Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/2051

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INDEX. ] Wouhingfon and Gettysburg Railway Company Page. Wqghmgmn Public Library Pago. t° °x“¤d its mw °f mad into D- C- ----- 3 137 3 to provide site for bui1d, ing for . -. 1372 ‘‘·•·• · · · · • ···-· - 8 B m .. {.‘iE.€§,‘e.;;.;z;;1;,e:.;.;;;};`;· ················ {232 ”’·¤’·*;·_g*·;,e· g·;;;_··g· *;···,;·; 16 603 ,080

   jjj; j jj I · ···· · · ······ {gl: Wafliinglim, vgooagaizelfna Fgrqat ox., Railnyay ’

nme-mm speed em. . III: . I I 1375 '“"’ °"'" °""‘P“"V· . €:!Q, to is?3 t]•3];gf§]·g _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ _ _ _ _ _ _ f may 228 Railway X08, STB 09, GW --·. . . . .. . . 1376 1 m ’ ° ‘'`°‘' " ’' commencement and completion. ... . 1376 Warm" uga:"' Waahingrou and Glen Echo Roszrooa com- P Y"'°" ···· · ····· 3- -·-- · ·--·····----- uu r pany, Water Bmuuiary Convontomr, may extend tracks into D, C ,,,,__,______ 399 with M°U°° ·-·-··----------~--·-----·--- 1744 Wdlhilgfol and Uwivereily Railroad Cglmpqqgy, appropriation for °xP°ns°s- ·· · - -·-- - - · - 266, 827 incorporation of, au D. 0 . .. - . 725 Wav 1>·A»¤•·¢¤•¤••#. D- 0- (M Mw W¤¤!¤i¤sr*<>¤ to emend oct incorporating . ... . . 1343 q¤Qd¤¤lF), _ _ Washington queduot, _ appropriation for salaries, revenue and innprroprmtion for maintenance ,.,. 533, 1053 _¤pq¤tion brunch .. . . 542, 1063 or repairs. Conduit Road ..,, ,_ , ,,,, 533, 1054 distribution branch. . . 543, 1063 for report and investigation on fcasibi]- · for contingent ogpensos; fuel, etc. -- 543, 1063 ity of tilterinm water supply .,., 533, 1054 | forinterest and sinking £und,w¤ter-stock for by-conduit Da. ecarlia. Reservoir 1054, b0l1dS `- -_ ·- Z . . ... 543, 1063 for tunnel , ,,,,,,,_ , ,__________ ____ ____ 1054 for interest, incressing high service: - 543, 1064 mgppmpriation of ungxpgudgd {Blanca, for sinking fund, increasing water sup- Wur ?:»0.BfoI'00mP]0t10D of tunnel . . 533 for IFF}; -·-·- _ ------ { ---- · -·--·---- ---· an 3 um, Ig -se1‘V1c0 sys em gp ;-gpyiggiqzl for 33lgrigg_ _ _______ _,__ 539, 1060 supply of water to clmritableinstitntions Ku- contingent expenses . 540, 1(B0 _ and churches free; limit . .-; . - . 543 for new buildings ______________________ 540 deficiency appropriation for Evening Star deficiency appropriation for-, .. . . 1222 l10W3W5G?-_ ·-··-· ._ . . . ..·--·-.-. 119 Washington, D. C. ?ee District of golnmbia.), { W lfoI' 1; 3U11B wb10U8D .. .--- . . 120 a r int' 'tenet tc. + *67*0 w' · · Pp 0¥ish“g:1mmlis£:£?r::annmn¤h2€go&§9 087 l W:1>pr?ri&ti’;>'n fo} improvement of 1137 tc ____ _ _____________________ , 1 er yacm fur glgimc ugbm, ctc_, in pcspgmca ’ , approjirfatign for investigation of, etc., in 48 u` din __ ____ _ _____ __ ______ ___ ____ 28, O!`} B 6B . ... {gr rgpiirg 45 (;():];|;.h0ug3 ______ ,___ _ i§_ 55 i for 1'B!l501i8{_fl‘0l!1 Bli!’0&I.I18, OW., FIOI'1d8» 1139 or repairs of va t for register of wil , 55 N1 0¤1 i¤¤¤· ··--- - · ---··- ·-- ---·· ~for Post·Ot!ice building .. . . ...