Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/716

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664 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 807. 1900. ___;l_{¤ji __ _ CHAP. 807.-An Act To establish a board of charities for the District of Columbia. · _ _ _ Be it enacted by the Sen ate and House 0 f Representatives q f the United 1§§f§§"§§C‘g§‘,f§f{}§é States 0 f Avneréca in Congress assembled, That there shall be established cmblishcd- in the District of Columbia a board of charities, to consist of five members, residents of the said District, who shall be appointed by the President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, each for a term of three years, but in such manner that the terms of not more than two of them shall exp1re in any one or the same year. The members of the said board shall serve without compensation. During his term of office no member shall serve as trustee or other administrative officer of any institution subject to the visita- 0*“‘*"’*·°‘°· tion of the said board. The board shall elect a president and vicepresident from among its own members, and shall appoint a secretary, who shall receive a salary of three thousand dollars per annum; and a messenger, who shall receive a salary of eight hundred and forty dollars per annum; and may appoint such other officers, inspectors, and clerks as it may deem proper, and fix the number, duties, and compensation of such other officers, iiréslpectbrs, and clerks, subject to glrzfgtendent of appropriations of Conggessz Previ , That the office of super1ntend— charities, District or ent of charities of the istrict of Columbia is hereby abolished from g$““‘b‘“— “°°"“h°d’ and after the thirtieth day of June, nineteen hundred; and the amounts ` alppropriated in the Act making appropriations for the expenses of t e District of Columbia for the seal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and one, for salaries of superintendent of charities and of messenger in the office of said superintendent and for traveling expenses are hereby made available for the payment of secretary of _ the board of charities, messenger for said board, and necessary travel- D““°S °*b°*“‘l· ing expenses authorized by said board. The said board of charities shall visit, inspect, and maintain a eneral su ervision 0VB1‘ all institutions, societies, or associations og a charitable, eleemosynary, correctional, or reformatory character which. are supported in whole or in part by appropriations of Congress, made for the care or treatment of residents of the District of Columbia; and no payment shall be made to any such charitable, eleemosynary, correctional, 01‘ reformatory institution for any resident of the District of Columbia who is not received and maintained therein pursuant to the rules established by such board of charities, except in the case of persons committed by the courts, or abandoned infants needing imme- R°"”“· diate care. The said board of charities shall be provided with suitable rooms in the building occupied by other departments of the govern- M°°°*“gS· ment of the District of Columb1a. Re ular meetings of the said board shall be held at least once each month, and more often if required. R°¤“l““°““· The said board shall make such rules and orders for the regulation of ` beI?,fQ;§;gg§,"})bj°§dgw its proceedings as may be deemed necessary. The officers in charge of all institutions subject to the supervision of the board of charities_ shall furnish said board, on request, such information and statistics as may be desired; and to secure accuracy, uniformit , and completeness of such statistics the board may prescribe such fbrms of report and registration as may be deemed to be essential; and all plans for new _ institutions shall, before the adoption of the same, be submitted to said ,},‘},§,$§§,§f,§,‘§,§, Q} board for suggestion and criticism. The Commissioners of the District Board- of Columbia may at any time order an investigation by the board, or a committee of its members, of the management of any penal, charitable, or reformatory inst1tution in the D1StI°1Ct of Columbia; and said board, or any authorized committee of its members, when making such investigation, shall have power to send for persons and papers and to administer oaths and aiiirmations; and the report of such mvestigation, E‘p°"S"“‘ with the testimony, shall be made to the Commissioners. All accounts and exgenditures of said board shall be certified as may be required by the ommissioners, and paid as other accounts against the District