. · - . . 552 for Court of Private Land Claims .- 679 suits by trustee, where brou bt . . .. 552 for John E. Foley, Jerome C. Foley, and circuit court, concurrent §¤risdi¢·mion C, P, Tgylor _____,__,_,,,,,,,,,,, ,, 682 with courts of bankruptcy .. ... 553 for B. L. Priddy, etc. .,... . - . . . 682 jurisdiction of appellate, etc ..,. 553 for w_ ’,|’_ Manning ____ _ ________ ____ ,___ 682 in Ind. T., appeals n citizenship eases, etc., fm- _]_ B, Fortune _______,____,,,_,,.,.. 682 direct to Supreme Qourt .. . 591 for F1-an]; P, Flint ____ _ ,,,,_ __ ,_,,,,,_. 683 preparation of code of criminal procedure fg;1-T_ F,Green,__, ,_,,, --., ,... .,.. 683 0l}(l11‘•?Ct0d ..-·--·-· ... 7... 643 for district attorneys and assistants.-.i32 no futurfa allowance for clerks of retired M4 Jus ges .. .. . for salaries of clerks pending qualiiica- ’ location of court house, etc., Alaska, aution of succeeding district attorney- 683 th0rized_. _ I . . 1. . 679 for fees, attorney soutbem district of marshals appointed ad mteqm, etc., ratiii- · New York ____ _ _ ______ _ _____________ 683 cation of acts of deputies ... 681 for rent of court rooms . . . 133, 145, 683, 709, 714 credit to disonrsing officers for payment for Mrs. H- S· Bariicld . --.. .··- 683 to deputies ...--- - ------ , ..· 681 for foes of clerks 132, 145, 150, 684, 709, 1248 allowance to marshals of salaries, exfor Joseph A. Monson ...- . .-.-· 684 _ pcnsos, ctc .. = .. Z .. . 681 for mieeellgnegue expenses , __,,,. , _,__, 133, credrt wnhgut Yguehere to cert;;,;;; mer. 145, 154), 684, 71], 714, 1239, 1248 _ shals for dnsburscments ... _ - --.. 682 for deputy clerks, Indian Territory . 685 additional clerk of district and circuit for tems at jxutte, Mmmm, __,_,.,, 685 conrtsautlnorizcd at’1`•=x¤rk¤¤=» 682 for judgments on claims; appeal .. 140, 690 acts of acting clerks validated .. . . . Z 683 for fees and expenses of marshals ... 145, to have Jurisdiction of offenses committed 709, 714, 1:3347 1:0 places under Federal Jurisdiction, r1_ for ¤ ecisl assistant nttorne s. --.-.--.. 1 2, c _ .. . . --, . i • p 145, IX7, 150, 709, 711, 714 terms oil in_Soutb Carolina- ---- - --------- 769 for additional judge, northern district of at Knoxville, Tenn- .-.1 .. . . -... 814 ·ru“ _ _ _______ ___ ______ _ ______ _ __ _ 240 at Hammond, Ind .. - . . . -.. . 836 fgrpgymnnf ofjudgmg¤tg_______ 140, 690, 1244 Bt B8lIBBVll.l0, Ark. .--·- -··-····-·--•·•• 976