- 13 W°*¢*‘•» for building for Department of Justice. 1858 5 °¤ f°¥°¤* 1‘¤¤¤!"¤¤, l10W 11586 -·-- ;· ··-- · -- - 36 for clerk, c ce assistant qusrtarmaster a 9**mP tu 0¤» •¤¤°P$ mtu!} ¤{>1’¤;,€nW¤f¤1‘¤ Marino Cm-ps _______________ ____ 3§7, 1043 and carbonated nat s g wefor improving harbor and river front. .. 533 a Wf! ----~· --·- -·--·- · ----- · -------- 462 deficiency appropriation for additional pay I W“’°”; R¢fb°” H-, . to officer in charge public buildings · P°¤¤°¤ m°¥'°“°d ·--—-~ · ·---- ---- ---· --·- 1537 and grounds . .. . ... 120 g Wat"': Rob"': _ _ » for posoomcc building ,. . , 235 ; 1>¤y¤¤¤¤t *9 =~<1¤¤m¤¢r¤t<>r of ---- ---. . 1183 assignment of space, etc . .. 235,657Wai"": Wuham A-; _ for mmamm, etc., Powomce .. can . 1>=·y¤¤¤¤¤ ¢¤ ¤d¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤r of ------------- 1188 for removal to new building,. .. 657 _ Water Supply of the United States, universal postal convention at, June 15, 1629 · Wappr<épriationDfo1égangn]1vg,s•;tc .. 27, 628, 1099 1897 . . . . . ... .. . aler upply, . . (sac n ington que- Washington, I). C., Navy- Yard, 5 duct), appropriation for clerks, etc .. 373, appropriation for Washington Aqeduct 374, 375, 1028, 1030, 1031 Tunnel ... . .. . . . ... 1054 for improving electric plant, etc ... . 377 for report on feasibility of iiltcring 1054 for repairs, etc .. . .. .. - . 1033 Wulef, T oi (ef, for clerks in gensral storehonse . 333;. · Wstamp tm; on . . . . . . . 463 fo nl k to nav construe r. .. ’ atertown . rama asa. fo; re-`:.airs, etc., marine barracks 388:1043 spiproprintion for testing machine. . 40, 626,1102 for reimbunrsing certain losses by nre... 388 or impoct testing machine, made condeiicicncy appropriation for .. . ... 695 I tinumg._ ... . ... 40 Washington Gaalight Company, 672 { for gunifarrxaie plant . . 432 don ‘ . g my rigtion or ... . .. or ric store ouse . ... 4 _ it;0‘:;a(:1yti»1!‘§¤]¥itol and grounds 1 got magazine, etc .. .. . . or moving amp ... or sewer . ... . . Wa, hhs t u H Incurables. * for office building .. 1102 ngrgvrcgnzintignn ;'£'"¤1¤i¤t¤¤¤nc0 541, 1062 { Wafervlieffdreernal, N. Y., _ Was ington Honpital for 1*bundlin_q•,.D. C., | appronrmtuou for B130b1I10X`)` .. 402, 1252 appropriation for maintenance 541, 1061 { for hlling and grading grounds . . . . . 402 Washington Improvement and Development } Watkms, l:.tG., 1211 C n r yaymen 0 .. . ,... . . . granteqnzghtlgf wsf through Colville In- Uaison, Joseph, _ _ dum Reservnt 0n, Wash 430 payment to admm1stmtor of .. . .. 1180 Washington, Mack and Simon, Watson, Thomas E., _ _ payment to administrntrix of . 1175 i deficiency appropriation for contested elec- `Washinglon Monument, { tion expenses ..-. -. 139 appropriation for csre and maintenance.. 42. Wattenon, James, 628, 1104 payment to .. . . .. 1183