Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1335

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FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. ll. Ch. 85+. 1901. 1283 trustees last elected or appointed shall be considered as in office until another election or appointn1ent shall take place. Sec. 593. Con1>oaATE 1>owERs.—Such trustees and their successors C<>¤>¤r¤¤¤ powersshall have perpetual succession and existence, and shall. be ca able in law to sue and be sued. plead and be impleaded, answer and') be answered unto, defend and be defended, in all courts of law or equity whatsoever, in and by the name and style assumed as hereinbefore provided.

 59&. Txr1.E VESTED ix TRUSTEES.—Tl1€ title to land authorized ,€gj*l¢*’€¤¤=di¤**¤¤

to befurchased and to buildings and improvements thereon shall be " · veste in the trustees by their assumed name and their successors forever, and the same shall be held for the uses and purposes named and no other. SEc. 595. Powmzs or TRUSTEES.-—Th€ trustees shall have power. P<>w€f¤¤f¤¤¤S¤=€¤- under the direction of the society or congregation, or the authority by A whom they were elected or appointed, to sell and execute deeds and conveyances of the property authorized to be held by the society or congregation; and such deeds or conveyances shall have the same effect as like deeds or conveyances made by natural persons; but no deed or conveyance shall be made so as to defeat or destroy the interest or effect of any grant, donation, or bequest, and all grants, donations, and blpquests shall be appropriated and used as directed by the person making t e same. SEo. 596. MORTGAGES.—Th€ trustees shall have power, under the M°¤g¤8*=S· direction of the society or congregation, or the authority by whom they were elected or appointed, to execute mortgages, or deeds of trust in the nature of mortgages, upon the estate and property which any society or congregation are authorized tq hold, or to lease the same for a term not exceeding ten years; and such mortgages, deeds, and conveyances shall have the same effect and be enforced by the same remedies and proceedings as like mortgages, deeds, leases, and conveyances made by natural persons. Sec. 597. DISSOLUTION.—·Up0H the dissolution of any society or con- DiSS°l“ti°¤- gregation the estate and property of such society or congre ation shall revert back to the persons, their heirs, and assigns who may Tnave given or contributed to the purchase of or payment for the same, according to their respective rights. ‘ Sec. 598. Rmmeions soHooLs.——The provisions of the eleven pre- R¤¤si<>¤SS<=¤¤¤1¤· ceding sections are intended to extend to members of societies formed to establish and maintain private schools for religious purposes, but shall not be construed as conferring privileges or any benefits to such societies under the school laws of the District. SUBCHAPTER THREE. ’` T T' is v SOCIETIES, BEL EVOLEl\ T, EDL CATIOINAL, Al\D SO FORTH. leggfégglgdtioggggme SEc. 599. CERTIFICATE.····A11y three or more persons of full age, €€¤i¤¤¤¢€- citizens of the United States, a majority of whom shall be citizens of the District, who desire to associate themselves for benevolent, charitable, educational, literary, musical, scientific, religious, or missionary purposes, including societies formed for mutual improvement o1· for the promotion of the arts, may make, sign, and acknowledge, before any officer authorized to take acknowledgment of deeds in the District, and Hle in the office of the recorder of deeds, to be recorded by him, a certiicate in writing, in which shall be stated- First. The name or title by which such society shall be known in law. —¤¤¤¤e¤¤s- Second. The term for which it is organized, which may be perpetual. Third. The particular business and objects of the society.