Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1400

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mmcx. eiii Patents, C'-, _ P¤s¤- Pearl River, Misa., Pageprovmnops for attacbgng, repealed 541 appropriation for im mvoment of, between _ pmceedmgs for lcvying on, repealed . 541 Edinburg andphonmoo _,__,,_,____ 355 _ Palma, Gayeés, f I t 85 817 b dbclowhR0cl;%0rt . ... 355 KPPY0 P18 011 OT 0011811 8 --... , rx gc authoriz across, tween o f- P¤“¢¤r E06M. _ _ _ cello and Columbia é f. 187 psymeuq of French Fpolmtnou clmm to ad- P Smiths Ferry ...,,,_____,,,,__,,,___ , _ 924 mm18h3U0f 0 221 earozm, John, - Patten, Thomas, paym t f French s l' ti lto adptymont of French spolistion claim to sd- ~ Tnisistrstor of ff.? .. 232 hmmgpbhmr of 221 Pgdmk, Hiilliam E., · ver ., ee-sim tent to . 1(X)8 appr;pripH0;1 for improvement of 336 Peekskill, Paly, _ dlzam IZ, _ _ _ appropriation for improvement of harbor- 334 dcflcneucy zgrropnauon for servwes . 577 Ped, S. W., Paupcrn, ege.,_ ian, appropriation for payment as attorney for spproprimtnon for preventing immigmtiggo 1 12 P Cie;-ek Indians .,,,,,,...,,,_,_ 995 0 ... - . ... , 1 s, . Cl, admission of, excluded .. 1214 license tax on ..,.,, 627 PavcmenLw, D. C., Pager, Wilhhm A., lpplbpriltiou for ... .. . 598,964 cficicuc appro riation, for index of Plnvcatuck River, R. L and Conn., degutes nn (gougress ... 580 nppro riation for improvement of 349 Pekin, China, }’awnbr5era_ , D. (L, appropriation for erection of lcgaticu buildhwnggntax on, continued 628 P h 1 ...,,.. _ ..,,__ 78 ‘ iam, e "n, ., sppropriation for fuliilling treaty with. . 251, 987 construction of public building authorized . Pawtucket River,fR. L, of 349 at ... E ... . ... 317 appropriation or impmvcmemt · a pmpriation or .. 428, 1088 Pay, Army, lima of cost increased, public building., 1204 apfroggnation for . 508, 929 Pmd or¢€lleRiv¢r, Wash., or per cent enlisted men . 512, 91 appropriatiou for improvement of 371 for 10 per cent officers at foreign stngu 933 Pmelgdw, R'; t 2 3 tions ... -, . , paymentjudgmw t0-- 1 for arrears, war with Spain, ctc 1138 Pcnitentiarks, ll S., deficiency appropriation or . 29, appropriation for Fort Lasvcmrorth, 563, 585, 1072, 1076 Kaus . 473, 476, 1142 computation of salaries . 934 for Atlanta 473,478, 1143 increase for service beyond 'the States 512 for McNeiIs Island, Wash .. 579, 1144 Pay Department, Army, Perm, Thomas HZ, appropriation for pay of 0E0e1s; lougcv- 932 psymclag of Cczurzoof glaims judgment to 209 ity .. . . 510, minis ru r 0 .. Pay, Marine C'01‘P!r Pennsylvania, appropriation for, officors, active list-, 686, 1199 adjustment of claim for raising volunteers. 586 f ret.i{ed list . 68;, 11g claim to be settged by Auditor for War De- 583 or enmen ... 68 , 1 partmcn . . ... Pdctigieucy appropriation for. . . 30, 586, 589, 1073 deicieucy approtgsriatiou for expenses mis~ 30 a , Yujy, · VOIHD rs . ... a{>pro(§>riation for ... . 662, 1177 Pmnaylvazaea Judicial Didrid, { a ditioaal men authorized 662 II;7 terms of dintnct court ... 549 ¤r mime ¤¤¤<>¤¤ -----------------· .11 7 Pmmyz rr umué J an-ao: for contingent ... : . 663, 1177 t"m:gb“ _____ T ____________________ 54 p balance 4vai}¤ble fgr ggingnng home 663 mcgpdg to E kept at gc,-umm ___________ 549 remains mm a ro . · - - - deficiency appropriation for . 30. Pmmylmma Judwml d' .. patent. specmhcatxons and dmwmgs, to be 565, 586, 589, 1050, 1073, 10»6 removed to Cam .6 Libmw Pius_ for miscellaneous ... 15, 30, 586, 1050, 1073 bu °g' · ’ H6 for contingent . 566, 1050 rg'`'''’``'` T ` Paymauwtgqnnaps Wa,. D,Pa.,.tm,mt’150 885 Pemac21£;)1,;lA£;1!?ama and Tennessee Rmlway “"£,'L°£’.r'.‘£‘fi’f‘.€‘Tii’.‘T€..*25:;::::;:::;.. noi mrrbridéi &¤·¤»maRs»-cr, Am .. . we Payma,stera’ Clerks and Messengers, Ajmy, Pemac0la,_F{a., _ appropriation for pay; tnveling exgu 933 * appropgiggon for xmprovement. of harbor; 239 . sea im};1o11oi}§§{oL'ZZZZZ]ZZfZZZIZIZZZ-- ’ su . ror b¤i1m$rYg,'ésXf 2rHr£roSi}}i2r'iIiii}{or}Z`·ié4,1bs1 Payne, Made Eliza, for ordnance tools, navy-yard . . 666 P payment oflC§urt of Claims judgment to . 210 for public works, navy-yard 675, 1187 M!/Mr $0111*1*6 ·· Pemauke H bor, W` ., payment <>f 901111 91 01¤im¤ i¤<1zm¤¤1 m provision gr imprriement of, repealed- . . 374 s.dm1mstra.tmx of . 208 Pmdimldgmh, Pesgggggggggn for·•.._-l--·_-il.--_`---· 269 a.pPmpri3tionforsalgries,etc ...,... 62,761 Peacha, Mrs. James, P¢7*·¤°"• A}?P{¤l·9» fwrd Qi appropriation for ...,,..,..,,.._ 269 ¤ppr¤p¤¤¤¤¤ or members ------·---- 156. 891 Pearl and Leaf Rivera Radroad Company, Pomaum Attorneys, _ _ may bridge Pearl River, Smiths Ferry, fee for securing specml penswn acts for- Misg _____,,,,,,,,,_,,,,,,,._,.,.._. 924 biddeu; penalty . 62,761