Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1451

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chv Ixmax. Vehicles for Hire, D. C'., Page- ¤ Viruses, etc., P¤8¤· license tax on owners; badges ..,,,., 62-1regulation of sale, in District of Columbia, Iknezuela, f V Z Smand interstate trafic .. 728 z. ro riatiou or minister to .., 76, 807 im hbztics, pier Secretary of legation .. 77, 808 annual collection of, by Census Office 52 I leave of ;ninister extended .,,,,, 1033 collecukeln lnlnd pnglicatiou by Public 714 ’enice, ta , ea t , etc., ervice .. a proprigtion for consul at . 85,817 cooperation of States requested to secure "V§n~us," SM , uniformity in registration . 1231 payment ol) French spoliation claim on Vladivoswk, Siberia, I accgput of 224 appropriation for consul at . gg, 815 ’era Cruz, cxico or interpreter ... , 818 appropriation fer consul at . 82, 814 Voile, Anthony, v or clexghhire ..., 86,818 paymeng of Court of fClaims judgment to 209 ’er1nilian, io, ° a ministmtor 0 .. preliminary examination of harbor to be Volunteer S0ldier.s’ Home (see also National 1 mag; 381 Home for Volunteer Soldiers), 468 32 ’e·rm1Zyea, omas, a. ropriation or expenses ... , 11 _ payment of French spoliatiou claim to Volggteers, ` administrator of .. 218 appropriation forbeck pay, bounty, etc- 472, 1137 Vcrmmat, _ de cieucy appropriation for pay of .. 29, 589 V deficiency appropriation for refunding for pay, two and three year 29 expenses raising volunteers ... 586 for collecting, etc 30, 589 Very, James, for Califomie and Nevada ... 30, 1073 payment of French spoliation claim to for pay, etc., Oregon and Washington. . 30, administrator of .. 233 589, 1073, 1076 Wssels, Foreign Steam, for refund to States, expenses raising- - . 30, deficiency appropriation for special in- 586, 1078 spcctors .. 1072, 1076 claims of States for raising, to be reopened . 30 Wat, Hon. George G., Senatorrnfrom Missouri, examinations for commissions in, other made member of Lincoln emorial Com- than organized militia 779 I missgné . . ... 486 eligibility of applicants; certificate of 779 Eacrics, etc., . ., I acts as to pojers not repealed by Code 546 register of persons eligible for commis- 779 Hcrinanhm rmy, sions , .. - . . - L Vgpmpwgn for - 5 -6 -... L -.--..- 511, 933 furtgner instructing; in schools. - gg 1 uct, as 'ngton, . ., age imitations; 'stri u 'on ..-.-..-.-. provisions for, from new union railroad Volunteers, United States, T Pr smuf 7},; . ..-..-.. 911 credit t0mArmy men for service ss 934 7ce· ui 0 the de es, 0 cers 0 --.-.-.-.--..-...-.. appropriation for secretary, etc .-...-.. 121, 854 Volusia Bqr, _Fla., _ Vicksburg Nahemal Mildary Park, ggmgmhon for 1mprovement of .-.- 353 appropriation for estnbhshing . ... 446,1131 V n ul Company, Victoria, British €olumbia,1 t 82 815 claim referred t0C0urt of Claims; payment 764 appropriatiou or consu u ..--..--- , pier ger]: hire -.-.-.-. 86,818 Vidalia, _ _ _ W. appropriation for improvement of Mi nssippl River at 387 TVab¢uh River, Ind. and Ill., Vienna, Auah-ia,f I ml t 8 813 appropriation for improvement; use of bala. ro riation or consu -gene a --..-. 1, ance ,,-,-,__--,,,,,-,____,___,___ 363 pier gerk hire -.-...-..-.- 86, 818 Wacaamaw River, M C. and S. Cl, Vina], Lemuel, _ _ appropriation for improvement of --. 352 payment. qi _French spolmtwn claim to Waccamagv River, S. (1, ajiplmlsfmfor of .. 233 preliminarg examination of, to be made. . 382 Virurl, Walham, yr., _ _ ridge authorized across, at Conway --... 387 payment of French spolumon claim to _ Wizcksmuth, John G., t muh admgxistmtor of ..-... 233 payment of, Frencbfspoliation claim to ad- ’i ewen, 7 e., ministratoxno --.-.-------.------- 222 appropriation for improvement of Carvers Waco, Tex., Harbor ..--.-...-.--- 331 appropriation for rent, public building , _ , 1090 Wncmnea, Ind., I deficiency appropriation for rent, public construction of public building authorized · buildings .--.-.--...-----.--,-,_, 1037 at -:-2 ... 318 limit of cost; increased, public building , _ , 315 · V app50§a30r5;or .. 428, 1090 wappmgmriatlipu for ..------- . --,, 426, 1090 mgyar n , I ass., . rms 0 cou ---.-----...----. - -.----- 69, 785 examination for harbor of refuge directed. 333 Wade, Elie, ‘ Virginia, _ . payment of Court of Claims judgment to . 211 settlement of mutual clmms, war of 1812- - 235 I Wagon-Making Establishmmts, D. Lt, Yiryinia Wggtem Judicial Distrwbt, Ijgeuge tax on __________________________ 628 terms of (YOUNG, Danville - 794 Wagan-Road Grants, Lguchburg ...»... 794 provisions for relief of settlers on mikogd A mgdou 794 lands, etc., extended to ,,_,,______ 733 Harns0nb:r§_ .. . . 794 Wzgemer, Hon. George (1 R., Clmrlo ... 794 deficiency appropriation for muwgzedqiec. Roanoke . .. 552, 794 tion expenses ...,,,..,,,,,,,,_ ,__ 1067