Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/1154

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2450 1NDEX. Excise Board, D. C1, P¤8°· Facing Slip8,_¢¢c·, P08¢ql§'¢1‘vi¢¢, P“g°· appropriation for salaries` .. 364, 885 appropriation for printing 1 ... 435, 1087 may permit] opening oi restaurants, etc., 1287 iwiemcy ag>](n·opriatioxb og printing, etc. 1238 Marc 51905 Fa toc an om any . . Executive Deparhnenta, refund of internafrevenue tases to ... 807 cost of electric plants to be reported to Fahneslock, Albree and Company, Congress ...,. 398 payment of Court of Claims judgment to ‘ prohibition on use of horses, etc., not ap- _ executor of surviving partner of 764 phcable to heads of . 142, 687 Fair Haven, Maas., Executive Expenses, 7 2 preliminagy examination of harbor, to be 1152 appropriations for . 9 ,64 ma o .E:cecut~it·e Mansion D. C., Fbirbrass, Frederick L, · appropriation fdr improving grounds south pension increased ... 1503 of ,_,.__,... , . 490,1191 Fairchild, John G., for improving grounds ,,,.. 491, 1192 pension increased ... 1462 for care, repairs, etc ... 492, 1192 Fairex, Daniel. for fuel ,,.. . . -. . , . 492, 1192 payment of Court of Claims judgment to for greenhouses, etc 492, 1192 administratrix of . 750 Et for ighting .,. 492,1192 Fairfax, E, 778 ecutive Office, · paymen to appropriation for Secretary to the Presi- Fairneld Customs Collection District, Conn., dent, assistants, clerks, etc ... 97, 642 Norwalk made subport of entry ..,... 629 for contingent expenses .. 97, 642 Fairhead, George B., for printing and binding ... 512,1213 pension increased ... 1611 deficiency appropriation for contingentFairport, Qhio, exfpenses . 15 appropriation for improvement of harbor. 1134 details o Department, etc., employees for Falconer, Abraham, Eu H teéplpomgy zervice in, allowed .. 642 paymeI1$;1>§81s`l~r;etr:;’:h):poliati0u claim to ad- 789 cu ve ce, . ., appropriatiorixgfor Commissioners, secre;63 884 Emchcr, Erwin, tary, e ... pension 2005 for clerks, etc., paid from general ap- ’ Famhaw, Aaron, · propriations . _ - . — . . . 884 pension increased . r . 1796 mmm Regina- of the Uma smei,11eo- Fxvynggywmgyoghjlvpgwwi 150 1909 e e .. mma pi-fum; distribution 2085 F·¤¤¤»_9'·ark¤ 0-- 1568 Ewrwimcnwl (gardens, ac., Depmmem of hgzgslgf Rfk -··—-·-----—-~——·---·-· Agnbulure, a · ·. . ·i . . . 1., . .. p ropriation for public building . 454 11o “l;P’f’P“‘;?°g *°' °‘P°““°“ ···-·--·---- 28* B") 3 b¤%ge§uth};,,i,,,RiIac,0SS lied Rive,. of the ’ ' 0·‘m‘¢’8» · - • l rt ,to1 h f . 1Z0 punishment fhr placing, near buildings, 2 ; Fm.gw_ (y,,?,-Oy, mr em mm W CMS, N58h10S. 9 -----·-----—·---·- 103- feeisim ile patent to, Omaha allottee ., 1068 Evplosirea, Dan ermm, Rxrlcy, Tlmmas P., l10i P0l'mltW<fo¤ PG-B88D3G!' Bf9km6m . 1031 ; F pension liiivreaslgrlz _ _1_1_ _ _) ________________ 1746 Exprem (bmp,,,,;" I urmen, ('rarity . . wu mr , ' punishment for Pending, etc., obscene lit- y p¢¤¤1¤¤_¤¤<‘¤‘v¤wgd ... HM erigure by, extended to exporting l F“p'"é’:;'iblS';;:9* "·· 2059 ` Fl. . ... "U5······· 3 ······· · ~-·-··· ‘ Emu S€;_?Lm1;~u;§;";]EM I Farmers and .'|Ie<·hanica’ National Bank, Egtrdemd for lggrembczg, 1903 _ _ _ _ n _ _ I _ _ 2319 Péiwpage lpeninwtg to bg issued t0_ _ 1405 m on 0 w ’ I appro riationf<;rpreparing,printin ,etc. 291,878 Ejjf,j‘?,.‘°’ "‘“‘°‘* ‘*· ****5 ·---·------····—- 2388 dgtribption of C,-,,,g,8.,i.,.,,¥ ,11,591 878 .· . . . , , 5 men ..

  • PPl`°l;:¥£*;l{)£‘;:‘1’¤nU¤8 h°m° c¤¤n¤¤1¤70 918 i for additional assistants, etc . 291; 878

,__-__·______________ ’ 1 ' deficieplpy appropriation for @08 8¤d @$25 1254 ‘ 1‘I;';,7pg;£pifi7;,`i2;.>t1:il¢i·iir report, etc., upon 294, 882 my bringing imma ¤ii1ii}iI1LZIZ`:§s3~i§ izuf 1257 = “,,€’ '“,,,,“,°,,',{";,,,,,‘Q}`,Q°§’,,"',,F" _ _ ________ 1852 provisions of Revised Statutes, as m, ex- i F,,,,,,,,,,,,, A7- H_, · ········ tended Philippine Islands .·-.-- 598 i payment of Court of Claims judgment to . 766 Ertradition. Treaties, 3 Ivhry-, L’l§qh, with Brazil ----------··. 2091 l pension increased ,.. 1340 with Cuba .,,,,, 226.5 E Ibn-, Georg W,, protocol, amending Spanish text .. .. 2273 i pension uicregggd _______________________ 1479 with Guatemala .,_.,,,,_,,__,,_ 2147 l 1,;,,.,.,,11 Edmwd J with P;$;h¤rl==·¤d¤· ¤¤*¤¤di¤2i *0 ¤<>l¤¤i¤¤, 2257 S land’on siitzm of-llarlem Rim, New York, ···············-·~~··--·-··—-- ‘ qui laimed to .,,,..,___ _ ____, 1833 · Farrell, Mary (widow) F, i . · { PGI1H10B . ... 1491 Phbianandladigm E; ·ll_0;m K`}; dg; payment of Court, of Claims judgment to peiiasiitted ilonexcaivage? etc. ,'iigj'•iiiiing army ¤¤1'V1V1¤8 P•!'l¤¤¤!' ·--··----------.. 771 i building, Saint Paul, Mimi ,,,,. .-. 613