Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/1108

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2404, INDEX. Bingham, Wdliam, NSS- I Black Biyer, N K, _ _ P¤8€· payment of French spoliation claim to ad- _ prehminary exammatxon of mouth of, to ministrator of ... , 788 I be made ... _ , . 1153 " Biological Survey Bureau, Department of Agri- , Black Ru·er,tQhui1, _ e nt of 495; 1194 culture, appropria ion or 1mprov me . ., appropriation for salaries .__.._.,,, 290, 877 Blacg Rael; flarbor, 1\; K, or general expenses . _ . 1 . 290 ,877 appropriation for IHIPIOVCHICDB of; confor preventing transportation of illegally tracts  : . 1120 killgdrgning ______________,___., 290, 877 for 1mprovement of Lake IBNB 6H· _ for care of elk on forest reserves ... 290 trance . ... 494, 1195 Birch, _Ge0rge C., tunnel under, for Buffalo water supply, 84% B?-§“"‘é°“dL?°’?°°%“"> ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1*5 Black s.,..t““”“‘l¥‘,i$y?,‘Stp, ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ OT ld CW OU'} , » p _ 5_ _ _ tpehsion 1826 appropriation for mvqghgghng extraction - Bird, Frederick A., of mjnggeral vglggg of _______________ ]_]_8, pepsicreased ..._,,,. ,_ ,.._ _ ,_,,___, 2038 Black Warrim ipgr A qq Birdsalltjrjfcthn, _ _ appropriation fdr improvement of; payment of Court of Claims judgment todredge ._ ..,.,,,.,, 494,112S,1195 administrator of __,_ · ,,,__,,_,,___. 7 60 bridge authorized across, between Greene Birmingham, Columbus and Saint Andrews _ and Marepgp counties, Ala 1261 1tailroad_Com£any, ID Tuscaloosa unt? . .._..,-_ .. 63 may bridge Saint ndrews Bay, Grumy Blackberry, Kentucky an West Virginia Coal B· · »}°°’“'b$"Z;‘t" ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 5*9 y b“’5‘§c°¥.€‘,‘i~°Z"i“£l’B· sm River arming am g n ma I1 r lg y approprlaélgn for odnsul at  ; 7;, 922 Bla kf miear Maléenvgan, W. Va 238 or lr ire ,926 c ed gcncy iam Bishop, (hganville H, Bappropiliiation fczfuliilling treaty with. 196, 1052 nsion increased ... 1602 luclgfed gency ont., Biirliop, Lemuel ·appropriation lor Indian agent at . 190, 1048 payment of Iirench spoliation claim to ad- , Richard P., ministratrlx of ... 790 lpzylmeut of Court of Claims judgment to. - 753 Bohhop, M, B ater Bay, Fla:, pension increased ... 1755 appropr1ation for 1mprovement of 1127 Bishop, Mary A. (widow), _ Oreck, Va., _ pension increased ... 1297 prehmmary examination of, to be made. - 1155 Bismarck, N Dale., Blackwater River, Fla., locatiojri ofdlndian school changed from 25 Blalppgoprigiopmtor improvement of 1127 lan anto ... 2 e, er LLaliaaLeviW{Moar Bissell and Company, _ _ [pension increased-; ...,.,,_.,_,,,,,__ 1,, 1502 payment of ourt of Claims judgment to B aclcwell, Solomon L.,

urviving partner of ... 764 lpayment to ...,,.,_,,__,___________ _ 805

Bitner, Benton D., B air, John, pension increased .. .. . .. 1334 pension increased _,,,__ , ________________ 1994 Better Root Forest Reserve, Idaho and Mont., B ir, John A., lands excluded from, and restored to the lpensiou increased ,,,,,__________ _ _______ 1532 public domain 2373 B aiadell, Edward, _ Bitter Root Valley, jllont., _ [pension increased ___,______________ _ ____ 1396 patents Er c<:8r§a.1n landsm, confirmed and B ake, Charles, · v 'da . ... 151 ymentto . 1725 Birler, George L., Blriice, Florence Emery (widow), Blpelnngrégpcrmmd ... 1474 Bpension increased. .. 1802 ac , . lamer, D. W payment of Court of Claims judgment to duplicate bohds issued to 1985 executors of  ; . 748 Blanchard, George Wi, Black, Andrew, nsion increased ...,... 1352 pension increased ... 1371 Blggchard, George W, B k, Charles IL, _ nsion increased 1629 lpayment of Court of Clauns judgment to . 752 Blgsuon, Benjamin, B Mk D¢¤{h,_ _ _ payment oi Court of Claims judgment to _ spproxzzatron for prevention of er;6 1170 Br h Padmmnstmtor of .. 769 mrc , ig t, eter, Black, Jane M (widow), payment of French spolintion claim to adion increased ... . ... 1813'st, to f _________ _ Blrjzffhmn W., Y Blind, mm1 ra r o , ... 786, 787 Bl5;2¤¤1?;l;1¤6f%¤€d ---..-----·... . 1351 reading rmatter éor, may be sent free by r' ID3 § ·f .,,,,,,_____ ____ __ ‘ ,.,,.,,,_,m,;)., of mm Mum m W B,,,,.,,,, $.,,.,Z°" ‘ 31* Black Rim, Ark. the ``````````'``````B E’°"“‘°“ *0** “‘°'°“?°d ··-----------·----- 163 appmmdon for improvement of; con- Télygmggrg (“"d°'”-')» 1887 ts -. .. 1131 1195 ·····—·-·------ - -·---·- Black River, Ark. and Mo., 7 · Bliss, James, - appropriation for improvement of ._,_ 1132 ‘ pension increased ..,,,_______________ _ _ _ 1476 Black Bwqr. N C-. = Bliss, Lola E., formerly Motley-, appropriation for improvement of ,__,____ 1125 pension ________________________________ 2038