Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/2069

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INDEX. 201 7 Army—Continned. Page- Army reorganization-Continued. Pagetravel allowance on reenlistments in certain provisions for increasing, etc. —Continued. regiments in Philippine Islands 762 corps of engineers, composition 750 allowance for sea travel . 762 hmit to enlisted men 750 no travel allowance back to Philippines pa battalion adjutants, etc .. 750 on muster out in United States 762 chaplains, rank, examination, etc .. 750 liability for destruction of ordnance at post chaplain abolished .. r 750 Missouri Military Academy, etc 1479 assignment of chaplains, etc., transporrefund of money to Mathias Pederson un- tation, etc ..,. 750 lawfully collected . 1608 Adjutant-General’s Department, organi- James T. Ellis reimbursed expenses for zation, etc 751 transporting remains of son, etc 1611 vacancies, how Hlled . . .. 751 appropriation for executrix of C. W. Cro- Inspector-General’s Department, organizier as surgeon, etc 1613 zation, etc . ... 751 Francisco V. De Coster entitled to certain vacancies, how filled 751 pay as captain, etc 1763 J udge—Advocate-General’s Department, extra pay to Leonard Wilson, civil em- organization .. 751 ployee ... 1790 vacancies, how filled, etc 751 James A. Hutton may be appointed cap- detail of acting judge-advocate ... 751 tain .. . .. 1792 l Quartermastefs Department, organiza- Isaac R. Dunkelberger may be appointed l tion . 751 captain and retired ... 1793 , vacancies, how filled, etc 751 O’Reilley, Thomas P., may be placed on I certain officers in the Philippine Isretired list ... 1703 lands continued  ; . 752 payment to Ninth Regiment, Pennsylva— Subsistence Department, organization, nia Infantry, for baggage destroyed . 1633 etc .. 752 printing of report, Commam ing General, post commissary-ser nts ... 752 directed . 2001 vacancies, how filleggé ., 752 of military laws .. 2008 Medical Department, organization, etc . 752 of legislative history, general staff .. 2008 vacancies, how filled ..,,..., 752 Army and Navy Hospital, _ computation of service as surgeon . appropriation for expenses at Hot Springs, - requisite to grade of captain, etc . . - 752 Ark .. 907 contract surgeons in emergencies au- Army Gun Factory, thorized . 752 appropriation for 12—inch, etc., guns .. 184 temporary employment of surgeons Army Medical Museum, ‘ for Phi ippine Islands ... . . 752 appropriation for specimens, etc 215, 908 pay of assistant surgeons 752 ' deficiency appropriation for amounts found contract dental surgeons authorized, due .. , . .. 291 examination, etc . 752 Army Ordnance Bureau, additional hospital stewards authorappropriation for draftsman, etc ... 186, 875 ized .. - ,. 753 Army ration, . nurse corps (female), organization, kind and character of to be prescribed . . . 758 etc .. 753 Army reorganization, veterinarians, pay, etc .. 753 provisions for increasing efficiency of per- Pay Department, organization, etc . 754 manent military establishment 748 vacancies, etc ,, 754 composition .. 748 limit to number of paymasters ... 754 vacancy in office of storekeeper not to be Corps of Engineers, organization, etc--. 754 Hlled 748 appointment of chie , etc ,.., ’ 754 cavalry, composition .. 748 filling of vacancies ,..,,..,.,_,__ 754 pay of squadron adjutants ... 748 Ordnance Department, organization, etc. 754 organization of band 748 vacancies, how filled, etc 754 troop, composition of ... 748 Signal Corps, organization, etc .,.,. 754 limit to number of enlisted men in- filling of vacancies., ..,..,.. 754 creased ,2, 748 temgoraréy service in the Philippines. 754 artillery arm to be known as artillery Recor an Pension Office, chief and corps ... . 748 assistant chief of ... . ... 7 54 coast artillery defined; duty ... 749 permanent appointees staff department field artillery defined . 749 to be promoted according to seniorassignment of officers to either branch ity .. ; .,.,,,,,,__ 755 of artillery ... 749 I future vacancies to be filled by detail, artillery corps,_ composition of . 749 l etc .. 755 limit to enlisted men 749 return to line after four years, etc `755 coast, organization of, etc ... 749 chief of staff corps, or department, vaadditional pay to gunners ... 749 cancies, how filled 755 field, organization of 749 l vacancies caused by detail from line to when increase of force to be made . . - 749 staff, how filled ... 755 vacancies, transfers from other arms-- 749 E vacancies in grade of field officers and increase of officers in proportion to l captain created by this act, how increase of men ... 749 Y filled ... , ..., 755 infantry, composition, details. - ---·---- 750 l persons serving in Spanish War may be pay battalion adjutants, etc . 750 l appointed second lieutenants .. 756 band, organization .. 750 l enlisted men may be appointed second limit to enlisted men . ... 750 lieutenants ,., 756 von xxx1—127