Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/244

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178 FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 642, 669. 1902. they are hereby authorized and empowered to supply to said destitute Choctaws such food as may be necessary for their maintenance as they may determine to be right and proper, the same to be paid for out of the aforesaid twenty thousand dollars, but not exceeding to any beneficiary the amount he is entitled to receive from said fun as his distributive share. "“”" ’°’ '°“°* °‘ Sec. 3. That the Secretar of the Treasur be, and he is hereb , indigent Cmckmwx authorized, u n the requestbf the Secretary gr the Interior, to deposiit in the UnitedpStates subtreasury at Saint Louis, Missouri, to the credit of the treasurer of the Chickasaw Nation, the sum of twenty thousand pm, p. asa. dollars, ten thousand dollars of which shall be taken from the balance. of the arrears of interest of five hundred and fifty-eight thousand five hundred and twenty dollars and fifty-four cents excluding the incomv01. ai, p.51S. patent fund appropriated by the Act of Congress approved June twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight (Thirtieth Statutes, Four hundred and ninety-tive), and ten thousand dollars out of the Chickasaw national fund of sixty thousand dollars placed upon the books of the Treasury of the United States by the Indian appropria- V°‘·3*·P·1°°2· tipn étct kcgfsa March third, nineteen hundred and one, to the credit of t e ic w tribe. ,,§‘}f§,"f‘*‘f,“QQ““§°d;‘,},¥; Sec. 4. That D. H. Johnson, governor of the Chickasaw Nation, ww 0¤i€k¤¤iw& W. T. Ward, treasurer of said nation, and P. S. Mosly, ex- overnor of said nation, are hereby constituted a commission with authority to investigate and determine what Chickasaw citizens are destitute and in absolute need of help, and they are hereby authorized and empowered to supply said destitute Chickasaws with such food as may be necessary or their maintenance as they may determine to be right and- ¤,’§§,*’,§‘,,‘{.“';§“§{fckQf protper. Said commission is also authorizedtzo reimburse the governor nv N•¤<>¤· of e Chickasaw Nation for the actual expenses heretofore incurred by him in supplying indigent Chickasaws with necessary food and mg, gx_ raiment, payment to be made from said fund: Provided, That the QIISBS uiowsu. members of said Choctaw and Chickasaw commissions shall not be allowed any com nsation for their services except the actual neces- R"’°"· sa expenses whge engaged in said work: Promkled further, That eacrh commission shall make full report to the legislative body of its respective nation giving the names of the persons receiving aid and the amount expended for each person, together with an itemized account of the expenses incurred by each commission. Approved, April 29, 1902. ‘ AP'"3°· 1902 CHAP. 869.-An Act To authorize the Western Bridge Company to construct

 and maintain a bridge across the Ohio River.

Be it enacted by the Smale and Ifauise 3fRe eseniatilves of the United $,l§Q;'j,'“'·B,,dg€ States ofrlnzeréca in Lbngrese aasemb ed, Phat the W€St81`H Bridge gguyggqrgpdse. Company, a corporation existing under the laws of the State of g s' Pennsylvania, be, and the same is hereb , authorized to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge across the Chic River from a point on Preble avenue, in the city of Allegheny, to a point on Shingiss street, _ in the borough of McKee2s Rocks, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania: §§$;;';,,,,,m mM_ Provided, That such location is suitable to the interests of navigation genes. . and receives the approval of the Secretary of War and the Chief of m¥g**""“‘*‘“**""°‘ Engineers. The said bridge, when built in accordance with the provisions and requirements of this Act. shall be a legal and lawful structure, and may be used for railway and highway purposes. asfgfgerfgggg @2* *0 Sec. 2. That the bridge authorized to be constructed under this Act ’shall be located and built under and subject to such regulations for the security of navigation of said river as the Secretary of War shall