Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1978

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1926 TREATY—PERU. Novmmnn 28, 1899. extradition other than that for ni por otro distinto de aqucl por which he was delivered up, until el cual fué entre ada, hasta que he shall have had an opportunity tenga oportunidad de regresar al of returning to the country from pais que lo entreg6. which he was surrendered. ARTICLE X. ARTiCULo X. All articles seized which are in Todos los objetos encontrados the possession of the person to be en poder de la persona que ha de D,,,,(,,mU,,.,;,€md surrendered at the time of his ser entregada, en el momento de

  • ““°i°“— apprehension, whether being the su aprehension, ya sea que proceproceeds of the crime or offense dan del crimen 6 delito cometido,

charged, or being material as evi- 6 que sirvan de pruebas para comdence in making proof of the crime probar aquel, seran en cuanto sen or offense, shall, so far as prac- posible,entregadosdeconformidad ticable and in conformity with the con las leyes de los paises respeclaws of the respective countries, tivos al veriiicarse la extradicion. be given up when the extradition Sin embargo, seran respectados takes place. Nevertheless, the en cuanto a esto los derechos de rights of third parties with regard terceros. to such articles shall be duly respected. A.RTICLE XI. ARTTCULO XI. If the individual claimed by one Si el individuo reclamado por of the high contracting parties, in una de las Altas Partes Contra+ rmom c1aimed_by pursuance of the present Treaty, tantes, en virtud del presente Tra- °“`° °"“°" °"““'"€“‘ shall also be claimed by one or sev- tado, fuere igualmente reclamado eral other powers on account of por uno 6 mas Gobiernos por crimes or offenses committed crimenes cometidos dentro de sus within their respective jurisdic- jurisdicciones respectivas, tendra tions, his extradition shall be derecho de preferencia el Estado granted to the state whose demand cuya demanda de extradicién haya is first received: Provided, that sido recibida primero,siempre que the government from which extra- el Gobierno solicitado para la dition is sought is not bound by entrega del criminal no esté oblitreaty to give preference other- gado por Tratado a dar la prewise. ferencia a otro. ARTICLE XH. ARTTCULO XII. E><r·<*¤*¤S- The expenses incurred in the Los gastos incurridos en la arrest, detention,examination, and aprehensién, detencion, examen delivery of fugitives under this y entrega de los fugitivos, segun Treaty shall be borne by the state este Tratado, seran a cargo del in whose name the extradition is Estado que pide la extradici6n, sought; Provided, that the de- el cual no sera obligado é. pagar manding government shall not be los servicios de los empleados del compelled to bear any expense for Gobierno que concede la extrathe services of such public officers dici6n, que gozan de sueldo iijo; of the government from which salvo la remuneraci6n a que sean extradition is sought as receive a acreedores aquellos empleados fixed salary; And, provided, that que solo perciben gratificacién ‘ the charge for the services of such por sus servicios, sin que esta public officers as receive only fees exceda, empero, ala remuneracion or perquisites, shall not exceed de costumbre por sus servicios en their customary fees for the acts las tramitaciones judiciales ordina-