Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1100

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1070 FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 2508. 1907. usré og cade§s;]and for contingent expenses, one thousand two hundred an t irt ol ars; For thb preparation of plates, purchase of paper, and for binding and incidental expenses for text-books in the subjects of topography, ·cartogra hy, and reconnoissance; building construction; engineerin gui meclianical drawing, now in course of preparation, three hundred ol ars; D°P”‘””°“‘°*’“°‘*‘ For de artment of modern lan es: For stationery, text·books, mu Es' and bookgof reference for use of gidtrguctors, for repairs of books and apparatus and for office furniture, and for printing examination papers, an otherhneseigrry papers, and for contingencies, five hundre and ninety-ei t o rs; _uI$¤Bau¤:¤¤¤¢ <>f iw For degartment of law and history: For stationery, text-books, and "` books of reference for the use of instructors, maps, map fixtures, furnitprée, and fior repairs tp thEsarpeé(§<g· riipinding books and periodicals, an or con in encres, ve un r o rs; ,,,£‘f*’j';§{{‘,§§.‘,$ °§§‘,';§j For departrrinnt of practical military engineering: For purchase and ¤¤¤fi¤s· repair of ipstruments; transportation; purchase of tools, implements, ‘ and materials, and for extra-duty pay of engineer soldiers, as follows, namely: For rnstrumerrts for use in instructing cadets rn making reconnoissances; photographic apparatus and material for field photography; drawing instruments and material for platting recpnnoissances; surveying instruments; instruments and material for signaling and Held telegraphy; transportation of iield parties; tools and material for the preservation, augmentation, and retpair of wooden pontoon, and one canvas pontoon train; splpfping an mining tools and material; rope; oordage; material for ts and for spar and trestle bridges; intrenching tools; tools and material for the re air of Fort Clinton and the batteries of the academy, and for extra-dbty pay of engineer soldrers, at nfty cents per day each, when performing special skilled mechanical labor in the department of practical military engineering; for models, books of reference, and stationery, and for extra pay of one engineer soldier as assistant in photographic laboratory, and in charge of photographic laboratory, photograp ic apparatus, materials, and supplies, at fifty cents per day, two thousand dollars; mlQ,°éeP•:n"3;Q,*ng§,:y¥°‘ For department of ordnance and gunncry: Purchase and repair of ` instruments, models, and apparatus, and purchase of necessary material; for the purchase of samples of arms and accouterments other than those supplied to the military service; for books of reference, textgbooks, stagionerlgy, alnddlithepgréaphécHprinting materials, and for con mgencies, our un re an ti ty dollars; Manufacture or purchase of models of breech mechanisms of cannon, _ rapid—fire guns, small arms, and the various machines and tools used gn Bheir manufacture, for cadet instruction, one thousand two hundred o ars; - _ For purchase of machines, tools, and material for ractical instructions of cadets in wood and metal working, five hundred dollars; mg?g;*gg:;°°*m**· For department of military hygiene: For stationery, text—books, ' ‘ and books of reference for use of instructors; for the preparation of plates, purchase of paper, and other expenses incidental to the printrng of syllabuses o lectures on parts of the subject not covered by the regular text-books; for the purchase of charts, photographs, and pictures for use rn demonstration; for the purchase of instruments End lmodglsghaércilfor contingent expenses not otherwise provided for, ve un r dollars; L¤¤*¤¤- Ft; a cougsp of fctulreslfprahe more complete instruction of cadets, one . thousand wo un re dollars; ~ In all, for current and ordinary expenses, one hundred and sixteen thousand two hundred and forty-eight dollars.