Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/704

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638 FIFTY—SEVENTH corzoanss. sm,. 1. cn. 1361. 1902. provided for, and said head chief shall thereupon, and in the presence of the agent in charge of said tribe, proceed to execute said deeds, and when the same are executed they shall be delivered to the United States Indian agent in charge of said tribe, and it shall be his duty to see that said deeds are properly delivered to the members entitle to MM? dm the same: Prmgided, That a separate deed shall be givento each member Recording asm. for the lands conveyed as a homestead: Prov' further, That 1f, fo1· any cause, any member of said tribe is unable to receive his or he1· deed, then it shall be the duty of such United States Indian agent to see that such deed is progerly recorded with the register of deeds for the cpupty in Oklahoma erritory to which the Kansas Reservation is ' attac e . $°°*°°¤'>’°“¤*°'*°’ Sec. 6. All deeds shall be a roved by the Secretary of the Interior, w mmm dads which approval, and the signifi of the same by the head chief, shall operate as a relinquishment to the individual member of all the right, title, and interest of the United States and of the Kansas O1' Kaw tribe of Indians (as a tribe) in and to the lands embraced in his or her deed. All disputes between the members of said tribe as to the right of possession in the selection of homesteads shall be adjudicated and settled b the United States Indian agent in charge of said tribe, subject to tlie approval of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. - $¤¤¤<>l ¤¤¤¤¤— Sec. 7. There shall be set aside and reserved from selection or allotment one hundred and sixty (160) acres of land, including the school and agency buildings, to conform to the public survey, which said one hundred and sixty (160) acres of land said tribe ce es to the United States, including the improvements; and the United States rees to maintain a school for the education of children of Indian blodilgat said ‘ place for the period of ten (10) years, and as much Imager as it deems necessary, the land and impgovernents to be subject to nal disposition Gemmrr- by Congress. Said land s ll be exempt from taxation. There shall be reserved from allotment twenty (20) acres of land, including the present cemetery, to be used as a cemetery, and the same shall be exempt from taxation. There shall be reserved from allotment eighty (80) acres, including the dwellings now used by agency trader, and other buildings at said agency not used by the employees of the Government, which said eighty (80) acres shall be set aside as a town site §,f,§’;f}§,$;,_ which shall be surveyed and laid otf into town lots. The lots in said town site are to be sold at public auction to the highest bidder, under such rules and re ulations as may be prescribed b_y the Secretary of the Interior, and the proceeds of said sale, after deducting the cost of _ the survey and sale, s all be placed in the Treasury to the credit of said Qgmn Ofbm Indians: Provideel, That the Secretary of the Interior may reject any Pigrgirnse of im- and all bids for such town lots: Prom: ed_]‘i¢rMe4·, That if any member "°`°' ° "‘ of said tribe is in possession of any town lot or lots, and has any building and other improvements thereon, he shall have the right to urchase one lot sevent -five (7 5) feet wide by one hundred and sixty (T60) feet deep, including his or her improvements, at such price as the council of said tribe may fix on the lots, exclusive of improvements: Pra- T·¤ ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤· vided, That the lots unsold shall be exempt from taxation as long as the title remains in the tribe. ,,,,m {_’}',j*d;f*'*S‘°“ °’ Sec. 8. The funds of said tribe, including the one hundred and thirty-five thousand dollars ($135,000) due said tribe under the treaty VOL ”· P- 8** of June 14, 1846 (see Ninth U. S. S., page 842); the Kansas school fund, amounting to twenty-seven thousan one hundred seventy-four V¤*·2*·l>·7°- dollars and forty-one cents ($27,174.41) (see 21st U. S. S., page 70), and the Kansas general fund, amounting to twenty-six thousand nine hundred sevent -eight dollars and eighty-nine cents ($26,978.89), derived from the sale of lands in Kansas and all other moneys now due, or that may be found to be due said Indians; all money that may be received from the sale of their lands in Kansas, the money received