Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1354

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INDEX. lvii Glmhavcn, Mich., P•¤¤- Goss, James R., Pageapmgksgemgor wlmh, etc., to South Gtatplpnr;)>pnag'>”ndg>Tr· services ... 267 rm-Wlrning SU- urg, e tions ... . . 282 appropriation for? consul at ,,... 84, 816 Globe Mutual Insurance Oompany, Saint Louis, Gove, John and Thomas, dm _ Mo., _ _ repeal of appropriation to pay French cnency appropriation for Treasury set- 1078 Gm) J Ispolgtion cla1mdtoTa}l<l)mmmtmmr of - 1070 tlement .. c, o , a ax, Gloucester, Mass., . - payment of French spoliatiou claim to adappropriation for improvement of harbor; 25 of . ,, . 220 contracts ...,., 331,11 Government' Sam:' Lows' , Gdedcizgygpgmpmdon for Hsh hatchery. 11 appropriagilein for emictggp of bding lm lover , . ., or agri e 1 ,.. construction of public building authorised Government Hospital for the Insane, at ._. - I ... 319 appropriation for current expenses 457, 1120 GM2.%""°""“"°“'°' ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘"’*°“ {Si i.‘é‘.}£*.1.’;"“‘.i"E§i£‘€.‘I.‘;,‘,‘§.»;.;;,‘;,;"‘ *7* HE? . an l . apprbpgntion for sgudy of wheat, etc., as 297 ger electric appargtuéch . - . i). - 1120 mutants o or suppo o istrict o um ia Goddard, Thatcher-, _ _ _ _ patients . _..: ... _. 614,979 yment of French spohntron claim to ad- deliciency appropnatmn for new bmld- P· ministrator of 221ings · 20 comma, waum , '``````````'`'`` sm- mp.i£s`QL21` iiifliéééiliéiitl ZZ1I1I5o, was paymen::"20ourtofClaimsjudgmentto.- 2(D iorre rigezatingpant ... 5,}. 1£· God¢·oy company or curren expenses ... ,. -. 1, . clumrefelrreg to f Claims; payment 764 forbhospital extension . H) ,. 1055 Godqyroy, . ., a ny act c an proceedings' r`on to, • Gclaimhreierredia to Court oilglaims; payment 764 reged . 2 . ik. -i);};&- 1043 oder:} Gmc , Government 'nling (Eco scc a c Ggppropriistipln for consul at . 84, 816 Prirgitingfoanii 'nding), 10 481 1146 s, o n ., appropria on r eavesto emp yees- ,

to sons of . 629 dehciency lappropriation for leaves tg? 1069

a ver, employees . , appropriation for diplomatic cooperation temporary occupation by Grand Army of for fixed relationship of, in mone- ‘G epcppnpmmt 303 tary systems . 1138 ‘ overnor on `n,. ’ nr, — _ Gold Goins, payment of French spoliation claim on acappropriation for reeoining .., 447, 1109 count of .. 231 deficiency a. propriation for recoinage. -- 7, 1035 Governors Island, Boston, Mase.,

 lalnposition gold dollar author- 446 Gcity   tQ_i1:;_prove and use ... 743

. rrwr.9 0 n 1 . ., . Golden, J W, :1; ropriation ’for enlargement ... 1130 payment vtro 6 ...,..,.,.. 487 degcienéy appropriation for improvement. 564 Goldsboro, i . ., · Gowanus ay, . ., construction of public building authorized appropriation for implrovement of Bay at ..,,,,,,___.,,, 319 and Red ook channels. . 463, 1124 appropriation for .. 427, 1085 Gower, A. ., deficiency appropriation for public build- 038 payment ..5 -6 . 489 mg ..,,...,,,.,,,_ , ,,__,, 1 c Orosnn , . . limit of cost increased, public building. . . 1205 provisions lg abolishing 918 Good Conduct Commutalion, Grading Sreela, ctc., D. C., deduction frecém sentences of prisoners, in- 3 7 Gppproprlntion my . 597,962 eas ,. 9 George ., restoraiion of forfeited, allowed .. 397 payment to, for services . 238 "Good Intent," Brig, Grand Army of the Republic, _ payment oftlipench spoliatiou claim on ac- 233 encampment, D;dC., rtegulatnons for pre- 748 .. servm 0 or e . “Good Iril•c‘:¢l:"(:9choorwr, appropriation for executing. 1 . . . . 748 payment of Friench spoliation claim on ac- 23 permit or electric wires for illumiua- 748 count .,..,. . ... 1 tion . . .. . "Good Inten1,"°V¢asel, loan of flags etc., for decorations ... 749 payment of Fpench spoliation claim on ac- 227 pee of pelservaitzipns, egcqtpermitted . cou t ..,... can 0 ospi ten , e - Goodhue, Bervyeijmin, permits for temporary occupancy of payment o French spoliation claim to ad- streets by railroads . _..- 743 ministrator of .,, , .. 220, 220 permitted to occupy Govemment Prmt- Goodyear, _Q_P., .. _.. 303 appropriation for payment, outer bar chan- permn _ to erect Bt8.h1€tJ0l0HDd0f,.BOD]8— G d gel, Brémswick, Ga ,,,,.,, 338 mab F . Stephenson, m Washmgton, 740 or on, ames ., . . payment ,..,..., . ... 487 Grand A.r·rny_Sold1krs' Home, D. C'., Gordon, Flglzam, 488 émmmhm fp;'}. .· .. 613, 979 men . ., · Goriaghs, lzilliam Orazgiord, construcgtion of public building authorized 319 a ’ assistant surgeon- a ... may geu y ,. . . ,... , .. 1022 appropriation for . .,,.. . ,.. 427, 1085